Linshui County, Phoenix Hotel.

Two old friends for many years almost got into a fight over a steamed bun with chives and shrimps.

In the end, one person broke off half of it and ate it.

Cheng Jianfeng and Nie Hui were half lying on the chairs, savoring the wonderful taste of the steamed buns just now.

"Lao Cheng, you are not kind, you want to grab the last bun from me!"

"You also said that you should leave some for me, but I didn’t even eat the fried rice!"

"You can eat it every day. I came all the way here, so why can’t you let me enjoy it?"

"I went to the Anlu County Market three times to buy it. You don’t even know how popular that steamed bun stall is!"


The two of them chatted about Li Xia's steamed bun stall with great interest.

Nie Hui raised his eyebrows slightly,"You mean, you want that boss Li to go to your shop to start a bun shop?"

"He hasn't agreed yet, he wants to see the shop first"

"Let me go, if you really opened a steamed bun shop at your place, wouldn't you be able to eat steamed buns every day?"

"of course!"

Nie Hui's mind turned around and he suddenly said excitedly:

"It's a pity that someone with such good skills opens a small bun shop. It's better to work as a chef in my high-end hotel. Now the buns made by that chef have dry, cracked and yellow skin, and the filling inside tastes greasy. Compared with Boss Xiao Li’s steamed buns, there’s a world of difference!"

Nie Hui was excited just thinking about it. If Li Xia went to his place to make steamed buns, customers might stay in his hotel just to eat the steamed buns.

By then, the hotel's business would definitely increase.

"A small bun shop?!"

Cheng Jianfeng was not happy. All of Lao Nie's wishful thinking was blamed on Boss Li. He is indeed a profiteer, and there is no business without profiteering!

"How could Boss Li work as a cook in your shabby hotel? He must be the boss of his own restaurant!"

"A small hotel? You call one of the best hotels in the provincial capital Xiaopo Hotel? I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to you. Where is Boss Li's bun stall? I'll go find him myself."

"Are you thinking shit, I'll tell you?"

Nie Hui's eyes widened angrily.

Two people with a combined age of more than a hundred years were about to fight again.


Shangrong Village.

Half past six in the evening.

Several villagers sat by the millstone under the old tree, enjoying the coolness and chatting.

The gossip they talked about was mainly about Li Xia's family.

The once most disliked street kid has now become a good husband and father, and everyone is surprised.

In particular, Li Xia is now the only one in the village who goes to the county to do business, and can still make a lot of money. aroused the envy and jealousy of many people

"Sister Wang, what did Li Xia’s family next door to you cook for dinner today?"

Wang Guifen said:"Hey, we finally stopped having dinner today. We had tomato and egg noodles, but the noodles were cooked very fragrant. Living next door to their house is such a hardship. I'm so greedy!"

"Good guy, if you eat refined grains every day, you don’t have to worry about big fish and meat. You don’t know how to save a little, and you don’t know how to live."

"Come on, if I can earn twenty or thirty yuan from selling fish every day, I will also eat meat every day. It’s better to save more than to earn more, don’t you think?"

"I heard that Li Xia's family was going to build furniture and invited Wang Mazi to come over. Wang Mazi was so lucky. He had a meal of delicacies from all over the world for lunch, and there were also steamed buns before leaving, tsk tsk tsk!"

"Why! Mazi Wang! How many pieces of furniture did you make for Li Xia's family? Did you earn a lot of money from the work?"

Wang Mazi ate five of Li Xia's steamed buns for dinner and drank some wine. He felt comfortable all over. He walked over in a red vest and green pants.

"Wages? I'm going to give Li Xia a job and ask for his salary."

Several villagers were shocked.

"Are you helping Li Xia?"

Wang Mazi nodded,"No.

He shook his head again and sighed:"This kid Li Xia's carpenter skills are no worse than mine.""

"At first, he came to me to borrow tools. He wanted to build furniture by himself. Later, I followed him and saw, Oh boy, that guy really knows how to do it!"

"After we go to Shangrong Village, we will have more than one craftsman!"

Wang Mazi is very convinced of Li Xia now.

Not only his carpentry skills, but also his cooking skills.

Li Xia's cooking skills are more than enough to be a chef in those big restaurants.

Everyone was surprised. Li Xia's cooking skills As for his craftsmanship, I was mistaken before. How much ability does that kid have?

A few people were discussing.

Suddenly, a gray and powerful pedal tricycle rushed over.

The speed was quite fast.

Duoduo struggled hard Stepping on the pedal, Nuannuan cheered her sister up from behind.

"Hello, grandparents~!"

Duoduo raised her little hand and said hello to everyone, then swayed her little body, stepped on the tricycle, and continued to take her sister for a ride.

The villagers were stunned!

Is this...a tricycle?

Homemade wooden children's tricycle?! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


It’s so small and delicate!

Running pretty fast!

There's room for two people!

This, this... must have been made by Li Xia, the father of the two babies!!

Well done!

It seems that Li Xia's craftsmanship is indeed better than that of Wang Mazi. Wang Mazi did not lie.

In the village.

Sister Cai's little tiger son, his uncle made him a wooden pistol with a red belt tied to the handle, making him look majestic when playing.



"I am a sharpshooter warrior~!"

The little tiger put the wooden pistol on his waist, it looked so majestic and squeaky.

The son of Mr. Zhao, the niece of Mr. Liu... a group of children surrounded the little tiger, arguing and wanting to play with the toy pistol.

The little tiger refused to give it

"`No, no, I haven’t had enough fun myself. My uncle made this for me. Let your adults do it for you, but I won’t give it to you.~!"

Little Huzi hid the wooden pistol in his clothes, keeping it dear.

At this moment.

A small tricycle drove over with a small windmill stuck in the front.

The small windmill whirled in the wind!

The eyes of several children were instantly attracted.




"Look~! It's a tricycle~!"

"So cool~!"

"It’s actually a tricycle! I've seen it in the provincial capital before. It's very interesting.~!"

"Duoduo, Nuannuan, is this your tricycle? So beautiful~!"

Duoduo made a direction and stopped the tricycle, but she couldn't bear to leave the seat.

"Yes~! Dad made it for us~! So fun~!"

The little kids were so envious that they were drooling (Nuo Hao).

"Wow~! Your dad is really awesome~!"

"It’s so awesome~! The tin tricycles I saw in the provincial capital can only seat one person, but your tricycle can seat two people, wow wow wow.~!"

Hearing compliments from other children, Duoduo and Nuannuan were naturally very happy.

"My dad is awesome~!"

"Daddy is so annoying~! Look~! This little windmill was also made by Daddy.~!"

"I also want to be your father's daughter~!"

"No, that's our dad, not yours~!"


A group of children were chattering and circling around the tricycle.

The handsome little tiger boy who was originally armed with a wooden pistol suddenly lost his popularity.


His wooden pistol fell to the ground along his trouser leg, and Xiao Huzi forgot to pick it up.

His eyes were completely attracted to the tricycle.

This tricycle... is so cool~!

Xiao Huzi’s wooden pistol no longer smells good at all!


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