After taming a Rock King Emperor Fungus, Su Bai and Klee walked around Sumeru for a while.

Then he tamed the "Eightfold" Mushroom Beast of the Thunder Attribute, the "Kamisato" Mushroom Beast of the Ice Element, etc., and gathered the Seven Element Mushroom Beast.

The mushroom has tamed a total of seven elemental mushrooms and seven fishing cards.

In terms of Su Bai's luck and physique, he still saved it for the time being, and kept it for later fishing.

As for the mushroom beasts, Su Bai let them stay in the storage bag.

The Akademiya was raised, and Sumeru also walked around for a while.

Although Sumeru is beautiful, there are still many dead realms here.

It's still dangerous.

Klee is a child, and it is not good to run in such a dangerous place.

Besides, it was too long to wait for him to come out, so Su Bai still decided to send Klee home.

Thinking about it, Su Baidang even returned to Mondstadt with Klee.

"Brother Su Bai, are you going to send Klee back?" On the way, Klee asked a little reluctantly.

Su Bai nodded and said, "Klee, you are still too young now, Brother Su Bai can't take you out for too long." Otherwise, Captain Jean will worry about you. "

Brother Su Bai, will we see each other again in the future, will you come to see Klee again?" Klee asked with a serious face.

"Of course it will, Brother Su Bai will come to see you when he is free. Su Bai said with a smile.

It's just that this is free, and I really don't know when I will be free.

Teyvat, there's so much more to explore.


"Then when Klee grows up and can go out to play, Klee will also go to Brother Su Bai!" Klee said reluctantly.

"Okay~ Then Brother Su Bai is waiting for Klee. Su Bai said with a smile.

The two made a small pact.

Klee seemed happy, and she didn't seem so disappointed about going back.

It took some time.

Su Bai returned to the Order with Klee.

As soon as they returned to the Knights, Su Bai and Klee met with Captain Jean.

As soon as she saw the head of the Jean troupe, Klee immediately wilted.

"Captain Jean, Klee...... Klee was wrong...... "Klee bowed her head very aggrieved.

By the way, he also saved Su Bai's thigh and hid behind him.

Obviously, Klee was afraid that Captain Jean would scold her.

But this time, to Klee's surprise, Captain Jean not only did not scold her, but praised her.

"Klee, you're doing a good job this time. Smiling slightly, Jean said to Klee with rare gentleness.

Hearing that the head of the piano was so gentle, Klee was stunned.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

"Ningguang wrote to me that you and Klee had built a large seven-element turret. Used to help them defeat the demon god Othello. So Ningguang wrote to me to thank Klee. Jean said.

Listening to Jean's words, Klee seemed to understand and didn't seem to understand.

Tilting his little head, he nodded confusedly.

But whether she understood it or not, Klee knew that Su Bai didn't lie to her.

"It turns out that what Brother Su Bai said is true, Captain Qin will really praise Klee~" Klee said, looking up and staring at Su Bai with a pair of big watery eyes.

Su Bai smiled slightly and said, "Of course, when did Brother Su Bai deceive Klee?"

Even the piano was a little surprised.

"It seems that Klee has been out with you for a while, and she already trusts you very much. Jean couldn't help but say with emotion.

Hearing Qin say this, Su Bai remembered that he seemed to say sorry to Qin.

"I was in a hurry to leave, and I took Klee away before I had time to say hello, and I was really embarrassed. Su Bai said busily.

Jean shook her head and said, "On the day you left, someone in the Knights saw it and told me. I know you've helped Mondstadt, and I know who you are, so I'm sure Klee will be fine with you. But next time, remember to let me know in advance.

"Of course. Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly agreed.

Sending Klee back to the Knights, Su Bai is also going to leave to do his own business.

Just as he was about to leave, Jean suddenly stopped him: "I forgot to talk about it when I was busy because of Dvalin. You and Sora are both travelers to Teyvat, although each country has its own beauty and customs. But you still don't want to go to Inazuma Province recently.

Hearing her say this, Su Bai couldn't help asking: "Is it because Inazuma was in the lockdown period?"

Qin nodded and smiled slightly: "Yes." If Inazuma only goes in and doesn't go out. If you don't have a passage paper, it's hard for you to get in, and the current situation in Inazuma is not optimistic. However, as far as I know, their people don't seem to like the current Inazuma lockdown and the Eye Hunting Order, and they are desperate for help. If you have a way to get into Inazuma with your ability, I think you can help Inazuma as well. It's like helping us Mondstadt and Liyue. Although

Qin said these things, Su Bai already knew.

However, Qin was also a kind reminder, and Su Bai still expressed his gratitude.

What did Inazuma say over there?!Although

Su Bai angered Thor.

However, Su Bai also knew that in order to prevent him from being lazy, the system would probably release a hidden mission about Inazuma.

So Inazuma Subai will definitely go for a trip.

However, before going, Su Bai planned to find a little protection for himself.

When everything was ready, Su Bai went to Inazuma again.

Thinking about it like this, Su Bai immediately said to Qin: "Captain Qin, I still have something to do, so don't bother for now." When

the words fell, Su Bai smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away.

Su Bai came to the outskirts of Mondstadt, a place where no one was around.

As for why he came to this place,

it was because Su Bai was going to use the golden reward he had drawn before, the time machine.

It has been useless before because Su Bai has more important things to do, that is, to raise the Akademiya.

Now that the matter is settled, Su Bai has another important thing to do.

That is to use the time machine to go back to Inazuma's past and attack Yae Miko!

The reason is simple.

Yae Miko is a dependant of the current god of thunder, Balzebu.

This crumb fox knows the most about shadows.

If you can attack Yae Miko in the past, then even if Su Bai arrives at Inazuma Thunder God and really wants to cut him, Yae Miko will definitely help.

Of course.

If he could directly attack Thor, Su Bai felt that it was not impossible.

It's just that in Su Bai's opinion, the strategy of Yae Miko should be simpler.

First, because he has animal taming skills, a little fox is not obediently tied up.

The second is that Yae Miko has an Achilles heel and likes to eat fried tofu, and Su Bai is still a chef.

Therefore, Su Bai thought that the strategy of Yae Miko should be very simple.

While thinking, Su Bai took out the system's reward time machine.

And the destination of his use of the time machine this time is also very clear, that is, to go to Inazuma five hundred years ago!

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