Su Bai looked at the girl.

Seeing that the girl was wearing a mature brown Chinese-style cheongsam dress, a black Qiankun Thai hexagram hat, and a few plum blossoms inlaid on the side of the hat, he quickly confirmed the girl's identity.

She is the seventy-seventh generation master of the "Afterlife Hall", Hu Tao.

At this time, Hu Tao was looking at Su Bai, and there was a bit of smugness in his eyes.

From her expression, it can be seen that the scream that looks like a ghost movie soundtrack just now should be her masterpiece.

Thinking about it, Hu Tao should have thought that Su Bai had just been scared by her, so he would be so proud.

It's just that I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Hu Tao.

"It's okay, it's not scary. Su Bai said calmly.

He's also a person with a chakra eye, so he noticed someone nearby early in the morning.

Knowing that someone was pretending to be a ghost, Su Bai was naturally not frightened.

Seeing that Su Bai's expression was calm and didn't look like he was lying, Hu Tao couldn't help muttering: "Isn't what I just called terrifying? Strange, several people were scared by me before."

She spoke with confusion in her tone.

Seeing her like this, Su Bai deliberately teased her and asked, "Maybe I didn't pay much attention because I was thinking about things just now, why did you call it before?" "That's it

!" Hu Tao snorted with a serious face, and deliberately showed a gloomy smile in order to match the weird atmosphere.

It can be seen that Hu Tao is very serious and wants to be scary, but the result is a little unsatisfactory.

"Like, it's not very scary. Su Bai couldn't help but smile.

"Okay. It seems that next time you have to scream a little more terrifying to scare people away. Hu Tao muttered.

Before Su Bai could speak, he continued: "Why are you coming to Wufupo in the middle of the night? It's not as safe as you think. Although I was pretending to scare you just now, this place is indeed haunted.

Su Bai knew that what she said was true.

The Innocent Slope is indeed haunted.

Although it is normal to look at the slope during the day, it will be full of yin qi at night.

Because if you go all the way from the slope of Wuyu, you can reach the "border".

The so-called "border" is the dividing line between life and death.

This also means that in fact, Wufu Slope is located at the intersection of the two worlds of yin and yang, and is naturally haunted.

Su Bai only cared about swiping the fishing card, if he hadn't met Hu Tao, he really didn't find out that he had come to Wufu Slope.

The "border" of the Innocent Slope is a secret place that has been managed by the Afterlife Hall for generations.

After all, it is the line of life and death, and if a living person breaks in rashly, his life may be in danger.

Because of this, Hu Tao, as the hall master, often pretends to be a ghost here in the middle of the night to scare people who have strayed into the slope of Wuyu.

Knowing this, you know that Hu Tao's scary behavior is not a simple prank.

Although he accidentally saw Hu Tao, Su Bai had a little surprise in his heart.

After all, when he was playing games before, he was very fond of Hu Tao.

After learning about Hu Tao's story, he was even more distressed for this strong and optimistic girl.

This time, he finally met the "live" one in Teyvat, and Su Bai also wanted to talk a little more.

But considering that it is not early now, he still has to go to swipe the fishing card as soon as possible, so Su Bai can only regret it: "I entered this place by mistake, not intentionally, I will leave now."

After speaking, he was about to leave, but before he left, he was stopped by Hu Tao: "Wait, I'll give you a ride."

Su Bai: "......"

Although he knew that Hu Tao wanted to send him down the mountain, but considering that Hu Tao was for funeral, she said this... Sounds weird.

"Don't bother......" With an embarrassed smile, Su Bai wanted to refuse.

But before he finished speaking, he saw Hu Tao take out the guide butterfly and said: "It's easy to come in here, it's hard to get out, you can't get out without the guidance of the hall master." I'm Hu Tao, the head of the Hall of the Dead, and I'm in charge of Liyue's funeral services, so I know a lot about them. "

The night is cloudy and foggy.

It is indeed difficult for ordinary people to go out, after all, it is easy to hit the wall without anyone to lead the way.

But it was easy for Su Bai to get out, after all, his writing wheel eye was not an ornament.

It's just that Hu Tao didn't know about it, and probably thought he was an ordinary person, so he said that he would take him down the mountain.

Su Bai was about to explain this misunderstanding a little.

But at this moment, Su Bai noticed something abnormal.

He observed a "ghost" hiding in the woods not far away, apparently intending to attack them.

Seeing this, Su Bai immediately became vigilant.

"There are evil ghosts!" Su Bai began.

"Hmm, how can there be ......"

Hu Tao was about to respond, but before he finished speaking, a golden light suddenly flashed in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, she only heard a "swish", and before she could react, she saw Su Bai holding a "ghost" in her hand.

"Let go of me!"

is a male ghost, still struggling.

The struggle was intense.

Staring at the ghost, Hu Tao was stunned.

Hu Tao was stunned for a while, and finally reacted, and hurriedly said, "Quick, let go of him." He's not a ghost, he's my client!!

" Su Bai was stunned for a moment, and said a little confused: "But he was hiding there just now and wanted to attack you."

Hu Tao hurriedly explained: "This customer died accidentally. He had just died, so he was still a little unaccustomed to it, and he had a stress reaction.

Su Bai: "......"

ghosts can still have stress reactions?!

However, since Hu Tao said that it was her client, Su Bai still let go.

As soon as he let go, he heard

the "ghost" scolding and scolding: "I'm not dead

! Your Death Hall is too much!" "I must complain about your Death Hall!" "I want to go back! I want to go back! Let me go away!"

Hearing that he wanted to "complain about the Death Hall", Hu Tao hurriedly said: "I'm

sorry to respect the customer, it is indeed our mistake in the Death Hall." But there is a difference between yin and yang, so you can't go back, you have to go to life.

Hu Tao said patiently.

But the evil ghost didn't listen at all, scolded and scolded, and even wanted to do it.

Seeing this, Hu Tao immediately threw out the guide butterfly and came to a transcendent ceremony in front of Su Bai.

"Yin and yang are orderly, fate is impermanent, use this butterfly fire to guide the way for you!" As

the last note fell, the evil ghost was forcibly overtaken.

After sending off the evil ghost, Hu Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she looked at Su Bai and asked, "You're not an ordinary person?!"

"No." Su Bai said.

"No wonder you just said you could get out of the slope on your own. Putting away the guide butterfly, Hu Tao suddenly said.

Before Su Bai could speak, he heard Hu Tao sigh and say, "Hey, last month's performance was not good." Now it is being complained by customers again. If you don't find a way to improve your performance, this month's performance will definitely collapse again.

Hu Tao said as he stared at Su Bai with a pair of maroon eyes.

Seeing her like this, Su Bai was stunned.

I couldn't help but half-jokingly said, "Why are you looking at me? You don't want to use me for performance." "

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