I'm a Vampire God

2 The Precinct and My Future... Part 1

We made it into the car and were now heading to the precinct. Yumi and her partner keep giggling up there; I wonder what they're talking about? I found myself staring out into the city as we made our way to our destination. The night sky seemed clearer, and darker then I can remember. Wait. I'm seeing green, blue and red stars everywhere. This can't be possible, I've only ever seen a bunch of white stars at night. And the moon... why is the moon green?! I need to ask some questions pronto.

"Yumi, I have some very important questions; what is the name of our country, and what is the world called?" I looked at Yumi tense as all hell, and praying that I'm right. Yumi let out a sad sigh, then told me, "The name of our country is Brittania. The world is called Midgard. What else do you want to know?" I nodded my head calmly, and told her that was all I needed to know at the time. I'm so happy right now, that I feel like I could cry. Suddenly, a cool feeling started from my heart and rapidly spread throughout the rest of my body.

Next thing I knew, I felt calm, focused, and in control. Okay, so the world I'm in is an alternate Earth in the multiverse, and I'm betting there are monsters and magic in this world. I looked at Yumi and asked her, "What was the hardest thing you've fought, and how high would you say it ranked level wise?" Yeah I know, I snuck in a gamer phrase, but I don't regret it.

Yumi looked at the rear view mirror and smiled awkwardly, then she said, "It's kind of embarrassing but the strongest monster I've fought was only a level 5 goblin swordsman. I've had very little experience with monsters, and certainly never with divine and magic beasts." I was surprised by her answer, but I smiled at her warmly and said, "It's fine, I had no idea monsters even really existed. So you're completely fine right now. Are we almost there?"

As I turned my eyes to the window; I noticed a building with a sign outside that said, "Welcome to Port Washington Southside Precinct". So don't miss this place... this.. town. Drinking until 6 a.m., and every woman seems to own a white Escalade, and wears a few thousand dollars in clothes on the daily. Anyway, we're here, so it's time to get out of the car.

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