With a slightly dull look in his eyes, he turned his head and looked at the side of the road. The head of the Situ family was completely stunned.

At this moment, a female cultivator's inner armor was hanging on a tree branch beside the road.

It was sapphire blue, shining with different lights. With this inner armor hanging on it, the whole tree seemed full of vitality, and layers of spiritual power continued to spread. It was an extraordinary treasure at first glance. It should be the underwear worn by the cultivators in the Tribulation Period.

This was secondary. The Situ family had at least 800 pieces of protective magic weapons, if not a thousand. The most important thing was that this unknown female cultivator's inner armor was hung on the big tree facing the Situ family. The Situ family could not wash away the blame even if they jumped into the Yellow River.

No matter what the reason, this kind of immoral thing was hung in front of the Situ family's gate, which was an insult to the family.

Moreover, they only realized after a whole night that this was the Situ family's negligence, or rather, the weakness of the family. After today, the prestige of the Situ family in Aolai will probably decline a lot.

From the expressions of the surrounding monks, it is not difficult to find that the awe they had for the Situ family had disappeared silently the moment they found the female cultivator's inner armor.

There were a large number of masks piled up in front of them, and unknown female cultivators' inner armor behind them. No matter how you look at it, the Situ family no longer had the absolute sense of authority they had before.

"Who the hell did this?"

The head of the Situ family roared wildly in his heart, but on the surface he still looked calm, his brain was working wildly, thinking about how to deal with it.

It has been a long time since I felt this way. The Situ family has been standing proudly for more than ten years, and their style of doing things has always been arrogant and domineering. When do the disciples of the family need to explain their actions to others throughout their lives?

But at this moment, in order to maintain the reputation of the Situ family for decades, he had to bow his head. This sense of shame almost made him crazy.

Wang Lao and others on the side were also a little at a loss. Today's melon was too big. They couldn't eat it in one bite, and they didn't dare to eat it.

The Situ family made a fool of themselves in public, but they didn't even touch the shadow of the person who framed them. It can be said that they suffered a dumb loss and fell very thoroughly.

The hearts of several people in the Criminal Law Hall were slightly shaken. The current Situ family did not seem as reliable as when they came.

Moreover, there were enemies lurking in the dark against the Situ family. The mask was the best proof. The other party must have discovered the conspiracy of these family members. If they didn't expose it directly, it meant that the matter was not over yet, and they must have kept a backhand.

At this juncture, if they got too close to the Situ family, they might be implicated.

Several people looked at each other and saw the retreat in each other's eyes.

Yes, if they cooperate with the Situ family, they can share the happiness, but they cannot share the difficulties. This is not what they can bear.

Now that the matter is over, they can find an excuse to return to the Criminal Law Hall and lie dormant for a while. When the situation is clear, they can come out and stand in line!

"Why is there a female cultivator's inner armor hanging high in front of the Situ family?"

"Is this some kind of provocation? Some noble families hiding in the dark have already shown their fangs?"

"People who can do such things are not supposed to be tasteful guys."

"My role model, tell me, who did this female cultivator's inner armor come from?"

Among the onlookers, the bold monks whispered to each other.

In their opinion, this is someone openly challenging the Situ family. Whether it is the mask or the inner armor, it is just a reminder. Maybe the highlight will be staged next.

They said they were whispering, but in fact they were conspiring loudly, and the news reached the ears of the head of the Situ family without any concealment.

"Ahem, everyone, there is no need to speculate. This female cultivator's inner armor belongs to my Situ family cultivator!"

"This matter has been investigated clearly. Last night, a female cultivator of my Situ family was drying clothes. This inner armor was one of them. It was accidentally blown away by the wind and hung on a tree branch. I am sorry for the trouble you fellow Taoists have caused."

"My disciples have always been shy and dare not speak out, let alone show up. This head of the family will put it away first, and you can disperse."

The head of the Situ family said lightly, making a big deal out of a small matter is the most urgent thing in his mind at the moment.

First shut up the mouth of Youyou, and then find out who is the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Is it true?"

"It's actually the inner armor of the Situ family?"

"Brother, do you believe it? Anyway, I believe it."

"Since the head of the Situ family said so, let's believe it."

The monks also noticed the abnormality emanating from the head of the Situ family. They didn't dare to worry about it anymore. They kept silent and turned around to leave.

The head of the Situ family was relieved, but just as everyone was about to leave, another sudden shout came from the crowd:

"Hey, do you think this inner armor is a bit eye-catching?"I'm familiar with it. When I attended the Dragon Fairy Tea Party last year, the part that was exposed under her skirt seemed to be this one!"

The person who shouted was none other than Dongfang Mingyue. These days, because of Li Xiaobai, the three major families have been under tremendous pressure, but fortunately, the family is loyal and did not give up Li Xiaobai as a partner because of the pressure of public opinion.

Instead, they are prepared to wait until the matter is settled.

He has always believed that Li Xiaobai would never do such a heartless thing, and someone must have framed him.

At this moment, he suddenly saw the piles of masks in front of the Situ family and the female cultivator's inner armor on the tree branches. He reacted immediately and it was definitely Li Xiaobai who did it.

The other party may He is not the one who will suffer a loss. He will get back at the place where he was framed.

The mask should be thrown by the other party. Moreover, he really knows the female cultivator's inner armor on the tree branch. He is not talking nonsense.

He will attend the tea party held by Fairy Long Xue every year. This royal blue inner armor seems to be her favorite outfit. Maybe it is because of its extraordinary power that Long Xue often wears it.

He can't make a mistake.

So, the mysterious genius who suddenly appeared in Linglong Tower is really played by Li Xiaobai!

"Oh my god, it seems that it is really that one!"

"Yes, Fairy Long Xue likes to wear royal blue clothes the most in her life. I often see her wearing this inner armor. "

Beichen Shixi and Nangong Wan'er on the side also immediately echoed.

The cultivators present were stunned for a second, and all stopped in unison. Many family disciples began to carefully look at the royal blue inner armor on the tree branch, wanting to see what Fairy Long Xue usually wears.

The eyes were full of curiosity.

"Is this inner armor really Fairy Long's?"

"It is rich in spiritual power and flowing with Taoism. It is undoubtedly a protective magic weapon for the Tribulation Period. If it is matched with Fairy Long, it is reasonable. "

"Is there any genius who has participated in the tea party who can come out and explain whether this inner armor is really worn by the fairy?"

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