At the gate of the Holy City, the old beggar and Li Xiaobai stopped in front of the gate.

It took only ten minutes to come back from the deep frontier. It took me half a day to drive my Lamborghini there, but now it took me more than ten minutes to return to the Holy City.

It is hard to imagine that the old beggar's speed is amazing.

If he really controls the spirit of the immortals, he may be able to break the void and ascend to the upper realm.

"Young friend, go in first, the old beggar will be here soon."

The old beggar looked at the gate of the city with a cold light in his eyes, and a smile appeared on his dirty face.

Li Xiaobai understood in his heart that this was a meeting of enemies. Song Que had always been obsessed with the old beggar. When they met at this moment, they might fight.

This was a personal grudge between the big guys. It was inconvenient for him to get involved. He just stood aside and became a bystander.

"Yeah, got it."

Li Xiaobai stepped inside, nodded and smiled to Tiandao Song Que, and then stood at the gate of the city. This distance should be just enough to get the aftermath of the battle between the two bosses. In order to improve defense, we must seize every opportunity to improve attribute points.

"Mr. Li is back. Is this trip going well?"

Song Que looked at Li Xiaobai strangely, not understanding why he was standing there.

"It went very smoothly. Not only did it go smoothly, but he also brought back a big boss. Senior, look over there."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, and stretched out a finger to point in the direction of the old beggar.

Song Que turned his head to look in the direction of the finger. In just a moment, his face suddenly darkened, and the brilliance in his eyes surged. Two divine rays of light rushed straight into the sky and pierced the sky.

A fierce momentum was like an incorruptible blade piercing the sky, slashing at the sloppy old man not far away.

The monks present felt as if a big knife was hanging over their heads, as if it would be chopped down at any time.

Although there was no pressure, they just couldn't move. This was a fear that came from instinct, just like a baby facing a beast.

"What happened?"

"Who made Senior Tiandao angry?"

"I don't know. Even the previous Huolin Cave monks didn't make Senior Tiandao so angry. What happened today?"

"This is my first time here. I came here to buy Huazi. Can anyone explain to me what's going on with this terrifying guard?"

"Hurry up and leave. I have a feeling that this space will soon become a battlefield. Maybe an enemy has attacked. Let's go into the city. Watching the show here will kill people!"

"Yes, yes, yes, there must be an enemy, otherwise Senior Tiandao wouldn't have a problem for no reason."

The monks were restless and tried to get rid of their inner fears. They ran wildly towards the Holy City. The last time Song Que was in this posture, the area within a hundred miles was directly transformed into a sword domain. The monks will never forget that feeling in their lives. If they take a wrong step, they will be separated by yin and yang. It's too dangerous.

They don't want to follow the footsteps of Huolin Cave.

It is the wisest way to hide and eat melons honestly.

In just a few breaths, the city gate, which was originally crowded with people, was now empty and turned into a wasteland.

Song Que ignored these fleeing monks. At this moment, he was squinting his eyes and carefully looking at the slovenly old man not far away, with a trace of dangerous aura constantly leaking out.

"Old man, you are still alive!"

"God is really merciful. I have often thought of you these days. I didn't expect that you would take the initiative to come to my door today. Old man Tianwu, the account of thirty years ago should be paid back!"

Song Que of the Heavenly Sword suddenly roared, and the sword light in the void rushed straight into the sky, and the sky suddenly dimmed a little.

"Um... Song Que, treasures have always been owned by the capable. You told me this yourself. Why can't you get over this hurdle after so many years?"

"In life, you should be open-minded about many things. Since you didn't get the immortal spirit in the end, it means that the opportunity has not come. When the opportunity comes, you will get it."

The old beggar said with a kind face.

"Nonsense, opportunity?"

"If it weren't for you, an old man, interfering that day, my opportunity would have come long ago!"

"As a senior, you have no shame at all. You are old and still pretend to be young. You come to deceive and attack me, a junior. You are an old man without martial ethics!"

Song Que was filled with righteous indignation, and his anger almost burst out from his head. He stared at the old man in front of him with murderous eyes.

"Let the past go. Today, the old beggar is here to consume in the Holy City and boost the economic development of the Holy City. This is a good thing. Please let him go."

The old beggar said calmly.

"Bah, the old man is shameless and has stolen the spirit of the immortals.Not enough, you still want to get involved in Huazi and the bathhouse? "

"You are just dreaming. Today, I am here, you have only one way to go, I will take your head in a minute!"

Song Que put his five fingers together to form a hand knife, and suddenly slashed forward.

In just a moment, all the cultivators present felt that the world in front of them disappeared, and only a huge and boundless sword light slashed towards them. Their hair stood on end, and they all broke out in cold sweats.

They were just bystanders, feeling the meaning of the sword light, and they felt the fatal threat with just a little perception. It was hard to imagine how the old beggar who faced the sword light head-on would deal with it.

The old beggar looked helpless, stretched out one hand slightly and made a sword finger, and also slashed forward suddenly. A sky-high sword intention went straight into the sky, and it was wrapped in a momentum like a broken bamboo to meet the sword light.

"Bang! "

The swords and sabers met, the aura exploded, the swords and sabers crisscrossed, and deep gullies appeared on the surface in an instant, as if going straight into the abyss.

"Fuck, run!"

"Senior Tiandao is serious, who is that old man, and he can actually compete with Senior Tiandao!"

"Run, that old man is many times stronger than Huolindong, if we really fight, we will all suffer!"

"You can eat the melon slowly later, but if you lose your life, you will lose everything, retreat quickly! "

The monks were shocked. They originally thought that Song Que would be able to control the situation in an instant like last time, but now it seems that the old beggar is not an ordinary person. It is very likely that he is at the same level as Tiandao Song Que.

The flying sword light and sword energy, if they hit them, would take their lives in an instant.

It's too dangerous. We must leave as soon as possible.

Li Xiaobai's eyes were full of excitement, and his body moved forward inconspicuously.

[Attribute points +50,000...]

[Attribute points +50,000...]

[Attribute points +50,000...]

It's so comfortable. Is this a fight between big guys? Just a first-hand test can bring me such a large number of attribute points, which is equivalent to that of the sea clan big guy.

The old beggar spread his hands: "I am invincible, you can do whatever you want. "

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