Seven hundred times!

Eight hundred times!

Victory is just around the corner, Li Xiaobai is smiling, not taking the threats of the ancestors to heart.

Faced with such a strange behavior, Liu Ren finally found something wrong.

"Mr. Li, why are you stroking the stick all the time? What are you doing?"

"Hehe, nothing, just exercising."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

Nine hundred times, the skill of stepping on the sky will be triggered immediately!

At this moment, even if the reaction of the surrounding ancestors is slow, they can see that something is wrong. Since Li Xiaobai held the fire stick, he has not stopped swinging his hand, and has been ruthless. Is there some kind of deep meaning in this ruthless action?

And after taking out the fire stick, the other party suddenly changed his temper, turned his face and ignored him, and changed from the previous humble appearance to the current indifference.

As if no one cares about him.

What gave him such confidence?

Is it the fire stick that looks like Dinghai Shenzhen?

"Boy, stop, don't move that stick!"

An old ancestor had a bad feeling in his heart and shouted sternly, trying to stop Li Xiaobai's behavior and suppress him again.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The condition of swinging a thousand times has been met.

In an instant, the fire stick, which was originally ordinary, burst into a dazzling golden light. A strong and wild aura swept the whole scene. The golden long stick soared into the sky and pierced the clouds. The four words Dinghai Shenzhen were deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone present.

The void trembled and shattered the clouds.

A golden ape appeared and jumped into the clouds, his eyes gleaming, looking down at everyone present from a high position.

This time, Li Xiaobai saw it more clearly. It was indeed a golden monkey, but unlike the one in Liu Ren's hand, his monkey was more sturdy, less agile, and more powerful.

Especially the two arms, which were extremely long. When in Zhongzhou, it was difficult to see clearly because of the distance and the golden light. Now he was directly below it and could see clearly that they were two slender arms, which almost touched its ankles.

Such an abnormality may be related to its own abilities. It's a pity that I can only unlock a skill of crushing the clouds at present, and I can't peek into the effects of the skills behind.

But even so, the power it burst out is terrifying.

Compared with the last time, the golden giant ape this time was obviously calmer. It didn't show the symptoms of being irritable like thunder. Instead, it stood on the top of the cloud, looking down at everyone, as if looking for its favorite prey.

"This is..."

"It's really the Dinghai Divine Needle!"

"This kid didn't deceive us, but this Dinghai Divine Needle looks a little different. The difference between the golden giant ape and the second in command is too big!"

"Is there really a second Dinghai Divine Needle in this world?"

"The aura of this golden giant ape is not weaker than ours, and it is also an existence standing at the peak of the Mahayana period!"

"Quickly retreat, the fight between the gods may harm us!"

The ancestors were shocked and stunned. They couldn't understand how the fire stick in Li Xiaobai's hand turned into the Dinghai Divine Needle.

Moreover, the power of the Dinghai Divine Needle far exceeded their imagination. They originally thought that an object summoned by a younger generation, no matter how precious it was, would never hurt them.

But at this moment they found that they were wrong, and they were wrong outrageously. They felt a fatal threat from the golden giant ape.

If they fought alone, they might not be its opponent and would be seriously injured.

Actually, they can't be blamed. After all, no one has told them the real situation of Li Xiaobai from beginning to end. The impression of Li Xiaobai by the big men in Zhongzhou is still that he is a young genius with rare treasures.

It didn't attract much attention.

"Damn it, boy, you have such a treasure, why don't you take it out earlier, save the old beggar quickly, let's sweep this battlefield together!"

The old beggar looked at the golden giant stick in the void and screamed excitedly.

The power of this thing is not weaker than the one in the hands of the second in command. If he uses it, it will be no problem to sweep this group of ancestors.

"Mr. Li is really hidden. I haven't seen him leak out for so many days. He deserves to be a man walking on the road of invincibility!"

Song Que's eyes were also full of shock. With such a treasure, Mei Changqing and his ilk are not a threat at all, and the several guardians of Huolin Cave are like ants, which can be crushed to death at will.

"This is really the magic needle that stabilizes the sea!"

Liu Ren also took a breath of cold air, his beautiful eyes full of disbelief. Although he had prepared himself mentally, he stillAfter seeing it, she was still shocked.

You know, since she started practicing, she has always believed that Dinghaishenzhen is the treasure of Aolai country, the only one in the world. Today, she saw another one, which made her heart feel strongly shocked.


The golden long stick in her hand burst out uncontrollably, and the same golden light burst out, straight into the sky. A golden six-eared macaque rushed into the clouds and turned into a small golden sun, staring with scarlet eyes, grinning, facing the long-armed divine ape from a distance.

The clouds dissipated at this moment, and the hot breath surged towards everyone one after another, as if to melt the sky.

"This is... Dinghaishen reacted to the ape, and the two weapon spirits want to compete with each other?"

The cultivators looked at the two apes in the sky, their eyes full of surprise. This situation, they really have never seen before.

Two Dinghai Magic Needles, two monkey spirits facing each other from a distance, this is to decide the winner!

However, the long-armed divine ape seemed to be not interested in the six-eared macaque. After a few glances, it ignored the other party's fierce roar and continued to look at the scene below.

It wanted to choose a suitable entry point to perform the stepping on the clouds.


Seeing this scene, the six-eared macaque felt even more manic. It felt that it was seriously provoked, which made it very angry.

In the void, the four big characters Dinghai Magic Needle broke away from the golden long stick, turned into several streams of light and sank into the eyebrows of the six-eared macaque. The golden divine ape trembled, and an extremely powerful ancient aura suddenly broke out, sweeping the entire battlefield.

However, the long-armed divine ape still couldn't get interested in this scene. It was still looking down and didn't even look at the other party.

Many monks below looked a little strange. It seemed that the Dinghaishenzhen of the second in command was ignored by others?

So arrogant?


The six-eared macaque was furious. He stretched out his hand and took the golden long stick into his hand. His body shook and turned into a golden sun and rushed towards the long-armed divine ape. He raised the long stick in his hand and pointed it directly at the opponent's eyebrows, wanting to kill him forcefully.

But the next second, its expression changed...

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