"Hello, my name is Su Bai, and I was invited by Ganyu to come to the Jade Pavilion today to make an appointment.

After seeing that the woman in front of him was Ningguang, Su Bai introduced himself very politely.

In any case, Ningguang was the ruler of Liyue in the future, so Su Bai was naturally a little polite.

"Heavenly power, Ningguang. Smiling slightly, Ningguang briefly introduced himself.

Not a lot of words.

The simple four words make the temperament of "heavenly power respected" rigid.

Thinking about it, even if you don't know Ningguang's identity, just from this temperament, you can know that Ningguang must have a good identity.

Fortunately, Su Bai still knew a lot about Ningguang, so he was also very calm at this time.

Looking at the gaze sitting in a chair and looking at himself.

Su Bai was neither humble nor arrogant, and asked with a slight smile, "I don't know why Lord Tianquan invited me to come today?"

His words pulled back Ningguang's thoughts.

Turning his gaze away, Ningguang beckoned his men to leave.

After the people left, Ningguang smiled and said, "Qin specially talked about you in the letter to me. I'm inviting you here today just to get to know you what the heroes who saved Mondstadt were.

Ningguang was very polite and easy-going.

She said nonchalantly.

It seemed that Su Bai was really asked to come and chat today, but Su Bai knew that this was not the case.

Who is Ningguang?!The

richest man in Liyue.

In charge of the entire business operations of Liyue Harbor, she is the most noble woman in Liyue.

Such dignity is naturally obtained through wealth.

So, Ningguang is a businessman.

Although Ningguang has a gentle side, after all, she is self-made and is a little different from those profiteers.

But Su Bai didn't believe that Ningguang would do the same to him.

After all, Ningguang didn't have much friendship with him at this time, and he was also a stranger to Ningguang.

So come to think of it, there must be something wrong with this Ningguang calling him here.

And Ningguang's mind is not difficult to guess.

After all, Liyue's current situation is there.

With this in mind, Liyue probably came to him in the hope that he would help the humans regain control in Liyue.

As for why Ningguang would ask Su Bai to help an outsider.

The first reason is that humans are on the inferior side, and Liyue Seven Stars needs strong foreign help.

Second, it is also because Ningguang and the head of the piano have been pen pals for many years.

The two of them exchanged letters and had a deep relationship.

Presumably, it should be the head of the Qin regiment who said in the letter that he is an upright person, so Ningguang will come to him.

After all, a person willing to save Mondstadt can't be a bad person.

Moreover, the man who saved Mondstadt would not be weak.

With these prerequisites, it is not surprising that Ningguang will invite Su Bai today.

It's just that Ningguang speaks no different from an ordinary businessman.

I like to talk around the bush and not so directly.

Su Bai didn't like this very much.

But it doesn't matter, she doesn't have a direct Su Bai can be direct.

So smiling slightly, Su Bai said very calmly, "I naturally believe that Lord Tianquan called me here to get to know me, but I think in addition to getting acquainted, I also want to tell me about the situation in Liyue."

Ningguang didn't seem to expect him to be so direct.

He was slightly stunned, but soon returned to his smile.

"I've heard that you've been here in Liyue for a while, and you've met Keqing and Xiangling, so it seems that you've also asked about Liyue. Ningguang said unhurriedly.

Su Bai has only come to Liyue twice.

These two Ningguang actually knew about it, and he also knew who Su Bai had seen.

Looking at it this way, Ningguang is not the one who wields the power of Liyue.

For the things she wants to know, her intelligence is really not left behind.

Of course, Ningguang has more than that.

She also learned that Su Bai had seen the immortals of Liyue.

"You haven't been here for a long time, but I've heard you've seen the immortals of Liyue. Now that you've seen both the Seven Stars and the Immortals, I don't know what you think of Liyue now. Without waiting for Su Bai to speak, Ning Guang continued.

