He was stunned for a few seconds, but soon he reacted.

"Really, do you know where Ying is?!" Sora asked excitedly.

Su Bai nodded and gave affirmation.

This made Sora even more happy, and he couldn't help but say, "It seems that Amber didn't lie to me. She told me that a traveler had come to Mondstadt before I came. He also said that we are both travelers, maybe you will know about my sister, but I didn't expect you to know.

As soon as the empty voice fell, Paimon on the side couldn't help but say, "It's so good." Su Bai knows your sister's whereabouts, so you will soon be able to find your sister and return to your world.

Paimon uttered an empty voice.

After all, that's what he thought in his heart.

He wanted to find his sister and leave Teyvat with her.

It's a pity.

Things didn't get him his way.

Just as Paimon and Sora were both immersed in happy joy, Su Bai suddenly spoke, "Even though I know where your sister is, I can guarantee that you can meet your sister." But perhaps...... You can't take her away. I

have to admit that Su Bai's words are indeed a bit unpleasant at this time.

But what he said was the truth.

It's just that Sora still doesn't quite understand, and he said suspiciously: "I don't quite understand the meaning of your words."

Su Bai shrugged his shoulders and said in a somewhat helpless tone: "Come with me, I'll take you to your sister." As for the reason, let your sister tell you herself. "


If Su Bai remembers correctly.

Ying should have been near Mondstadt all the time.

Because this time, the real mastermind behind the dragon disaster is Sora's sister - Ying.

Or rather, the Abyss Order, which is managed by Ying.

Since she is the mastermind behind the scenes, Ying must be paying close attention to every move of the Mondstadt Dragon disaster.

Previously, when Wendy used the violin to awaken Dvalin's memories, an Ice Abyss Mage appeared.

The purpose of the Ice Abyss Mage's appearance was originally to re-enchant Dvalin.

And in the original plot, the Abyss Mage also succeeded.

After succeeding, the Abyss Mage triumphantly went to report to Ying.

At that time, Ying appeared near the ruins of the Wind Dragon.

Although because of Su Bai's intervention, the Abyss Mage did not succeed.

But even if it fails, presumably the abyssal mage will go to report to Ying.

So this also proves that Ying may still be near the ruins of the Wind Dragon.

After sorting out this logic, Su Bai took the air to the vicinity of the Wind Dragon Ruins.

In fact, Su Bai has thought about it, maybe Ying has already left.

But what he didn't expect was that Ying hadn't left yet, and she seemed to be a little unwilling to look at her and was ready to do it again.

However, just as she was plotting with the Abyss Mage and other monsters, Subai, Sora, and Paimon appeared in front of her.

This made Ying a little shocked for a while, and the confused eyes obviously didn't expect the void to appear.

Sora apparently didn't notice Ying's stunnedness.

He just said excitedly, "Ying! I've finally found you."

He probably thought Ying would be happy to see him.

But what Lingkong didn't expect was that the first thing Ying said when she saw him was: "Brother, we shouldn't meet at this time."

Sora was stunned.

He didn't seem to expect Ying to say this.

Shouldn't we meet at this time

? What does this mean

? Sora didn't understand, so he looked at Ying and asked, "What are you talking about, Ying? I'm here to find you, have you forgotten that we are going on a trip together?"

But Ying said, "Brother, I can't go with you for the time being." "


He looked at Ying, as if he wanted an answer.

However, Ying didn't answer for him, just hurriedly said goodbye: "Brother, we will meet again." "

Obviously, because of the appearance of the empty plan was disrupted.

Ying just wants to leave now.

The galaxy-like door to the abyss was opened, and then Ying was swallowed by the door of the abyss.

Empty anxious.

He didn't want Ying to leave, so he strode forward to grab Ying's hand.

But he didn't have time to catch anything, and Ying was gone.

The first meeting with Ying ended in such a hurry, which was unexpected.

What he didn't expect was that Ying was unwilling to leave with him.

They clearly came together, because they stayed in Teyvat because of an accident.

Why was Ying reluctant to leave with him?

He froze in place and looked in the direction Ying had just left, his eyes glazed.

It took him a long time before he suddenly remembered something, and said to Su Bai: "Do you know something?!Please tell me, okay?"

Looking at the empty like this, Su Bai shrugged his shoulders and said in a slightly helpless tone: "Actually, I don't know a lot." Su

Bai's words are true, he doesn't know much.

All he knew was that Sora's sister had chosen the Abyss Order.

And the current Abyss Order is the country that was destroyed by God five hundred years ago, Kanria.

To put it simply, all the monsters in the Abyss Order today are the people of the former Kanria.

And Sora's sister has somehow become the princess of Kanria, and is helping the people of Kanria to restore the country.

This is probably all that Su Bai knows.

Even if these things are told to the void, there is nothing wrong with it.

But at least not so far.

After all, Sora had just arrived, and he had the impression that the Abyss Order was not decent.

And he should have heard about it in Mondstadt, and he should have known that the Abyss Order was behind this dragon disaster.

So Su Bai was even more difficult to speak out.

He can't tell Sora that your sister is a villain.

What if Sora doesn't believe it and says that he is framing his sister?

So Su Bai said: "It's better to wait for the next time you meet, let your sister tell you in person." He

didn't say anything, he just stared at Su Bai.

He seemed to realize that Su Bai was hiding something.

Although he wanted to know what was going on, considering that Su Bai had already helped a lot, he couldn't get an inch, so after thinking about it, he couldn't help but didn't ask any more.

It was just a sign from his expression that he was very depressed at this time.

Su Bai can understand.

The sister who finally found it ran away, who wouldn't be depressed.

But there's nothing he can do.

What's more, he has other things to do now.

According to Su Bai's calculations, the plot should also be when the lady appears to steal the heart of the gods.

Although Su Bai is not easy to take when the heart of God is in the body of God.

But once it was withdrawn from God's body and fell into the hands of the Fatui, Su Bai would be able to take it.

The heart of the gods, Su Bai is still very curious.

I don't know what the use is to make the Ice God spend so much effort to get it.

Thinking of this, Su Bai immediately said to the air: "I have to go." Sora

answered, and then casually asked, "Where are you going?"

and "Go find Wendy." Su Bai said lightly.

Although I am very depressed now.

But when he thinks that Wendy is a god, maybe he will know something about his sister.

Kong immediately said to Su Bai: "I'll go with you." "

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