Yu Sanbian's ears were very sharp, probably because he hadn't opened his eyes for a long time, so he heard the sound of metal clashing from a long distance.

Following the path, there was a cave in front of him, and the sound of fighting came from inside.

Li Xiaobai frowned, this place felt a little wrong. Logically, the place where the fighting sound came from should be outside the cave, and the treasures should have been taken away by Ou Yezi, and there was nothing worth robbing.

Why would they fight in such a place?

Everyone entered the cave, which was a little dark, with some red light flickering faintly, which looked out of tune with the beautiful environment outside.

"Is this also built by the Confucian and Taoist saint?"

Li Xiaobai frowned and asked, although he had little education, but this place had nothing to do with Confucianism and Taoism at a glance, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was the devil's way.

"Hey, you want to steal my treasure, go to hell!"

There was a crazy roar in the cave, and several monks were fighting and killing each other.

One of the monks held a long sword in his hand, not caring about his own injuries, and chopped all the way, cutting several monks around him into pieces.

"Hahaha, they are all dead, all dead, baby, it's mine alone!"

The monk laughed loudly, like a madman, threw down the long sword in his hand, and walked towards the open space on the side.

He scratched in the air for a while, as if he was looking for something.

Li Xiaobai saw it clearly, it was just an empty space, there was nothing but small stones.

"Is this guy fighting wits and courage with the air?"

Ji Wuqing was very confused.

"Brother Ji, this seems to be some kind of illusion. They are all deeply trapped in the illusion and mistakenly think that there is a treasure here, so they kill people to grab the treasure. There must be something here that confuses people's minds."

Yun Kun explained it very timely. Ji Wuqing is Li Xiaobai's pet and the object he wants to please.

"It's just an illusion, I don't even take it seriously." Yun Kun's face made Ji Wuqing very happy.

"No, I smell the smell of the meat mountain." Yu Sanbian's nose moved.

"This is demonic energy, which has the ability to corrode people's minds. If we stay here for a long time, we will also be affected." The young monk Liaowang said.

"Are you here to steal my treasure too?"

"Come and die!"

The monk heard the voices of several people talking and held a stone tightly in front of his chest.

He bent down to pick up the long sword, roared, and rushed towards Li Xiaobai's position, his eyes were bloodshot and his face was hideous.

Liaowang's expression changed, fearing that Li Xiaobai would make a move, he stopped the monk with a flash, pinched his fingers, and a layer of light golden halo enveloped the monk's bloodshot eyes slowly closed and fainted.

"Amitabha, this person's mind is occupied by demonic energy, and he must be sent out as soon as possible." Liaowang said.

"No need to be so troublesome, there is nothing that a Huazi can't solve."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, took out a Huazi, lit it, and inserted it into the monk's mouth. After a few breaths, the monk coughed a few times, took a big mouthful of Huazi, and woke up slowly.

"Ahem, what happened?"

"It was me, I killed them!"

The monk regained his mind, threw away the stone in his hand, and looked at the corpses on the ground with panic.

"Lucky, tell me what happened here, why did you go crazy?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"We brothers came in with the big guys. Nothing happened when we first came in, but slowly someone here suddenly lost his mind and went crazy. Several big guys also realized that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, and wanted to find the treasure quickly and then leave."

"Where are they?"

"They should still be deep in the cave."

"I saved your life, it's not too much to give me some reward, right?" Li Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"It's not too much. My life was saved by you. This space ring contains all my belongings. I'll give it to you. May I ask your name?"

"Li Xiaobai, who enjoys helping others."

The monk nodded, handed over the space ring in his hand, and then fled the cave without looking back.

Li Xiaobai counted them and nodded with satisfaction. There were many good things in the ring. He was worthy of being a monk who came to hunt for treasures. His foundation was solid.

"This Huazi actually has this function. I'm afraid we can be invincible here."

Yu Sanbian lit a Huazi and said lightly.

Everyone agreed. They puffed out clouds and smoke, and the demonic energy could not erode their minds at all.

"Donor Li, saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. We can use Huazi to save everyone in this cave. What do you think?" Monk Liaowang asked.

"Master is right. Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. Many monks are in trouble today.I, Li Xiaobai, who loves to help others, must save them from suffering!"

Li Xiaobai patted his chest, full of pride.

Monk Liaowang was a little unsure. According to his experience, Li Xiaobai would definitely cause trouble.

Everyone continued to move forward. With Huazi, they didn't have to worry about losing their minds. Several captives also turned out to be a blessing in disguise. After swallowing a few Huazi, they felt that their cultivation level and understanding of the techniques were better than before.

In just a few breaths, at least half a month of hard work was saved. Huazi was really magical!

At this moment, they secretly hoped that they could stay by Li Xiaobai's side.

On the way, they met All the monks were in a state of losing their minds, as if they were crazy.

Some monks slashed at each other with knives, while others fought wits and courage with the air alone, which looked very abnormal.

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward to resist the monks' attacks, took out Huazi and stuffed it into their mouths. The monks' eyes gradually became confused, and their minds were slowly recovering.

While they were dazed, Li Xiaobai took away their space rings very considerately.

He drew out his long sword and left a message on the ground with the sword's will.

"Li Xiaobai, who is happy to help others, no need to thank me, the money for buying your life has been automatically paid successfully, leave early. "

The monk Liaowang's face darkened, and he knew that the other party was going to make trouble. Saving people turned into a way to make money in this guy's hands. No wonder he was so active along the way. I really don't know what to say.

But after all, he saved people. Compared with wealth, life is naturally more important.

Continue to go deeper into the cave, and meet more and more monks, and their cultivation is getting stronger and stronger.

Li Xiaobai followed the same method, first checking the account balance of everyone, then saving people, and finally paying automatically.

The whole process is smooth, in his words, it is quite professional.

At this time, a battlefield appeared in front again, but this time it was a woman who was besieged.

A black skirt, slender legs constantly dodging, sexy red lips slightly pouted, seductive eyes like silk.

"The demon cult witch, everyone can kill her!"

"It seems that it's okay to have fun first, anyway, there is no one else here, no one will know, hehe..."

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