Because of Su Bai's directness, Ningguang finally brought the topic into formality.

But that's fine.

After all, if you ask early and ask late, this question still needs to be asked.

So Su Bai didn't hide it, and said something in his heart.

"Although the world is peaceful now, the Demon God War has passed for a thousand years. It is undeniable that Liyue's safety was laid down by the immortals in the first place, and it is understandable that humans now want to control the power and manage it themselves, but I think that the respect for the immortals should still be there. Su Bai said lightly.

Frankly speaking, Su Bai's remarks were biased towards the Liyue Immortals.

If it weren't for Su Bai's current strength being strong enough to defeat Ningguang, he wouldn't have dared to say it so presumptuously in front of the Liyue Seven Stars.

But, undeniably.

Su Bai was telling the truth.

Liyue has grown from a wasteland with nothing to the thriving world it is today.

All of this is inseparable from the immortals led by Morax.

They have made an indelible contribution to Liyue.

In order to keep the people of Liyue living and working in peace, they fought non-stop, and even some of the demon gods gave everything for it.

Xiangling's partner Guoba is one of the demon gods.

During the Daedric War, he gave all his strength to protect the people of Liyue.

Liyue was born out of the hands of the immortals.

has the glory it has now, so Su Bai thinks that it is normal for him to say a word or two for the immortals.

However, this surprised Ningguang a little.

She obviously didn't expect Su Bai to say such a thing.

And, again, in front of her.

For a moment, Ningguang himself was a little surprised.

Soon, though, Ningguang recovered.

She didn't rush to blame or refute Su Bai, but just asked, "So, you think humans shouldn't take the initiative on their own?!" Su Bai

shook his head and said, "I don't think so, it's only a matter of time before humans take charge of Liyue."

Ningguang was a little curious, and said with an inexplicable smile on his face, "You just said that Liyue is inseparable from the immortals, but now you think that Liyue should be managed by humans. To be honest, I'm curious what you think. "

It's normal for Ningguang to be strange at this time.

After all, Su Bai had just spoken to the immortals on the front foot, and the back foot thought that sooner or later the humans would take control of Liyue.

This contradictory statement would be strange to anyone.

But Ningguang didn't know.

Su Bai said this because Morax, the rock god of Liyue, the head of the immortals, had decided to retire.

Now that Morax has decided to retire, Liyue will inevitably be managed by humans in the future.

It won't be left unattended.

Thinking of this, Su Bai said to Ning Guang very tactfully

, "Although I don't think you should rebel against the immortals, after all, they are the ones who gave Liyue glory. But it is undeniable that there are differences in thinking between immortals and humans. Nowadays, Liyue is dominated by humans, so letting humans take charge of the retirement of Liyue Immortals is an inevitable consequence of the progress of the times. It doesn't matter what I think. "

I know that Lord Ningguang has come today to test my attitude, and you hope that I can help you reclaim power from the immortals. Or, even if I don't help you, you hope I won't help the immortals.

"But I think you're overthinking. Because I'm not on either side.

"I'm just a traveler from somewhere else, and no matter which side I help, it doesn't change because of me.

"Of course. You don't have to worry about me helping the immortals.

"First, it's because the strength of the immortals itself is stronger than yours, and they don't need help.

"The second is...... Have you ever thought that the immortals might have wanted to retire a long time ago?!"

Su Bai showed a friendly smile after speaking.

He expressed his attitude, and even more subtle spoilers gave Ningguang something.

Ningguang is not stupid, and he can naturally hear one or two of them.

But what surprised Ningguang was not something Su Bai said.

Moreover, Su Bai's understanding of Liyue was completely beyond Ningguang's imagination.

So much so that after Su Bai finished speaking, Ningguang was a little stunned.

She always had a feeling that she had seen through all her thoughts.

It seems that what Captain Qin said is really good.

Su Bai, it's not simple at all.

It's been a long time since I've met such a strong "opponent".

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