Su Bai planned to swipe the fishing card, so naturally he couldn't take the Fox Zhai Palace with him.

After all, Fox Zhai Palace came to Liyue to join in the fun, and there was nothing to do in the suburbs.

With this in mind, Su Bai used his Mind Control ability and Arbitrary Gate to bring Catherine from Inazuma to Liyue.

Letting Catherine take care of the Fox Palace was obviously a good decision.

"I'll go first, you can play in Liyue by yourself, and I'll pick you up when the time comes. Su Bai said to the Fox Palace.

Fox Zhai Palace nestled in Catherine's arms, and said casually: "What? are you going to meet your little lover?

Su Bai: "......"

didn't say anything, turned around and left.

Hu Zhai Gong shouted behind him: "Hey~ Su Bai, remember to come back and pick me up." Don't forget me if you have a little lover~

" Su Bai: "......"



Use any door, and in the blink of an eye, you will be in the suburbs.

There is no ridicule from the Fox Palace.

Not to mention, Su Bai really felt that the world was pure.

Shaking his head, Su Bai swiped the fishing card.

After all, if you are going to the Demon God War, you don't know if it is dangerous.

Therefore, Su Bai plans to get more abilities, maybe he can use them when it is critical.

In order to speed up the speed of swiping the fishing card.

Su Bai also summoned the mushroom beast to help swipe the fishing card together.

Coupled with the few stored cards, Su Bai actually had 20 fishing cards in a short period of time.

This made Su Bai very happy.

Hurriedly fishing.

I don't know if it's because the peach blossoms have had good luck recently...... set aside Su Bai's luck.

Good guy, nothing good has come out of these twenty shots.

What [opera master], what [singing and dancing RAP], what [unforgettable] ability ......

These abilities are right...... It's really useless.

Su Bai shook his head and tried to swipe the fishing card again.

This time, Su Bai brushed out another twenty rounds for fishing.

Fortunately, there were no byes for these twenty rounds.

Su Bai came out with a gold.

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill of fishing from the Flood Plane: Occult Technique. Su

Bai was stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

Sounds like a good thing.

Just thinking about it, the system gave an explanation

: [Occult Celestial Technique: The only function of this ability is to conceal Celestial Technique. The host can choose the celestial machine that they want to cover. Once used, no one can steal the celestial machine that the host wants to cover. After

reading the explanation, Su Bai roughly understood.

To put it simply, it's just that Su Bai uses this ability to choose what he wants to cover.

Even heavenly principles can't be snooped on.

Although this ability did not improve Su Bai's combat power, it seemed to be a very powerful ability.

After all, going back to the Demon God War to change the story, this ability seems to be used as well.

Thinking about it like this, Su Bai happily accepted it.

Originally, Su Bai planned to swipe another round of fishing cards.

But what I didn't expect was that.

At this time, Sora, Paimon, and Xiangling actually came over.

"Su Bai, you really are here!" Paimon said excitedly as soon as he saw Su Bai.

Immediately afterwards, Xiangling also hurriedly said: "We have been looking for you for a long time! I still heard that Lord Ningguang said that you came to the suburbs to look for you."

Xiangling said.

It's not hard to hear from their words.

These three people came specifically to find Su Bai and ...... It was Ningguang who told them where he was.

Isn't there anything in Liyue that Ningguang doesn't know.

This Ningguang-sama ...... It's really hand-eyed.

"What's the matter? You are in such a hurry to find me?" After understanding what happened, Su Bai asked lightly.

"We're here for the Chef Tournament!" Paimon couldn't help but say as soon as the words fell, "Xiangling is going to participate in the Chef Tournament, but we can't think of a good new dish, so we thought of asking you if we have any good ideas." Your cooking is delicious!~

" "I see. Su Bai nodded.

This is not surprising.

After all, Xiangling had also asked Su Bai about cooking before.

Thinking about it like this, Su Bai said, "What do you want to ask?" "

I want to ask Su Bai if he has any good ideas for the new dish...... It's the kind of new dish that hasn't appeared in the entire Teyvat continent!" Xiangling asked excitedly.

Su Bai smiled, and then asked Xiangling: "Have you asked other people's opinions?

Xiangling nodded, and hurriedly said: "We have asked many people before, such as Hu Tao, as well as Qiqi and Baizhu, Keqing and Ningguang...... The advice of the others is not bad. But Qiqi and Hu Tao's ......"

Speaking of these two people, Xiangling shook her head with a headache.

Su Bai understood.

Xiangling has such a headache, thinking that it is because the creativity provided by Hu Tao is too "underworld...... And Qiqi probably only likes the milk of coconut sheep.

Listening to Xiangling's words, Su Bai couldn't help but say: "Although I can give you some advice, I think you should ask more people and choose the ones that are more in line with the public's taste and cuisine." Then decide what new dishes to make better.

Xiangling nodded and said with a smile, "That's what I mean, Paimon and Sora say they know a lot of people." We're going to ask them one by one.

"It's a waste of time to run and ask one by one, why invite everyone to a meal, and then invite everyone to get together and ask?" Su Bai said.

After Su Bai said this, everyone thought it was a good idea.

Paimon, in particular, hurriedly said, "Yes, Yo Xiangling, Su Bai also knows a lot of people!!!" We ask Su Bai to help, and we will invite everyone to come over, and you will cook the dishes for everyone to try." Doesn't that know what flavors everyone likes to eat?"

Paimon's words came out, and everyone looked at Su Bai.

Su Bai was stunned.

Before he could answer, Paimon said enthusiastically, "Help, Su Bai~ Xiangling is working hard to win the Chef God Competition."

After Paimon finished speaking, the pot on the side, who had never spoken much, actually spoke.

"Lulu Lu Lu!" Guoba couldn't speak, only made a similar sound.

Dancing as if asking Su Bai for help.

Seeing that they were so enthusiastic, Su Bai couldn't refuse.

Thinking that it would be good to call some people symbolically, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll try to help you get a few people." Where are you going to eat?"

"Let's stay in the Wanmin Hall!!! I'll make room for you to be cleaner." Xiangling said busily.

Su Bai nodded.

Seeing that Su Bai agreed, Paimon, Sora, and Xiangling went to prepare.

As he left, Paimon said, "Sora, let's go find some friends."

Su Bai thought about it, and didn't know who to call for a while.

After all, like Zhongli, Hu Tao, and Xiao, these people in Liyue are expected to be called Paimon and Sora.

So who is he going to call?

Wait...... Speaking of ......which

, Wendy seemed to say that he hadn't seen Zhongli for a long time.

Why don't he invite this wind god...... How?

Zhongli and Fengshen meet.

Old friends reminisce, the scene should be pretty good.

Su Bai thought to himself, took out any door and turned around...... Mondstadt.

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