The scene in front of Liao Wang gradually broke, the reality gradually became clear, the memory torrent recovered, and he finally remembered who he was.


He sat up suddenly from the ground, gasping for breath. The illusion just now was too real, and he completely lost himself. If it weren't for the last young man's reminder, he might really sink.

At this time, he was in the Wanfo Temple and was captured with Su Mei'er.

"Monk, you think about saving the people, have you ever thought about me?"

Su Mei'er bit her red lips and asked.

"This matter was caused by me, and it has nothing to do with the donor. I have passed the test. Can it prove that I have no evil thoughts in my heart?"

Liao Wang looked at the monks in front of him and said slowly.

"Haha, evil monk, you probably don't understand. If you have an affair with a demon girl, you must be punished by us. Today, we are here to kill you. Not only you, but also your lover!"

The faces of the righteous people below were ferocious, and their eyes wandered wantonly on Su Mei'er, and their intention to invade was clear.

Lewang's face changed. These people did not follow the rules and just wanted to find a reason to suppress him. Now that this reason was solved by himself, he still could not resolve the deadlock.

"Amitabha, all donors can no longer commit sins. If you commit crimes in front of the Buddhist sect, you will not be able to move forward for the rest of your life."

The powerful momentum burst out from Lewang's body, and his eyes burst into a brilliant light, sweeping across the crowd.

"The Great Handprint of the Buddhist Sect!"

With a flash of light, the golden palm fell down, forcibly opening up a path in the crowd.

"Donor, please go."

"I have to prove my innocence. I can't let Buddhism be wronged because of me!"

Liao Wang said.

Su Meir looked at Liao Wang deeply and said, "Monk, I will save you."

After that, she flashed and disappeared in front of everyone.

"The demon girl ran away!"

"Quick, chase her back!"

"Damn, this monk is sick, damn it!"

The righteous people were furious. The duck they had just caught flew away. This natural beauty must not be let go. They haven't enjoyed it yet!

They wanted to get up and chase, but they were blocked by several great Buddhist magic. Liao Wang used all his strength and turned all his cultivation into a golden bell, trapping the righteous people in the middle.

"Demon monk, do you want to add to your crime?"

The righteous people screamed fiercely!

"Amitabha, I just don't want you to commit sins anymore. The sea of ​​suffering is endless, turn back now."

"This monk's golden bell can't hold for long, break it for me!"

The righteous people didn't want to listen to Lewang's words at all. Their minds were full of Su Mei'er who escaped. They came here just to enjoy this woman, but now the monk let her go. Everyone was furious.

For a moment, the scene was full of swords and swords, and the golden bell was smashed to pieces.


Outside the Wanfo Temple, everyone looked at the picture in the void and smiled.

Song Zhong and Monk Yuanjue smiled at each other, knowing that Lewang had just passed the difficult time and passed through a layer of illusion, but Song Zhong easily fabricated another illusion in the illusion. At this moment, Lewang could no longer tell whether he was in reality or in the illusion.

"The demon monk will definitely not be able to get out of this illusion!"

"Yes, I thought he was obsessed before, but I didn't expect that a young man would show up at the last moment to enlighten him, but this time, he is not so lucky!"

"After all, the illusion created by Senior Song this time is too real. The monk probably thought he woke up and returned to reality!"

"Senior Song is worthy of being a great man of the Cangtian Sect. His control over the hearts of people in this illusion is simply admirable. It's too strong!"

"Of course, this is my senior from the righteous way. The demon monk is dead this time!"

The monks laughed loudly. This method of switching illusions is too clever.

Lingjue sneered. This monk has something, but in front of the golden mirror, there is no possibility of passing. No matter how amazing his talent is, no matter how exquisite the Buddhist teachings are, he still has to be wiped out obediently?

In the distance, Li Xiaobai looked at the monk and shook his head slightly. It was obvious that the other party was blinded by jealousy.

Until now, the other party had not discovered that there was not even a hair left in the space ring on his finger.

"Brother, after a round of looting, it may be difficult to take action against those small players next time."

Li Xiaobai said.

"Same routine, just be careful, these people are too confident and don't care about the surrounding environment at all."

Liu Jinshui said, and his figure flashed and disappeared into the crowd again.

Li Xiaobai's eyes flickered, and his figure turned, and he alsoHe disappeared in the sea of ​​people.

At the same time, in the Wanfo Kingdom, several Buddhas were watching the scene in front of the Wanfo Temple.

"Liaowang has Buddha nature in his heart. Even if he is in an illusion, he can still make his Buddha nature manifest and awaken himself. This operation is very successful."

"Yes, I didn't make a mistake. Liaowang has Buddha nature. If he operates well this time, he can become a Buddha right away!"

"But the mirror in the mirror should be the work of Master Xuanbei, right?"

"Yes, Master Xuanbei passed on the secret message and instructed Cangtian Sect to construct an illusion to hone Liaowang. But Song Zhong always thought that Master Xuanbei and they were on the same front, which was really ridiculous."

"They don't think about it. When will it be the turn of outsiders to discipline our disciples of Buddhism?"

Several old Buddhas were talking in the hall. They were high monks of the Wanfo Kingdom in the Western Desert and the most solid force in the Western Desert. They did not directly intervene in the matter of the evil monk Liaowang, but let the current master of the Buddhist Kingdom decide on his own.

However, at present, the Lord of the Buddhist Kingdom has become corrupted, lost his Buddhist heart, and was filled with desires. He did not distinguish right from wrong and directly accepted the unreasonable demands of these scumbags.

The benefits collected are probably huge.

"Several old friends are on their way. It seems that they are here for Su Meir. How are you going to deal with it?"

"Now that the matter is over, how about a big cleansing of the Western Desert?"



Outside the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, in the void, Liao Wang is experiencing the second reincarnation, but this time, he does not think he is in an illusion, but in reality.

Su Meir is innocent, but because these people have evil thoughts, they forcibly convict her as a demon witch.

But from his point of view, although the other party is a demon sect, they have never done anything that harms the world. After sending Su Meir away, Liao Wang has no worries.

His skills can only be regarded as upper-middle level. The Golden Bell Cover was broken, and many righteous people rushed forward and suppressed Lu Wang in an instant.

"A scum of Buddhism, he actually let the evil witch go!"

"He must be sentenced to death, let the world see the consequences of having an affair with a demon!"

"That's right, he should be executed on the spot!"

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