Chen Shihan in front of him, his expression is still so indifferent, but he hasn’t seen it for a long time, and his figure seems to be better.

Although the scale is a little worse than Cheng Jinjin, Chen Shihan’s height is a little shorter than Cheng Jinjin, so the overall proportion is not lost at all!

Chen’s father and Chen mother have excellent genes, they were handsome and beautiful when they were young, and Chen Lang’s facial features even combined the advantages of the two into one, so he seemed very demonic.

And Chen Shihan, although he is not biological, his appearance also completely follows the “rhythm” of the Chen family’s indifferent expression cannot hide the exquisiteness of his facial features.

I still remember that when I was a child in school, my sister’s suitor was also one more horse.

However, Chen Lang knows that Chen Shihan in front of him is also one of the future heroines, and after falling in love with Ye Chen, he will find that he is not his own, so he naturally turned to the side of “justice” and helped Ye Chen do a lot of things against him.

However, that is all a follow-up plot.

“Isn’t it, you want to fight with me as soon as you meet?”

Chen Lang got out of the car and loaded the salute, and then opened his arms,

“Dear sister, I haven’t seen you for a long time, don’t you come to hug your brother?”

Chen Shihan rolled his eyes,

“Get out!”

Opened the door and got directly into the co-driver of the sports car.

Chen Lang hugged a lonely, but he was not surprised, and drove directly out of Nanjiang Airport in a sports car and drove to the Imperial Palace Villa.

“Eh, Shihan, isn’t it time to graduate yet? Why did you come back so early? ”

“Because I have taken enough credits, I graduated early.”

“Oh, what’s next?”

“Wait for Nanjiang University to open, go to Nanjiang University for graduate school!”

“Search for death.”

That’s the right thing.

Now Chen Shihan appears a little earlier than in the original book, but the future direction is the same.

“Otherwise, why do you think I came to Nanjiang? Is it to see you stupid? ”

“Hehe, it makes sense, don’t say it next time.”

“I heard you’re married?”

“Yes, yesterday’s wedding, you didn’t come to your brother’s wedding, isn’t it a bit excessive.”

Chen Shihan took out sunglasses from his bag and put them on like Chen Lang.

The wind from the roadster blew her hair.

Hearing this, he smiled disdainfully: “Which woman can marry you blind.” ”

Chen Lang: “….”

This cheap old girl’s mouth is poisonous enough, you have to find a way to squash her.

After that, the two did not communicate much again.

However, Chen Lang’s divine sense always felt that Chen Shihan’s gaze behind his sunglasses always fluttered to his face.

A bit of a bad feeling.

Looking at Chen Lang, her back was a little cold, and she always felt as if she was holding something bad.

“Look, is your brother more handsome than the original?”

Chen Shihan pouted, turned his head to look out the window, looked at Chen Lang’s side face in the driver’s seat from the rearview mirror, Chen Shihan’s eyes became soft.

“Chen Lang, finally… See you again. ”

At this moment, Chen Shihan has a secret in his heart that only he knows!

She! It’s not Chen Shihan!

Or rather, her soul is not Chen Shihan!!!

Since she saw Chen Lang’s villain’s diary, the memories of the previous life in her mind have slowly awakened, and everything before has been recalled!

Her soul, in essence, is not a person from this world, but the heroine of Chen Lang’s last world!

She read Chen Lang’s diary and understood the original intention of many of Chen Lang’s actions in the previous life.

It turned out to be all about playing the villain and walking the so-called plot!

In the last life, she and Chen Lang couldn’t love it, although she had already fallen in love with Chen Lang in her heart, but the woman’s reservedness made her unable to speak, she has been waiting for Chen Lang’s confession, waiting for Chen Lang to say to her “I love you”!


In the end, what awaits is not a confession, but a farewell!

Chen Lang killed the male protagonist of that world with one sword, causing the sky thunder to fall, and at the last moment, she also threw herself into the thunder without hesitation! Follow Chen Lang to this world!

For Chen Lang, she has also made up a lot of online novels recently, knowing that this may be the so-called soul piercing.

And it was worn on Chen Lang’s sister.

What makes her happiest is that she and Chen Lang are not related by blood, which the original owner of the body has secretly investigated, which is also the reason why she is not close to Chen Lang.

Through the plot deviation said in the diary, being kissed by other heroines or something, Chen Shihan can easily judge that she does not have a diary alone, and other heroines may have them.

But! They don’t have a chance!

In the last life, she and Chen Lang couldn’t love each other, which eventually led to tragedy, since God gave her a chance to do it again, she definitely couldn’t let the tragedy happen again! With the identity of a sister, you can live in a house with Chen Lang in an upright manner, and you will get the waves first near the water!

The corner of Chen Shihan’s mouth hooked up a smile.

She had already formulated a policy before she came back, she couldn’t be reckless, and recklessness would be given in vain!

If Chen Lang discovers something, Chen Lang may deliberately alienate her in order to go through the plot! If you want to enter the village secretly, don’t shoot, quietly weave a net around Chen Lang and net Chen Lang!

As long as you plan well, you and other enchanting heroines have no chance! Soon, Chen Lang’s sports car returned to the villa at a gallop.

