"Since you recognize her, it's easy. Tell me, what exactly happened to Guyue City?"

Li Xiaobai lifted Ouyang Yue'er's chin and said lightly.

Ouyang Yue'er's beautiful eyes trembled. As a descendant of the royal family and the Confucian and Taoist saints, she was born superior to others. Now she was kneeling in front of others. This was a great irony and humiliation.

"Stop it, don't be rude to the princess!"

Fang Guoshi shouted sternly. He was also unable to move, but as a cultivator of the princess's faction, he had to show his attitude at this time.

"What's the princess? If it were usual, I wouldn't bother to talk to her with her Yuanying stage cultivation. She doesn't even have the qualifications to clean the toilets in my sect. While I'm talking to you nicely, confess the truth quickly. Otherwise, let alone you, I will also arrest your king!"

Li Xiaobai looked ferocious and summoned the Blood Demon Yuanhua Tianzun. The power of this Yuanshen was average, but it looked quite intimidating.

The Blood Demon Yuanshen stood tall, blood surging around him, and his scarlet eyes stared straight at Ouyang Yue'er.

"The reason why Guyue City was blocked was because of Mr. Li's Tang Neng Yipin. After my father knew about this, he ordered the city to be blocked and the secrets in the bathhouse to be found. We questioned many people and finally learned that the boss of Tang Neng Yipin was Ye Liangchen, and the bathhouse was built by him."

Ouyang Yue'er judged the situation and told the whole story.

"So you arrested Situ Yanyu's family?"


"Where are they?"

"In the Imperial City Prison, my father will personally interrogate them!"

Ouyang Yue'er's eyes flashed with a strange look. She didn't know the exact strength of Li Xiaobai, but she knew that his cultivation was not as high as rumored by the outside world. He was able to make a big move only because there was an old man Tianwu standing behind him.

Seeing the Blood Demon's Yuanshen at this time, she became more determined in her mind. Although the other party crushed her, but looking at the size of the Blood Demon's Yuanshen, it would not exceed the cultivation level of the God Transformation Stage.

Her father and several great priests were all in the Tribulation Stage. If she brought the other party to her father, there would be no trouble at all.

"It would be better if you said no earlier. Tang Neng Yipin is my shop. If you want to use it, just pay the spirit stone. Why bother to explore its roots? We will all have opportunities to cooperate in the future."

Li Xiaobai said lightly. He was going to the Imperial City originally. He had to let the Lord of Zhenyuan come forward to discuss the business and let him release the people.

"Mr. Li, the emperor has not done anything bad to you, please let him go..."

Ouyang Shuang'er was at a loss at the moment. Everything was very different from what she had imagined. She originally thought that she was a princess and that it would be no problem to negotiate some business with Zhenyuan Kingdom with her status and position. She did not expect that since she met her elder sister, she had been repeatedly unsuccessful, and the elder ignored her. She was still like a small transparent person, and now she was even suppressed by the elder.

Moreover, the marriage made her feel confused and difficult to concentrate.

The emperor was the ruler of a country, and now she only hoped that Li Xiaobai would not let him kneel down.

"Little sister, Mr. Li came here for a deal, and it was inevitable that he would meet the emperor. He would make his own decision, and you don't need to say more!"

Ouyang Yue'er looked unhappy and was very angry. Her younger sister had always spoken to outsiders, and now she actually questioned the emperor's strength. Could it be that the cultivation of the Tribulation Period could not subdue a mere Li Xiaobai?

It's really short-sighted. Not only is the cultivation level low, but the horizons are also narrow.


Ouyang Shuang'er was angry and wanted to say something, but Li Xiaobai interrupted.

"Yes, it is necessary to meet your father. After all, the number of spiritual medicines in my hand is too large, and Miss Yanyu has to be released by him. She is in the Tribulation Period, right? I hope he can be more sensible."

Li Xiaobai opened everyone's mouths and fed them the elixir that sealed their cultivation one by one.

Ouyang Yue'er sneered in her heart. You can be arrogant now. If you can still laugh when you get to the palace, she will lose.

"You said before that people from Huolin Cave are here too?" Li Xiaobai asked suddenly.

"Huolin Cave has already married my little sister, and they have arrived in the imperial city in the past two days. But don't worry, Huolin Cave will not interfere in the affairs of Zhenyuan State."

Ouyang Yue'er said, she was worried that Li Xiaobai was afraid of Huolin Cave and was unwilling to take risks easily.

It turned out that she was overthinking. Li Xiaobai looked a little strange at the moment. He had just let the people from Huolin Cave go, and now he ran into them again. He didn't know what kind of mood they would be in when they met again.

"I have some friendship with Huolin Cave. This time I went there, it was a good opportunity to reminisce about the past." Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Let's set off without further ado, shall we, and head to the palace?"


After half an hour, there was an eldest princess on the Lamborghini.

Ouyang Yue'er was quite interested in this Lamborghini: "What kind of mount is this? It's so fast. This...By the time of cultivation, I am afraid it has exceeded the Nascent Soul stage, right? "

Li Xiaobai glanced at her, poverty limited the other party's imagination.

Ji Wuqing got out of the fuel tank, and it took away a lot of spiritual stones.

Ouyang Yueer was shocked: "What is this thing!"

"Hehe, you are a thing, your whole family is a thing!" Ji Wuqing combed his feathers, his face full of disdain.

"Boy, where did you get this girl, her face is full of dementia, she is startled, just like Ergouzi!"

"You chicken can actually talk! "

Ouyang Yue'er was shocked. Her Zhenyuan Kingdom also had monsters in captivity, and there were several monsters in the Nascent Soul stage, but they were unable to speak. Now this ordinary chicken can actually speak human words, and judging from the situation, it is quite intelligent.

"Hehe, it turns out that you have long hair but short knowledge. I am Ji Wuqing, the blood of the Immortal Phoenix. Are all the people in your Zhenyuan Kingdom so short-sighted? "

Ji Wuqing said lightly.

Ouyang Yue'er was furious, but she could only endure it because of her limited cultivation. When she arrived at the palace and saw her father, she must deal with these guys and make them suffer from the whipping!

Li Xiaobai lit a cigarette and smoked it.

After a while of puffing, Ouyang Yue'er's heart was in turmoil. Even if she only absorbed second-hand smoke, she could feel a clear mind in her body, her soul was much purer, and her cultivation was faintly enhanced.

What is this? The effect is stronger than the bathhouse. It's too magical!

"Mr. Li, what is in your mouth? It actually has the effect of improving comprehension and breaking through cultivation?" Ouyang Yue'er asked.

"Hehe, a bumpkin is a bumpkin. He doesn't even know Huazi. "

Ji Wuqing mocked first, and also lit a Huazi, smacking his lips.

The smile on Ouyang Yue'er's face froze. Even a chicken was living a better life than hers, and she had a treasure that could improve her cultivation at any time. Her mentality was a little unbalanced.

She reminded herself repeatedly in her heart that as long as she saw her father, she would be free to deal with this person and this chicken, and she would have to reveal any secrets at that time.

"This thing is called Huazi. I originally wanted to open a Huazi specialty store in Zhenyuan Country, but after seeing the situation in Guyue City, I feel that this matter needs to be considered in the long run..."

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