"Alas, a disciple of a prestigious sect is carrying only some cheap goods!"

Liu Jinshui was full of disdain, shaking his head and sighing.

"The world is really going downhill!"

Li Xiaobai also acted compassionately.

"Brother, have you packed up?"

"I have packed up."

"Divide it?"

"Let's share it!"

Liu Jinshui put his arm around Li Xiaobai's shoulder, and the two disappeared again. It was always a bit guilty to divide the spoils at the crime scene.

Such a grand event, of course, had to be carried out in a deserted place.

Inner circle, a jungle somewhere.

Li Xiaobai and Liu Jinshui laid out all their gains.

The ground was full of rare medicinal materials, jewels, and spiritual stones piled up like mountains.

"Brother, is that all?"

"Brother, they are all cheap goods."

Li Xiaobai's face darkened, and he knew that he had been cheated by his brother.

Li Xiaobai would never believe that this fat man could honestly hand over all the treasures.

Liu Jinshui could display so many rare items without blinking an eye, which means that he still has more valuable treasures hidden.

Unfortunately, when I was searching for the ring before, I was quick-witted and agreed with Liu Jinshui's statement that it was a cheap product.

It is impossible to get valuable things now.

"Then divide it."

Li Xiaobai sighed, and the two of them divided the items in half. Although there were not many high-end goods, it was enough to be called a huge sum of money.

After calculating his savings in his mind, Li Xiaobai was surprised to find that there were more than 10,000 low-grade spirit stones on hand.

If he sells off the spiritual tools, medicinal materials and other messy things later, he will definitely become a rich man!

By then, won't the luxury goods in the mall be at his own discretion?

When thinking of the cool mount, Li Xiaobai couldn't help but raise his mouth.

Lamborghini, Gundam Warrior, this is every man's dream.

"Brother, will we be discovered if we do this?"

Li Xiaobai asked. This is a matter of losing one's head. Although it is very pleasant to collect money now, when people come to settle the account later, ten heads will definitely not be enough for them to chop off.

"What are you afraid of? We will wait until the maze takes effect before entering. No one will see our faces, don't worry!"

"And most of these monks are people who want to save face. If the space ring is taken away by someone, they can only blame themselves for not learning well, and they can't blame others. They will never shout and kill us openly."

Liu Jinshui didn't care at all. He has done this kind of business for more than ten times and is very skilled.

Li Xiaobai's face darkened. He wouldn't shout and kill openly, which means that he would be chased and chopped in private.

Sure enough, the senior brother is still unreliable.

"Junior brother, are you specializing in physical training?" Liu Jinshui pinched Li Xiaobai's muscles and suddenly asked.

"Yes, I practice the body's defense." Li Xiaobai was stunned for a moment and answered truthfully, not quite understanding what his senior brother meant.

"How strong an attack can you withstand?"

"The Nascent Soul stage is not a problem."

"You can brag as much as you want!" Liu Jinshui didn't believe it at all.

Li Xiaobai immediately took out a demon beast's inner pill from the space ring and swallowed it directly, with thunder rolling and smoke rising from his body.

After a while, Li Xiaobai burped and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Liu Jinshui was stunned.

"Damn it, Junior Brother, how did you cultivate? You have only been practicing for less than a month, how come you have become so strong!"

Liu Jinshui was shocked. Everyone knows how fragile the body is. His junior brother could actually swallow the inner elixir of the monster alive and let the violent spiritual energy rage in the dantian in his body. This level of flesh is probably really indestructible in the Nascent Soul stage.

"Junior Brother, it is really a waste of your talent to do petty things with your flesh. Do you want to do something big?" Liu Jinshui said mysteriously.

"Please teach me, Senior Brother!"

Li Xiaobai knew that the opportunity to make money had come again.

"Junior Brother, do you know why all the major sects gathered here?"

"Dragon Snake Fruit in the depths of the mountains?" Li Xiaobai thought of what Yin Susu said before.

"Junior brother is well-informed. He actually knows about the dragon snake fruit. Yes, the cause of the monster riot this time was caused by the ripening of a dragon snake fruit tree."

"The major forces came here, ostensibly to eliminate the monsters and suppress the riots, but in fact they want to get a share of the deep mountains."

Liu Jinshui said with some surprise. The dragon snake fruit is a secret, and he didn't expect Li Xiaobai to know about it.

"Could it be that senior brother also wants to get a share?"

"Yes, the second senior sister manipulated the national teacher to learn the approximate range of the dragon snake fruit before entering the mountains. At this moment, many sects haveThe hands are clearing out the monsters, and the speed of entering the core area of ​​the mountain is not fast. We can take the lead and take out the dragon snake fruit before other sects. "

"Brother, have you found it?"

"Yes, I am the only one who knows where it is now."

"It should be very dangerous near the dragon snake fruit, right?" Li Xiaobai said dryly.

"Don't you have me, my junior brother?" Liu Jinshui smiled.


"Sixty-four, leave a portion for the brothers and sisters."


"Let's go!"


At the same time, deep in the Divine Beast Mountain Range, by the river.

Many cultivators who were trapped in the maze woke up slowly.

After flapping a few times underwater, they all came ashore.

"Damn it, we were tricked by that fat guy, and the treasure must have been taken away by him!"

"But since he has the ability to get the treasure, why did he trick us into the water? ”

“Of course, we must be the first to trigger the formation, so that he can take advantage of it!”

“No, have you noticed that you are missing something?”

“The space ring on my hand is gone!”

“Mine is gone too!”

“Could it have fallen into the water?”

“Impossible, the ring is very strong, unless someone takes it off, it is impossible for it to fall off naturally!”

“It’s that damn fat guy, he tricked us into the water just to take our ring!”


Somewhere on the top of a mountain,

The same scene was repeated.

After the maze disappeared, everyone woke up, and the first thing they did was to check their own injuries. After finding that they were not seriously injured, they breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, they found something wrong.

The hand was empty, and the space ring disappeared.

“Damn it, someone took my space ring!”

“Mine is gone too! ”

“My Hunyuan Armor was stripped off. It’s a mid-grade spiritual weapon!”

“This is my life and property!”

The cultivators howled and touched their fingers to their natural enemy. Their faces changed as well. His ring was also missing.

Not only him, but even Yun Mengqing from the Hinayana sect was also stunned. She found that not only her ring was stolen, but also her soft armor was stripped off. She was so embarrassed that her face turned red.

But the worst person on the scene was Zhang Rui.

He was stripped clean from head to toe. Not to mention the space ring, even his pants were taken away. It can be said that he truly embraced nature.

“Who the hell is this bastard? I, Zhang Rui, will never coexist with you!”

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