First put the luggage in the hall on the first floor, and took Chen Shihan around the villa.

On the third floor, when passing by Xiao Mingyue’s room, the door was closed, and Chen Lang casually introduced,

“This is your sister-in-law Xiao Mingyue’s room.”

Just skip it and go to the next room.

Chen Shihan pushed the door directly and entered.

Walking around the room, looking east and west, I nodded with satisfaction,

“Good, just choose this one!”


“This is a good location, the lighting layout is good, and it looks like it has been cleaned up, isn’t this just for me?”

“Don’t make trouble, this is your sister-in-law’s bedroom, people just moved in yesterday, you gave it to others?”

Chen Shihan asked with a strange face,

“Since it’s all my sister-in-law, shouldn’t they live in the same room with you?”

“Ah this…”

“Moreover, is this villa surnamed Chen or Xiao?”

“If the surname is Chen, then I can live in whichever room I want!”

“Because this is my home!”

What you said makes sense, I can’t even argue with it.

Then Chen Lang suddenly remembered, yes, if Xiao Mingyue knew that her bedroom was occupied, then with her arrogance, she would definitely not come to live again, but it was better!

In this way, it is convenient to find a reason to directly divorce the marriage in the future, and then through the blackening of the plot of kidnapping Xiao Mingyue, let the plot completely return to the right track, perfect!

“Okay! Shihan wants to live here, then live here, after all, she is my dearest sister Chen Lang! ”

“I’ll help you bring your luggage.”

As he was speaking, he found that Chen Shihan’s hand reached for the pajamas stacked on the head of the bed, the pajamas! It was what Xiao Mingyue wore yesterday, but it was tattered by his acting process.

Xiao Mingyue was neatly stacked at the head of the bed before leaving.


Chen Lang wanted to stop but it was too late, Chen Shihan had already unfolded his pajamas and looked at them, and then looked at Chen Lang with a shocked face,

“I live here, won’t it affect you?”


In the evening, the basement of the Imperial Mansion Villa.

One room was turned into a gym surrounded by some exercise equipment.

In the middle of the large open space, there are thin but soft mats, suitable for some yoga and other exercises.

At this moment, Chen Shihan was dressed in a jiu-jitsu suit, kneeling on the cushion, with a serious face.

Chen Lang, on the other hand, sat opposite him, with a weakening expression, obviously a sparring partner who was forced to pull in.

“Please advise.”

As soon as Chen Shihan’s voice fell, he pounced like a little tiger, dragging Chen Lang and starting to perform various jiu-jitsu joint techniques.

This kind of sparring is also a habit that the two have developed since childhood, born in a family like the Chen family, in addition to studying books, they will also learn a lot of confrontation sports.

Like boxing, karate, South American Jiu-Jitsu, etc., it strengthens the physique, exercises the will, and can also defend yourself.

However, this kind of sparring is often Chen Lang who is unilaterally bloodily abused and uses Chen Shihan as a sandbag.

After all, Chen Lang, who is a brother, still has to let his sister go.

After Chen Shihan and Chen Lang made a quick offensive and defensive switch, they quickly put their backs on the ground, their legs were like pythons, twisted around Chen Lang’s neck, and their feet were crossed and tightened behind Chen Lang’s head.

At the same time, his hand grabbed one of Chen Lang’s arms.

A standard Jiu-Jitsu triangle twist has been formed.

Chen Lang immediately patted the mat with his hand.

Chen Shihan let go of his hand and looked at Chen Lang with contempt,

“I haven’t seen you for a few years, why is it so inferior?” Didn’t you practice yourself? ”

Chen Lang rubbed his shoulders,

“Old arms and legs, when you were young?”

“Intensify practice, I don’t want to abuse vegetables, if you are so inferior, you are not worthy of being my sparring partner.”

Chen Lang rolled his eyes,

“When can you be a lady, so violent, be careful not to marry in the future!”

Chen Shihan ignored it, sorted out his Taoist clothes, and pounced again.

Chen Lang controlled the force, and at the same time controlled Xuan You’s battle body not to be stimulated to prevent him from hurting Chen Shihan.

Be honest as a sandbag.

If you do this level of physical contact jiu-jitsu training with other women, it will definitely feel strange.

But it’s nothing if it’s my sister’s words, this Chen Shihan must just want to simply abuse herself.

All used to it.

Soon, Chen Shihan broke through Chen Lang’s defense again, his body went around Chen Lang’s back, his arms were wrapped around Chen Lang’s neck, his elbows were against Chen Lang’s chin, and he was tightly attached to Chen Lang’s back, and his two hands were together.

Finished with a perfect bare strand.

Master Ma said that he could break naked while singing, but Chen Lang obviously didn’t have the courage to do so, so he could only obediently pat the ground.

And Chen Shihan behind him, in a position that Chen Lang could not see, there was no usual indifference in his eyes at this moment, and his eyes were like a clear spring, brewing complex feelings.

At the airport, when Chen Lang opened his arms to her, she did have a great urge to throw herself into his arms and tell her lovesickness.

But she couldn’t.

There’s no reason to hug, so it’s definitely reasonable to switch to this kind of Jiu-Jitsu sparring! If you can’t hug in the open, then get closer to you in another way…

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