Chen Kun smiled sinisterly, with a face full of ill intentions.

"Haha, weakling!"

Li Xiaobai raised his middle finger again to show his disdain.

Through the contact just now, he already knew in his heart that this Nine-Turn Golden Body should correspond to the ninth level of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Although there are still a group of masters in the Spiritualization Stage among these big guys, I should be able to compete with them with full defense.

The fourth turn of my Nine-Turn Golden Body is equivalent to the fourth level of the Nascent Soul Stage, but I have fully focused on defense, so my defense should be much higher than that of the fourth-level cultivators in the Nascent Soul Stage.

And with my identity as the Dragon Snake Fruit, these people will not kill me unless it is absolutely necessary.

I can be bold and reckless now!

"Come and hit me."

Li Xiaobai hooked his finger at everyone and said lightly.

"Don't stop me, this guy is provoking me, I want to fight him, no one of you is allowed to interfere!"

Chen Kun's face was ferocious, he shook his palms and rushed towards Li Xiaobai.

"Haha, the old man is still as good at acting as always!" Feng Bo slapped several palms in the air and knocked Chen Kun down.

"What do you mean by this?"

Chen Kun's face was gloomy and full of anger.

"Don't pretend, don't everyone know who you are? You didn't get angry when your son was killed."

"You acted well, you want to take all the dragon and snake fruits by yourself under the pretext of a duel, tell you, don't even think about it!"

Feng Bo curled his lips and said lightly.

Hearing this, Chen Kun's face suddenly calmed down, and even showed a faint smile.

"I have never thought of taking it all for myself. I just want to control the transformation fruit first. We will discuss the future in the long run."

"The dragon snake fruit will be distributed according to the previous distribution. No one can take more!"

"That's right. Whoever takes more will have his claws chopped off!"

"Two dragon snake fruits for me. This is what we agreed on before!"


Looking at the ability of many big guys to change their faces in a second, Li Xiaobai was full of admiration.

As expected of a big guy in the cultivation of immortals, his acting skills are online. If Feng Bo hadn't pointed it out, he would not have realized that Chen Kun's anger was actually pretended.

These people are very scheming. Those who can get to the Nascent Soul stage and the God Transformation stage are not easy to deal with.

Li Xiaobai decided to attract another wave of hatred, increase the attribute points and run away. After all, there are many people on the opposite side, and his Nine Transformation Golden Body is only the fourth transformation. It is easy to have problems if he resists.

But at this moment, the sky was surging with wind and clouds, and a strong evil spirit that was visible to the naked eye rolled in from a distance.

A figure appeared.

Wearing a straw hat and a raincoat, he appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

The strong wind blew, and Li Xiaobai's face hurt.

[Attribute points +100...]


Who is this big guy?

It feels more exaggerated than the masters of the God Transformation Stage. Just a gust of wind can hurt people. What kind of strength is this?

Li Xiaobai felt a little guilty. The God Transformation Stage alone was a little difficult to deal with. The mysterious man in the straw hat and raincoat in front of him was obviously not on the same level as the God Transformation Stage. It felt like it was time to run away.

"Who moved my formation?"

The man in the raincoat had a hoarse voice, as if he was talking to himself, and seemed to be asking.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. This formation was actually deliberately arranged by the man in the raincoat. This is very intriguing. This shows that the dragon snake fruit in the mountains is actually owned by someone.

Now the situation couldn't be more obvious. The original owner found that the formation was broken and came to the door.

"Senior, it was that old lady who forcibly broke your formation. She also wanted to take away the dragon snake fruit tree inside. Please stop her."

Li Xiaobai took over the conversation and pointed at the old woman of the Hinayana sect in front of her.

The old woman's face changed drastically. The strength of this person was far above hers, and she couldn't tell the depth at all.

It is a taboo to offend seniors for no reason.

"Senior, don't listen to the nonsense of this transformation fruit. This transformation fruit took away all the dragon snake fruits, and also cheated us of spiritual stones and spiritual medicines. I just want to get justice!"

"Transformation fruit?" The man in the straw raincoat was a little confused.

"It's this kid. He is transformed from the dragon snake fruit. Senior, don't you know?" The old woman asked carefully.

"Haha, you are still in the Spiritual Transformation Stage, but you are living like a dog at your age. This is clearly a person, where did the Transformation Fruit come from?"

"Besides, this Dragon Snake Fruit was planted by me, how could I not know what it looks like?"

"But just now..."

The old woman was full of disbelief, and wanted to say something.

"You are a bunch of good-for-nothings, and you still want to covet my Dragon Snake Fruit, which is really ridiculous. If you were born under my tutelage, I would have sent you to the west long ago.Oh my god. "

The man in the straw raincoat sneered and walked straight to the formation to check it out.

As soon as these words came out, the other masters were even more shocked and angry. They were deceived by a human kid!

The man in the straw raincoat couldn't have deceived them. There was no such thing as a transformation fruit. This kid was just pretending.

He used an unknown method to move freely in the formation, pretending to be a transformation dragon snake fruit, and cheating their resources.

After figuring out the key, everyone's face was flushed.

Half of it was angry, and half of it was ashamed.

It was ridiculous that they thought Li Xiaobai was not very smart and wanted to trick him, but they didn't know that in the end they were the ones who were fooled.

Staring at Li Xiaobai with a dead look, wishing to cut him into pieces.

"Good boy, you are really capable. You can actually trick us, but don't think about going back alive. "Chen Kun's face was gloomy.

"That's right, kid, you're dead!"

"I told you to kill your whole family, so your whole family must die!"

"Why did you say so much to him? He even dared to cheat us of our spiritual stones. Kill him! "

The big guys shouted, and they were all furious. If it weren't for the straw raincoat man, they would have taken action long ago.

Li Xiaobai swallowed his saliva. The matter was exposed. This dragon snake fruit tree actually has an owner. I haven't heard of it before!

Damn it, I was tricked by the sixth senior brother again!

He kept stabbing Liu Jinshui in his heart, and he had already taken out a thousand-mile teleportation talisman in his hand without a trace. If the situation is not right, he will run away immediately.

The origin of this straw raincoat man is mysterious, and his cultivation is even more unfathomable. If he gets angry, I am afraid that even with the system, it will be difficult to resist.

Not to mention that there are a group of big guys in the Nascent Soul Stage and the God Transformation Stage watching covetously.

At this time, the straw raincoat man kept groping in the formation, as if he was looking for something.

After carefully sensing for a moment, his face changed drastically.

"This is the Yin-Yang Escape Technique!"

"Who moved my fragments?"

"Who is doing Tai Chi? "

The man in the straw raincoat roared, his powerful aura was wild, and the evil spirit in the field rolled again.

The Gengjin aura that enveloped the dragon snake fruit tree shattered into pieces, and the formation fell apart in an instant, shocking everyone's hair.

Li Xiaobai's heart moved, it turned out that the fruit and fragments were placed by the man in the straw raincoat.

But the other party did not mention the existence of the little broken dog. Could it be that the little broken dog ran in by itself?

"Senior, just now only this kid has been moving freely in the formation, I will help you to collect him!"

"Good boy, you dare to take the treasure of the senior, I will definitely punish you today!"

"We cultivators hate chicken-stealing and dog-stealing people the most, senior, please don't be angry, I will help you get the treasure back!"

"Boy, give me your life!"

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