After leaving Wufu Slope, Su Bai brushed several waves of low-level monsters and fished several times.

Although he didn't catch the golden treasure chest after using it, Su Bai did catch several visions.

There are three Visions of God, which are the Visions of Thunder, Ice, and Wind.

Coupled with the Water Elemental Divine Visions that came out before, Su Bai now has a total of 4 Divine Visions, all of which have different attributes.

This made Su Bai a little difficult, why did he take so many Visions of God?

But after all the fishing was caught and he couldn't go back, Su Bai still decided to keep it.

Just as he was about to put it back in his pocket, it suddenly occurred to Hu Tao that he had misunderstood that he was incapable.

Su Bai knew very well that judging whether a person had strength in the Teyvat Continent, his first reaction was to see if he was wearing a Vision of God.

So, in order not to misunderstand people later.

Su Bai decided to hang these Divine Visions on his waist!

In a few moments, the Vision was hung up.

"Well, that's good. It's quite bluffing to look at. Looking at the four Divine Visions that had just hung on his waist, Su Bai nodded with satisfaction.

I was going to swipe some fishing cards again.

However, considering that the rewards of fishing several times before were not particularly good, it is estimated that today's luck may have run out.

So Su Bai decided to brush again tomorrow, and went back to rest today.

Travel to Mondstadt as fast as you can.

Along the way, Su Bai ate the sunset fruit all the way.

Eating and eating, Su Bai could obviously feel that the speed was much faster.

This time to go back, Su Bai only took 4 hours.

Half the time saved compared to when I went.

This made Su Bai sigh with emotion.

Sunset fruit, eternal God.

Of course.

After arriving in Mondstadt, he did not sit idle, but looked for places to eat in Mondstadt, hoping to continue to eat more and improve his strength.

It's just that I don't know if it's because of the dragon disaster.

Su Bai looked around and found that there were almost no people in Mondstadt, and most of the shops were closed.

Where you can eat...... Only "Angel's Gift" is left open, and the tavern is still open.

Although Su Bai can still do it himself, but considering that... It's not as fast as buying ready-made food.

So Su Bai still entered the tavern.

This tavern Su Bai is still quite familiar.

After all, he used to come a lot when he was playing games.

The owner of the tavern is named Diluc, a well-known figure in Mondstadt.

Not only is he rich, but his strength is also very good, and he has the vision of the fire element.

Maybe it's because of such a boss.

So when there was a dragon disaster in Mondstadt and everyone closed early, the Angel's Gift tavern dared to stay open.

Walking to the bar and asking, Su Bai learned that although there was no appetizer here, there were snacks.

Anyway, Su Bai ate just to upgrade, so he ordered snacks and wine.

After the things were ready, Su Bai found a remote place to eat.

After not eating for a while, a familiar mechanical voice suddenly sounded in Su Bai's ears:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host's single-hook jade writing wheel eye for evolving into a double-hook jade writing wheel!]

[Opening the system panel for the host. 【

Host: Su Bai. [

Plane: Teyvat]

[Acquisition Skills: Salesman, Weapon Master, Washing, Scissor and Blowing Stunt...... Expand]

[Obtained Items: Sparkling Fruit (Unawakened), Flowing Blade (Unsolved), Writing Wheel Eye (Double Hook Jade), Divine Vision...... Expand]

[Fishing card remaining: 0. Listening

to the sound of the system and looking at the attribute panel in front of him, Su Bai couldn't help but be stunned.

Although the Sharingan does not increase much ability after evolving into a double magata, it is just a little stronger than a single magata.

But thinking that this evolution is so simple, as long as you eat something, you can become stronger, who can not be excited.

It's no wonder that Su Bai is in a good mood, and when he is happy, he is ready to buy some food and wine again.

Just then, a teenager walked in from outside the tavern door.

The young man looked young, looked like a minor, and was dressed in green, which was very eye-catching.

Almost the moment the boy walked in the door, Su Bai recognized that the boy was none other than Mondstadt's Wind God

?! This made Su Bai stunned

, and he thought to himself: What's wrong today, so lucky

?! Just came to Teyvat Continent, and actually met two gods in a row?!

But what is Wendy doing

here? Could it be that she is here to buy wine?

But now Mondstadt is still plagued by dragons, and Wendy, the wind god of Mondstadt, doesn't deal with dragons and runs here in the middle of the night to buy wine??well


That's exactly what Wendy can do.



The god of wind was named Barbatos, and his body was a wind spirit.

During the Daedric Wars more than 3,000 years ago, he overthrew the rule of the old king of Mondstadt and became the wind god of Mondstadt.

Since then, Mondstadt has become a land of wind beliefs, ruled by the god of wind.

Of course, this control is only in name.

Because the wind god yearns for freedom like the wind, he basically doesn't take care of things, and most of the things are taken care of by the Knights of Favonius.

As for the wind god himself, he has changed into the appearance of a human teenager, fishing every day.

Although Liyue's rock gods also fish.

He also became a mortal and played in the mortal world.

But Zhongli has only recently started fishing.

But as for this wind god, he hasn't been to work for a few days at all.

Except for when there is a major disaster in Mondstadt, he spends the rest of the time either sleeping or playing.

Knowing this, it is indeed not surprising that he will buy wine here at this time.

Although Su Bai noticed the wind god who entered the tavern at the beginning.

But at this time, the wind god didn't seem to notice Su Bai, who was also in the tavern.

Because his attention was on the wine.

"Is there any cider? Standing in front of the bar, Wendy said, staring at the wine on the wine cabinet.

That look, at first glance, you know that it is an old drunkard.

It's a pity that he has a face of underage.

So the bartender ruthlessly refused: "Mondstadt has a rule that you can't sell alcohol to minors, you can order some non-alcoholic drinks."

Wendy couldn't help but be stunned, and after a moment he flickered at the bartender very seriously, "Why haven't I heard of this rule before?"

"There has always been such a rule. The bartender said earnestly.

It seemed that seeing that the bartender couldn't be fooled like this, Wendy had another plan, and then flickered: "It's late now, you secretly sell some to me." If you're willing to sell it to me, I'm willing to tip you in return. But the

bartender still didn't buy it, and said selflessly: "No, I have to follow the rules, otherwise I will be fired." "

Isn't it okay to sell at all?" asked Wendy, not giving up.

"No!" said the bartender firmly.

Looking at the bartender who was not at all favoritism, Wendy sighed helplessly.

Apparently, he failed to buy alcohol.

And judging by Wendy's expression, it shouldn't be the first time he has failed to buy alcohol.

This made Su Bai feel funny and helpless.

If it weren't for Su Bai having played the game "Genshin Impact" and watched the plot in it.

Who would have thought that Wendy in front of him would be the god of wind in Mondstadt!

Buying a drink and being so ruthlessly rejected is a shameless god?!

Maybe he thinks Wendy is too miserable.

Su Bai decided to help him.

"Bring me a jug of cider and a few plates of snacks. Walking to the bar, Su Bai said to the bartender.

At this point, Wendy seemed to notice that there were other people in the tavern.

Looking up at the sound of talking, the first thing Wendy noticed was not Su Bai's appearance, but the Vision of God hanging around his waist.

The moment Wendy saw it, she frowned, and thought to herself:

4 Visions of God with different attributes?!

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