Su Bai didn't expect Zhongli to call him.

But since it's an invitation from Childe.

I think it's supposed to be there, so it's okay to take a look.

But...... Su Bai remembered.

In the plot, Childe should have facilitated a dinner appointment.

But I've just eaten it.

"Isn't it okay, we're going to eat again?" asked Su Bai.

"Like, it's a meal. Zhongli nodded.

"In that case, why do you still eat here?" asked Su Bai with some confusion.

Zhongli said very calmly: "The specialty dishes of each restaurant are different. Not to mention, sitting here is a great way to observe Liyue's current condition. "

I only eat the specialty dishes of each restaurant.

Well, it's a lot like Zhongli's style.

Anyway, Su Bai has the ability to feast.

The strength of eating more also increases a lot, so it doesn't hurt to eat again.

Thinking of this, Su Bai said to Klee, "Klee, let's go." Let's go to another place to eat~

" "Okay, Brother Su Bai!~" Carrying a small schoolbag, Klee said in a bouncing manner.

The three were preparing to leave.

Suddenly, Zhongli remembered something.

"Haven't checked out yet. Zhongli said without changing his face.

Su Bai had long thought that Zhongli would not take Mora.

So he also said: "Unfortunately, I didn't take Mora with me when I went out today." "

I was trying to see what Zhongli would do.

Unexpectedly, Zhongli was not panicked at all, and said to the shopkeeper heroically: "Recorded in the account of the Afterlife Hall." "

Haole~Distinguished guest!~" The shopkeeper said enthusiastically.

Su Bai: "......"


In addition to Childe, there is also Hu Tao, a big grudge.



The three of them made it all the way to Crescent Pavilion, one of Liyue's more upscale restaurants.

After all, it's a childe's treat, and there must be a row of noodles.

And the son booked a private room, and the grade is even higher.

The three of them entered the private room, but Childe and the traveler had not yet arrived.

Fortunately, after waiting for a while, they arrived.

"Su Bai, are you here too?" As soon as he saw Su Bai, Childe greeted him in surprise.

Paimon and Sora recognize him at a glance.

"You're not...... Holy Light Knight !!" Paimon pointed at Su Baidao.

Su Bai smiled slightly, and responded politely: "Meet again, there is still ...... empty"

Looking at Paimon, Su Bai paused.

Thinking about the last time we met, I hadn't spoken to Paimon properly because I was in a hurry.

Su Bai couldn't help but want to tease

Paimon and said, "There is also emergency food!" As soon as Su Bai called her that, Paimon stomped his feet angrily and hurriedly said, "Paimon is not emergency food!"

Although she shouted loudly.

But Su Bai didn't correct his statement at all, but continued to joke: "Speaking of which, how do you eat emergency food to be delicious?! How about frying Paimon? How about frying Paimon? It feels pretty good, so I'll call you fried Paimon from now on."

Paimon shouted angrily, "...... Paimon can't be fried!",

but her shouts were weak.

It was impossible to change Su Bai's mind at all.

"Hello, fried Paimon~" Su Bai smiled slightly.

Paimon: "......"

stomped his feet angrily, saying that Su Bai was rude.

This lively look amuses the childe and the empty forbearance can't help laughing.

The atmosphere is also a little lively.

Jokes are jokes, though.

They'll have business to talk about.

"Alright, let's get down to business. Su Bai, you have seen me, so I don't need to introduce him, this is called Zhongli, and he is the person I helped you find. Childe introduced.

Everyone looked at Zhongli one after another.

I think it's also because Gongzi mentioned before that he came today to ask about the Immortal Ancestor's Fa Transformation, so Zhongli spoke very simply.

After taking a sip of tea, Zhongli looked at the empty dao: "I have a way for you to see the immortal body of the Rock King Emperor.

As soon as these words came out, both Sora and Paimon were surprised.

I couldn't help but ask about Zhongli.

And what about Su Bai.

This will be eating while watching Zhongli and Childe's performance.

Look at how they fool the void.

It's pretty miserable to say.

I don't know Zhongli's true identity yet, so it's just that Zhongli was fooled.

was fooled by Childe.

Childe said that he was bringing him to Zhongli to ask about the Immortal Ancestor Fa Transformation.

But in fact, it was Childe who wanted to use the void to find the location of the heart of the gods.

After all, it was in the plot at the beginning.

Su Bai was also deceived by Childe like this.

Just now, Su Bai still felt that Gongzi, a big resentful species, invited him to eat so much food.

It might not be good if you do do it with him.

After all, the hands are short, and the mouth is soft.

But now that I think about it, Childe has taken advantage of him, and it doesn't seem impossible to beat him up to vent his anger.

With Su Bai's current strength, it is more than enough to defeat Gongzi.

I don't know if it will be the focus of the start, or the lighter of the start?

Su Bai summed it up in his heart.

Totaling and totaling.

The dinner is over.

After the dinner, everyone was ready to go their separate ways.

Just now they said at the dinner that they were going to hold a [Sending Immortal Ceremony] for the emperor.

Well...... Let's put it simply.

It's about holding a funeral.

And this funeral had to be organized by Zhongli himself.

Eat your own banquet and hold your own funeral with your own hands.

This row of noodles is probably only available to the Liyue Rock God.

So after eating, everyone was quite busy.

It seems that Su Bai is quite idle.

Zhongli couldn't help asking, "Su Bai, do you want to go together to prepare for the Immortal Ceremony?"

Su Bai shook his head and immediately said, "No need." "

This kind of coolie thing, just get it empty.

Su Bai didn't want to join in the fun.

"Well, we'll go first. Zhongli said lightly.

He then left with Paimon and Sora.

Only Childe, Su Bai and Klee were left in place.

Su Bai didn't speak first.

Sure enough, after a while, Gongzi asked: "Su Bai, it seems that you don't seem to care about where the rock god immortal body is, just now at the dinner, you didn't say a word." "

When I was at the dinner before, Childe looked at himself intentionally or unintentionally.

Su Bai guessed that Gongzi had something to ask.

Now he would ask these questions, and Su Bai was naturally not curious.

He just said casually, "It's none of my business, why do I care about this

?" "Then why did you come to Liyue today?" Childe continued, the smile on his face a little tentative.

Su Baiquan didn't realize it, and continued to answer Childe's question.

"Join in the fun, the assassination of the rock god is such a big thing, I naturally want to come and see it. Su Bai said lightly.

This Gongzi didn't continue to ask, but said: "I still have some things, so I'll leave first~"

and then Childe left.

But Su Bai, who has a writing wheel eye, knows very well that Childe did not leave.

He just hid in the shadows and watched Su Bai.

He probably wanted to see where Su Bai would go next.

Will it happen to know the location of the rock god immortal body?

And this is exactly the effect that Su Bai wants.

After all, after waiting for Kong and Zhongli to deal with the matter of sending the immortal ceremony, it would take too long to find the immortal body.

So Su Bai decided early in the morning to take Gongzi to find it in person.

Thinking of this, Su Bai asked Klee, "Klee, do you want to go to a place where there are a lot of Mora and

a big demon king?!" "There are a lot of Mora?!There is also a big demon king? Klee is going to ~~" Klee said excitedly.

"Then let's go, Brother Su Bai will take you to the Golden House to beat the son. "

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