The imperial examination was very easy for Lewang. As the companion of the son of the city lord, he could easily handle the scriptures, and sometimes he could even express his own thoughts.

For this test paper, he could answer the questions fluently and wrote all the questions and answers.

After handing in the paper and following the footsteps of many students to leave the examination hall, Lewang completely became a character in the illusion.

The result was naturally self-evident. A few days later, a huge poster appeared on the wall of the capital. The first place in the upper left corner clearly wrote the name of the champion, Yuan Hua.

This was the name of the son, and also Lewang's current name.

The two major happy events of the ancients were the wedding night and the time of getting a name on the list of successful candidates.

Getting a name on the list of successful candidates did not make Lewang feel happy. On the contrary, he thought of Su Mei'er, the maid he had a good relationship with.

He should go back to report the news. Ignoring the admiring eyes of the surrounding students, Lewang galloped and drove the carriage back to the city lord's mansion.

This time, he was the only one.

These days, news spreads faster than a virus. When Le Wang returned to the city, gongs and drums roared in the city, and the city walls were covered with Yuan Hua's name. The whole city celebrated.

In the clan ancestral hall, there was a new entry in the family tree: the imperial examination champion, Yuan Hua.

Le Wang concealed Yuan Hua's affairs on the grounds that he needed to meet the emperor and could not return. Naturally, no one in the city lord's mansion suspected him. If he became the imperial examination champion, he would probably be granted an official position immediately, and there was indeed no time to come back.

Le Wang looked for a familiar figure in the mansion, but did not find Su Mei'er.

He found the housekeeper and asked, "Where is Su Mei'er?"

As the companion of the imperial examination champion, Le Wang's value has skyrocketed. The housekeeper dared not neglect him and said carefully, "She was spotted by the brothel maid and bought at a high price."

A nameless anger surged in Le Wang's heart, and he could not help but yelled, "Get lost!"

But then he broke out in a cold sweat. He was a servant, and it was a serious crime to insult the housekeeper.

To Le Wang's surprise, the housekeeper trembled involuntarily, responded, and ran away quickly.

He was stunned. He didn't understand why he had the courage to get angry at the housekeeper, nor did he understand why the housekeeper didn't care about him, but ran away in awe.

Feeling that something had changed, it had become different. Le Wang remembered what the young master had said to him.

"Don't follow the established route planned for you by others. Life should be in your own hands, and you should live your own way!"

Le Wang ran out of the city lord's mansion, ran to the brothel, and found the maid.

"Where is Su Mei'er?"

The old nanny's eyes flashed with a strange emotion: "She was taken away by an official."

"Which official?"

"From the capital."

"Why did you sell her?"

"That little bitch is quite pretty. I originally wanted to buy her as a courtesan, but I didn't expect that she was ungrateful and refused to cooperate. I had to sell her. Sir, we still have a lot of good stuff here, which is not comparable to that bitch. How about you pick some?"

The old nanny's eyes were flattering. Several girls came over and climbed up to Le Wang's waist involuntarily.

"Who do you say is a bitch?"

Le Wang's eyes were full of anger. He slapped the old nanny to the ground with a backhand.

Several girls were so scared that they dared not speak. The thugs in the brothel rushed up and surrounded Le Wang. The old nanny was quick-witted and stood up to stop the thugs.

"Can you be a little more considerate? It's my honor to slap me, young master. Don't make trouble here!"

The old woman stared at Le Wang's shoes. They were inlaid with tiger patterns. Only the noble families could wear tiger patterns. She couldn't afford to offend the young man in front of her.

"Young master, I'm a bitch. I deserve to die. Please don't bother with me."

Le Wang looked down at his shoes. They were given to him by the young master. He said that clothes make the man. Wearing his shoes, he wouldn't be easily bullied outside.

At this moment, he understood what the young master meant. These people were afraid of his clothes, or in other words, they were afraid of the power behind his clothes.

Le Wang left. The old woman didn't know the whereabouts of the powerful man, but only knew that he was in Zhongzhou.

The scene changed again.

Le Wang reappeared in the capital. This time, he was dressed in luxurious clothes, wearing the red cloud pattern clothes exclusive to the top scholar, kneeling in front of the palace, and he was a ninth-rank official.

He had already found out that Su Meier was in the prime minister's mansion. A county magistrate bought Su Meier and gave her to the prime minister in exchange for an eighth-rank official position.

"Yuanhua, you are the top scorer in the imperial examination. What do you think about the current national situation?"

The emperor smiled. He was in a good mood today. The answer sheet handed in by Lewang was very much to his liking.

"The grass on the plain is withered and flourishing every year. Wildfires cannot burn it all. Spring breeze blows and it grows again."

Lewang gave a poem. All officials were confused. The emperor was puzzled.But his eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

"What a wildfire that can never be extinguished. For so many years, I really didn't pay attention to the border areas. Every year, I sent people to clear out these barbarians, but every year the clearing was not thorough. No one among the officials advised, but you saw through it at a glance. You are worthy of being the top scholar!"

It can be seen that the emperor is very satisfied with Le Wang.

The prime minister slowly said: "Your Majesty, the border areas have always been a hidden danger that is difficult to eradicate. I suggest that you send the top scholar to eliminate the disaster. The top scholar is both virtuous and talented, and I believe he will return victorious."

"Okay, Yuanhua, accept the order. I will give you weapons and armor to eliminate the border and expel the barbarians. If you can return victorious, I will give you the title of Zhenyuan Hou and a third-rank official!"

The emperor said.

"Thank you for your grace!"

Le Wang knelt down and thanked him, with a cold light flashing in his eyes. The first time they met, the prime minister wanted to kill him.

But he did not refuse, nor could he refuse. He needed this opportunity to gather his troops and fight on the frontier. Only power could help him achieve his goal.

There was no thrilling battle on the battlefield, only slaughter, and the winner was the king.

Lewang led his troops to fight continuously, poisoning, assassination, and massacre. The frontier area was gradually cleared and turned into a bloody land.

Three years later.

Lewang returned victorious, with 3,000 cavalry left, but there was no one alive on the frontier at this moment.

The emperor was very pleased to hear the battle report.

"I didn't make a mistake. You have the talent to be a general!"

"I will keep my promise and grant you the title of Marquis of Zhenyuan, a mansion, a thousand acres of fertile land, three hundred stones of gold and silver, and the ability to keep three thousand soldiers."

Liao Wang knelt down to thank: "Thank you, Lord!"

The prime minister looked unhappy. This was the first champion who survived under his hands. In this country, he would not allow anyone who threatened his position to exist, even if this person was just a newcomer.

He called a few politicians and assigned them a task: "Spread the news that Yuan Hua intended to rebel."

Since ancient times, the princes were most likely to become the emperor's biggest worry. The reason was simple. After being granted the title of marquis and appointed as a general, they could control the military power. Even if the soldiers were not many, they were still a force after all, a military force that was not controlled by the emperor.

It was also a force that was most easily provoked and suspected.

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