"Klee, go back

to confinement!" "Anyway, you won't be allowed to come out again until

the confinement is lifted!" "Don't drop bombs in the city anymore, I'll have someone change the lock for you tomorrow!"

Under the stern rebuke of the head of the Jean group, Klee, who had just escaped, returned to the confinement room.

After the door in the confinement chamber is locked again.

Qin looked at Su Bai with an apologetic face and said, "I'm really sorry to make you laugh." As

if realizing that he had made a mistake, Qin said to Su Bai very apologetically.

And Su Bai understood this.

After all, Klee, the little guy, can be said to be one of the most troublesome characters for Captain Jean.

Why do you have a headache?

It all started with Klee's mother.

Klee's mother, Alice.

She is the witch of Mondstadt.

She is the patriarch of the Witches' Guild.

He is also a very legendary figure.

How legendary.

Dvalin's home was blown up by Alice.

Alice, a witch.

Not only is her identity a witch.,The personality is also a witch.。

He has done a lot of earth-shattering things in Mondstadt.

So much so that Klee, such an equally powerful daughter, was taught.

Klee, like her mother, Alice, is of the elven race.

Because the elves live a long life.

So after giving birth to Klee, she went out on an adventure and left Klee alone in the Knights.

Of course.

Before leaving.

Alice teaches Klee the "blasting" technique she is proud of.

As a result, Klee's favorite toy at a young age was a bomb.

She called the bomb a "baby".

And with her mother, that Lady Alice did the same earth-shattering thing.

For example, Klee once blew up Lookout Mountain into Lookout Mountain.

There was also a bombing of the ancient rock dragon lizard.

Although Klee is young, she looks like she is only a few years old.

But her destructive power and lethality are extremely high.

So much so that Captain Jean had to give orders to Klee.

She was not allowed to drop bombs in the city, nor was she allowed to disrupt official business.

If Klee makes a mistake, Captain Jean will send Klee to report in the confinement cell.

Punish her with confinement.

How could the lively Klee be idle.

The clever Klee learns to pick locks.

This also led to Klee sneaking out every time she didn't close for a few days.

This made the head of the piano very worried.

Such a small person can't be severely punished, so in the face of Klee, Jean also has a headache.

This is the scene just now, when the head of the Jean team saw Klee, he was very angry.

In this regard, Su Bai expressed his understanding.

"It's normal for children to be naughty. Su Bai said with a smile.

"She's no ordinary child. ......" Jean sighed and reached out to press her temple.

It can be seen that the head of the piano has a headache at this time.

However, consider that there is still work to be done.

So soon the head of the qin group said: "I still have something to do, so I won't send you yet."

Jean went back to the office.

And Su Bai was waiting for Qin to leave.

The moment he saw Qin close the office door, Su Bai sneaked away to find Klee.

Because it was late, there was no one outside the door of the confinement room.

So no one cares about Su Bai.

Su Bai walked over and cautiously knocked on the door of the confinement room.

But after a while, Klee's soft and cute voice came from inside the door: "Klee is there~" Hearing Klee's

response, Su Bai immediately replied: "Klee, I'm Brother Su Bai."

Soon Klee's puzzled voice came from the confinement room: "Brother Su Bai, who is it?"

As soon as the words fell, a "click" was heard.

didn't wait for Su Bai's reaction yet.

Klee pried open the door to the confinement chamber.

Su Bai: "???"

was dumbfounded at the time.

He was still thinking about how to get in and get Klee out.

Good guy, Klee actually picked the lock open.

Look at the speed at which the lock is picked.

It must be a veteran.

I'm afraid I've pried it more than once.

But think about it.

If she hadn't picked the lock, how would Klee have sneaked out just now?

At this moment, Klee's voice came from her ears: "Hey, you are the big brother who stayed by the side of the head of the Qin just now!"

Klee recognized Su Bai and pointed at Su Bai and said.

She was a little excited at first.

Then he suddenly drooped his little head again.

asked in a very aggrieved tone: "Did the head of the Qin regiment

ask the eldest brother to punish Klee?" Su Bai hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, Klee, the eldest brother is here to ask you something."

Guessed, Klee couldn't help asking, "Big brother wants to ask Klee something."

Su Bai smiled faintly and asked very friendly: "Big brother wants to study the big fort, and I want to ask Klee if she knows where the materials to make bombs are." "

Fort ......" Klee muttered, beckoning to Su Bai very seriously, "Big brother, come in."

With that, Klee invited Subai into her confinement cell.

Klee was defenseless against Su Bai, and a large part of the reason was probably because she saw him walking with Captain Qin just now.

That's why Su Bai was invited into the confinement room.

And about Klee's confinement cell.

To be honest, Su Bai wanted to come in and have a look a long time ago.

Originally, Su Bai thought that the confinement room was a hut.

The inside of the house should be quite small.

It's a confinement room, after all.

But as soon as he entered the door, Su Bai found out.

Good fellow, what kind of confinement is this?

It's clearly a research room.

There are a lot of things in it, all of which are materials needed to study the bomb.

There's even a lab bench on the table.

Let's just say how can Klee have so many bombs on her?

It turned out that he was doing research in a confinement room

!!! Frankly speaking, Su Bai was quite surprised the moment he entered the door.

However, after being surprised, Su Bai was a little happy.

After all, what he lacks now is not materials.

With the talent of a genius inventor, Su Bai can study all kinds of artillery fire.

Even if it is a high-tech weapon, Su Bai can invent it.

For example, what Su Bai knew, the Hex missile.

Another example is Iron Man armor and nanotechnology.

Even magic turrets.

As long as Su Bai can think of it, through the genius of the inventor, Su Bai can make it.

But the premise is that the world must have these raw materials.

Su Bai knew that there were some technologies that might not be able to be done because of material limitations.


Su Bai can completely use his own cleverness to create the most powerful fort that belongs to this world.

Like what Su Bai knew, the final machine, the mountain cannon.

Those forts are really unsightly.

So Su Bai decided to use the raw materials of this world to create an elemental fort that belonged to this world!

Not only did he think so, Su Bai also decided to do so.

"Klee, big brother, can you study the fort in your confinement room and borrow some of your materials?!" Su Bai asked Klee very kindly.

Maybe it's because these are Klee's very precious things, so Klee hesitated for a while.

"Will the big brother also invent bombs?" she asked curiously, looking at Su Bai.

Su Bai nodded, and said very firmly: "Of course, the big brother wants to create a super large, unique giant elemental turret, which is the kind that can defeat the demon god, does Klee want to see it?"

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