Because the most beloved golden shrimp ball was eaten.

What was supposed to be a good mood was ruined at this moment.

At this moment, the expression on Qingqing's face was more ugly than crying.

She muttered in a whispered aggrieved voice.

And Su Bai was very happy.

Meimei was eating golden shrimp balls, and he was even showing off: "This golden shrimp balls taste really good." "

With the talent of the chef, the food made by Su Bai is absolutely delicious.

Not being able to eat is indeed a loss for Keqing.

It's no wonder that Keqing, who has always been arrogant in front of people, will make an aggrieved expression at this time.

Especially after hearing Su Bai's words, she was even more aggrieved.

looked at the empty bowl with a blank eye, and the light in his eyes instantly disappeared.

And in this regard, Su Bai pretended not to know.

Don't blame him for having a black belly, who made Keqing apologize before he didn't apologize.

Xiangling, who was on the side, seemed to notice something and couldn't help asking: "Keqing, what's wrong with you?!"

"Golden shrimp ball...... No ......," Keqing muttered quietly.

Xiangling was stunned for a moment, and then noticed that the golden shrimp balls were gone.

"Keqing, do you like to eat golden shrimp balls?!" asked Xiangling.

Keqing nodded weakly.

As if to understand her grievances, Xiangling hurriedly said, "Then I'll help you make one." If you can't eat the food you want to eat at the moment, it will really affect the mood of the day. With that

, Xiangling got up and planned to make another golden shrimp ball.

At this moment, Su Bai said casually: "There are no shrimp left, if you want to make it, you can only make golden silk balls." Keqing

: "......" Xiangling: "......"

said that the golden shrimp balls, without shrimp, will naturally lose the original taste of this dish.

As a chef, Xiangling naturally knows this.

"That probably won't work...... Xiangling said with some embarrassment, "If you want to buy shrimp, you'll have to go to Liyue City." "

Although at this time, Qing really wants to eat golden shrimp balls.

But after all, this is the outskirts of Liyue, so it's still a bit farther to the city.

Although Keqing is arrogant, she is not capricious.

Knowing this, I can only give up.

"It's okay, I'll eat something else first. Keqing said aggrievedly.

Then I took a piece of meat and tasted it.

After a bite, Keqing's dim gaze instantly lit up.

"Good...... Eat!" Keqing said in surprise.

As one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, Keqing has a noble status in Liyue, and naturally has eaten a lot of delicious food.

But at this time, Keqing can say without exaggeration.

This piece of meat was the best Keqing had ever tasted, and no chef in Liyue could do it.

It's an indescribable delicacy, so delicious that you can't wait to lick the plate.

It's no wonder that Keqing took a bite and then took a big bite one after another.

Looking at Keqing like this, Xiangling couldn't help but ask, "Is it so delicious?" Keqing

had also tried Xiangling's dishes before.

After all, Wanmin Hall, where Xiangling is located, is also famous in Liyue.

It is because I have seen Xiangling that I know.

Keqing has always been very careful about her image outside.

It's rare to eat like this.

That's why Xiangling is curious.

How delicious it must be to make Keqing like this.

It does smell good, but it doesn't make Liyue Yu Hengxing, who is used to eating good food, like it so much.

Xiangling thought to herself, and then took a piece of meat and tried it lightly.

Unexpectedly, after trying it, it was like opening a new continent, and I couldn't help it anymore.

"This is also delicious!" Xiangling couldn't help but say as she ate.

If it weren't for trying it herself, Xiangling wouldn't have believed it at all.

There are people who can make a different freshness from an ordinary piece of meat.

The fat of the meat is well locked, and it is delicious to explode in your mouth when you bite into it.

Even if you eat a lot, you won't feel tired.

It will also change the texture and make it more delicious when paired with fried rice.

Such a delicacy makes even Xiangling, who has eaten a lot of delicacies, feel fresh.

"Aren't you really a chef?" asked Xiangling in surprise.

While asking, don't forget to continue eating meat.

"No, but I think I can be a chef if I want to. Su Bai said with a smile.

There wasn't much chatting between a few people.

Mainly because the food is so delicious that everyone is busy eating.

And the reason why Su Bai didn't talk much.

It was because at this time a familiar mechanical voice sounded in his ears: [Ding!] The Writing Wheel Eye has evolved into the Three-Hook Jade Writing Wheel Eye. The

three-hook jade writing wheel eye is the highest level of evolution of the ordinary writing wheel eye.

It sounds good, but it's not enough to deal with the Demon God.

But even so, Su Bai was still very happy.

After all, he became stronger again by eating.

And, although the three-hook jade writing wheel eye is not enough to deal with the demon god.

It can be used to deal with existences other than reaching the strength of demon gods and immortals.

If you evolve further, you can become a more advanced kaleidoscope writing wheel.

Thinking of this, how could Su Bai not be happy.

Naturally, my mood is much better.

It's just that the higher you go, the more difficult it becomes, so you still have to eat something.

"It's been a long time since I've eaten such delicious food, I feel like I can eat another bowl of rice~" Just when Su Bai was happy, Xiangling's voice came.

This voice pulled Su Bai's thoughts back.

When I looked closely, I realized that the dishes I made had already been eaten.

"I didn't expect you guys to be quite able to eat. I just made a lot of dishes. Smiling slightly, Su Bai couldn't help but say.

Because Su Bai eats a lot, he deliberately makes a lot of dishes.

Don't look at the fact that there are only four dishes, but it is enough for five big men to eat.

He hadn't even noticed the sound of the system.

Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, Xiangling and Keqing actually finished eating all the dishes.

Although most of them were eaten by Su Bai before, there were a lot of leftovers.

This really surprised Su Bai.

"It seems that I have eaten a little too much...... "Xiangling said with some embarrassment, as if realizing that she had indeed eaten too much.

Keqing on the side couldn't help blushing a little.

But there is no way, who made Su Bai's dishes so delicious.

But it's because it's delicious, which makes Keqing even more depressed.

Other dishes are so delicious, how delicious can the golden shrimp balls be


can be depressed and depressed, and Keqing doesn't know that Su Bai deliberately cheated her.

Although there have been some unpleasant things before, but because of the food.

Keqing's impression of Su Bai has changed a lot.

So much so that Keqing couldn't help but say, "If you have any trouble in Liyue, you can come to me."

As soon as these words came out, Su Bai was a little surprised.

After all, he didn't expect that he would let Liyue Yu Hengxing be his backer with just one meal.

"That's trouble. Su Bai said with a smile.

I thought this was the end, but what Su Bai didn't expect was.

Immediately after, Keqing said the surprising words again: "Before...... It's my fault. I shouldn't have doubted you, I'm sorry.

Su Bai was stunned for a moment, and thought without thinking:

So, Keqing is apologizing to himself

?!Is this the charm of food?!

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