"Master, you are obsessed with appearances. Surface is not Buddhism. I just want to show the essence of things to the world, so that all donors can return to their original hearts."

Monk Liaowang shook his head slightly. In his opinion, Buddhism has lost its nature now. He wants to use himself to exchange for the Buddha nature of the monks.

"Hehe, Liaowang, it seems that you still don't understand. You are an alien. There is a saying that goes, those who are not of my race must have different hearts. Look at these monks, whether they are righteous or Buddhist, they all want you to die because you block everyone's interests!"

"Don't blame me. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for being too talented. Many people have already felt a sense of crisis, and Su Mei'er has always been our target. After you die, we will love her well!"

Monk Lingjue chuckled softly. Today he is just a genius who was pushed to the stage. Behind him, there are many Buddhist geniuses who are looking forward to Liaowang's death.

Although he didn't know why those Buddhist monks thought the same, he was most looking forward to seeing the opportunity to kill Wang and get Su Mei'er.

"You Buddhist disciples are simply scum. The so-called righteous people are just a group of people who seek fame. There are also some fake monks in the Western Desert. You are the real beasts in human clothing!"

"My master is on the way. When she comes, you will all die!"

Su Mei'er roared angrily. She hated herself for being powerless and hated Monk Wang for not fighting.

She had a chance to escape, but because she couldn't let go of Wang, she wanted to rescue him and was captured. Wang had no intention of leaving from beginning to end. This made Su Mei'er angry the most. All her good intentions were left to the air.

"Hehe, if your master really comes, we will take her together, and you two will fly together!"

Lingjue sneered, touched Su Mei'er's back fiercely without leaving a trace, and turned away.

"This is the demonic woman, the Holy Maiden of Hehuan Sect, Su Meir. This demon woman is entangled with this demon monk. For cultivators of our generation, it is our duty to subdue demons and defend the Way. Today, I have decided to put these two people into the mirror world together to test their character!"

Song Zhong said lightly, and a trace of passion flashed in his eyes when he looked at Su Meir.

This woman has a special physique and is a good cauldron. If he can combine yin and yang with her, even he can improve his cultivation to a higher level.

The reason why some high monks in Wanfo Country handed over the Golden Light Mirror to the Cangtian Sect was just to find a reason to suppress Wang and get Su Meir in a legitimate way, so as to avoid being criticized.

"Amitabha, everything depends on Donor Song."

Old Monk Yuanjue smiled and said slowly, looking at Wang and Su Meir with a mixture of teasing and passion.

The fate of these two people is related to the interests of many people, including his Wanfo Temple.

The resources allocated by the Wanfo Kingdom every year are limited. As the saying goes, there are too many monks and too little porridge, and the competition is already fierce. At this moment, this monk Lewang has emerged and has become famous. If he is allowed to develop, the other party is likely to take a share of the resources allocated by the Wanfo Kingdom in the future.

An uncontrolled Buddhist genius competes with the monks for resources, which is intolerable for the Wanfo Temple.

The best way is naturally to eliminate the genius. This kind of business has been done a lot in the West Desert over the years.

Frame up, hire someone to assassinate, as long as it can guarantee their own interests, the genius, die, die.

"Please ask for the golden mirror!"

Song Zhong pinched the seal with his hands, and the golden mirror slowly glowed. A chaotic mist appeared in the void, and a small world was vaguely constructed inside. This is an illusion that sharpens the mind.

The other monks crossed their arms and had a playful look on their faces. The golden mirror was in their hands, and Lewang had no choice but to obey.

After the big guys have enjoyed Su Meier, they might even give them a few more games. Just thinking about it makes people excited.

On the high platform, Su Meier's face was full of coldness.

"Monk, why don't you leave?"

"Amitabha, these people have fallen into the wrong path. If they continue like this, they will commit serious sins. I want to save them from the sea of ​​suffering."

Monk Liaowang said slowly.

"These people are hopeless. Their minds are full of evil thoughts. What's more, you are only in the stage of transformation of spirit. What can you do?"

Su Meier was angry. This monk was stubborn and didn't understand what people said.

"To influence the world, you don't need to cultivate. As long as you have a Buddha's heart, even a stubborn stone can be enlightened. I have sealed my cultivation. Today, I will use Buddhism to save your innocent hearts!"

Liaowang said loudly. This was for Su Meier to hear, and also for many righteous people to hear. He firmly believed that his attitude in the face of difficulties would surely resonate with these people.

As soon as these words came out,The place became much quieter. The monks did not appreciate the gesture, but looked at Monk Lewang as if he was a fool.

"Is this monk stupid? He dared to seal his cultivation after entering the illusion?"

"Isn't this just asking for his life?"

"Hehe, it seems that this monk has given up resistance. He is talking nonsense. Let's see how he will make a fool of himself when he enters the illusion!"

"After all, he is a demon monk. Suppress him quickly to save us from wasting time."

"That's right, we are here for this demon girl!"

Li Xiaobai listened to the words of the monks around him and shook his head slightly. Monk Lewang has not changed at all. He is still as naive as before.

Apart from making his situation in the illusion more dangerous, there is no benefit in sealing his cultivation. Even if Lewang survives the crisis safely, these righteous people will find other reasons to suppress him directly.

It can be said that the ending of Lewang today has been decided early. Lewang must die, and Su Meir must be taken away by the righteous leader.

"You want to save them, but what about me? Have you ever thought of me?"

Su Meir's eyes were a little red. Since she was caught, all kinds of monks have come to take advantage of her. Although she is the saint of Hehuan Sect, she is essentially a conservative woman. Only she knows the humiliation during this period.

Lewang was silent. He wanted to convert too many people, so he forgot the existence of Su Meir as an individual.

"Demon monk, if you confess your sins now, I can give you a quick death." Song Zhong said.

"I didn't persuade the charming man back. This is my sin!"

Monk Lewang glanced at Lingjue behind him and sighed.

"Nonsense, old donor Song, don't mess with him, just send him in!"

Lingjue screamed. The other party's look made him feel greatly humiliated.

The seals in Song Zhong's hands changed, and a powerful spiritual power wave swept through. The chaos in the void suddenly enveloped Wang and Su Meir: "In this case, the two of you will enter the reincarnation together!"

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