Yae Miko buried his head in Su Bai's neck and kept muttering in his mouth.

Su Bai wanted to say something.

But in the end, he didn't say a word.

He knew that Yae Miko wasn't blaming him.

She's just venting.

Catharsis for these five hundred years.

She was supposed to be a carefree little fox, following the shadow to grab food, and was protected by the true love of Kitsune Palace and Raiden.

But in the end, she was left with nothing.

She became the shrine's Miyaji-sama.

is in a high position, but there is no one around him who can communicate with him.

Shadow hid in the Pure Land of One Heart without saying a word.

It's been five hundred years.

Yae Miko endured all this in silence.

The Inazuma people all know that Yae Miko is a mysterious Miyaji-sama with a black belly and superb wisdom.

But I didn't know that she was lonely, and I didn't know that she was always alone.

Now Su Bai, an old man from the past, finally appeared.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this relationship that Yae Miko opened his heart and dared to cry.

Think about it, a whole five hundred years.

Yae Miko doesn't seem to have even a person to cry to.

What a helpless thing it must be.

Su Bai could understand Yae Miko's tears and denunciations at this time.

So he didn't say anything.

He just raised his hand slowly, hesitated and gently stroked Yae Miko's head.

It's like Yae Miko was a child, nestled in Su Bai's arms.

Gently touched Yae Miko's head and said, "Don't cry...... I'm back to help you...... And I'm here, don't be afraid.

Yae Miko was silent.

But the more he cried, the louder he became, and finally he let out a cry like a ghost crying wolf.

Su Bai didn't say anything, so she could only keep touching Yae Miko's head to comfort her.

I don't know how long it took.

Suddenly, the entire Wuyou Pavilion erupted with a thunderous roar: "If you leave again, I will ignore you again!!!" At this moment, the entire Wuyou Pavilion

was quiet.

Su Bai could clearly hear some people gathered outside the door, including the editors of Yaedo.

The crowd was talking.

It wasn't from Yae Miyaji-sama just now?

And what they are talking about, Yae Miko obviously doesn't have time to listen.

So there was no restraint at all, and I still cried a lot.

Su Bai knew that Yae Miko didn't want people to see her like this.

That's why he asked Su Bai to go to a room alone.

Su Bai didn't want Yae Miko to lose his image in front of everyone, so he directly used the power of the ice element to freeze everyone.

After the freeze was over, Su Bai said, "Son of God, I won't leave." But don't cry either. If you cry again, I'm afraid that in a few days, the entire Inazuma Castle will have a legend that Lord Yae Miyaji is crying with a man in his arms, and maybe they will still wonder if I am a negative man.

Su Bai sighed helplessly.

Originally, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun to say that he looked like a fancy person, not like a person he loved.

Well, now, if these people spread false rumors.

It has spread throughout Inazuma, and Su Bai's name as a "negative man" can't be washed away.

Although Su Bai didn't care about this reputation in essence.

But the current Yae Miko is a "goddess" level figure in Inazuma.

If you let the Inazuma people think that Su Bai has lost the Yae Miko, then it's okay.

It is estimated that Su Bai will be defeated every day.

Fortunately, Yae Miko is just a catharsis.

So after listening to Su Bai's words, she quickly stopped her tears.

She turned, wiped away her tears, and straightened her hair.

After adjusting to her condition, Yae Miko looked back as if nothing had happened.

said to Su Bai in a half-joking tone: "Aren't you just a negative man, I have waited for you with Ying for so many years, and we all thought it was ......"

When he said this, Yae Miko suddenly paused.

Then she didn't continue, just squeezed out a smile and said, "Speaking of which, have you seen the shadow?"

Yae Miko finally got to the point.

"I saw the shadow, and I didn't talk to her for a few words, and the shadow threw me out of the pure land. Su Bai said helplessly.

Yae Miko doesn't seem surprised.

He shook his head and said, "Shadow...... That guy probably cried with joy.

Su Bai was puzzled and asked, "What does it mean to cry with joy?"

Yae Miko shrugged her shoulders and said helplessly: "She thought you wouldn't be able to come back...... She saw the Fox Palace, saw the thunderbolt Zhen, and brought back the real knife, but she couldn't find you. "

Only you can't find me?"

Su Bai was stunned.

At this time, Su Bai suddenly understood.

"So, Shadow thought ...... Am I dead?" asked Su Bai.

Yae Miko nodded and said, "I guess you also know that in that battle five hundred years ago, the whole of Teyvat fell into darkness.

"All the nations on Teyvat have experienced that war, and in the end, there are not even a few gods who survive.

"That's why Shadow thinks you're dead too.

"In the aftermath of the Mondstadt Dragon disaster, I heard of a Knight of Light named Su Bai who helped Mondstadt.

"I thought maybe it was you, but I couldn't believe you were still alive, and so must Shadow.

"If you hadn't brought this fried tofu today...... Who would dare to believe that people who have disappeared for five hundred years...... Suddenly it appeared.

Yae Miko sighed deeply.

Oh, yes.

The man who had disappeared for five hundred years suddenly appeared.

Who would dare to believe it.

Someone who was thought to be dead suddenly appeared.

Perhaps it was because he was too surprised that Ying threw Su Bai out of the Pure Land.

"I'm afraid that the shadow can't believe your appearance until now. Yae Miko continued.

After listening to Yae Miko's words, Su Bai understood everything.

"Do you have a way to see Ying again?" asked Su Bai.

This time, Su Bai came to find Yae Miko to recognize each other, originally to see the shadow again.

If he could see Ei, Su Bai thought that he might have a way to get Ei to revoke the eye hunting order and make Inazuma return to normal.

And obviously, when Su Bai said this.

Yae Miko also guessed Su Bai's thoughts.

"You're because of the Eye Hunting Order, so you want to enter the Pure Land of One Heart to persuade the shadow. Yae Miko asked.

Su Bai nodded.

Yae Miko smiled bitterly, and then slowly spoke, "I can't enter the Ei's Pure Land. If I could, I would have gone in. Although you are special to Ei, Ei is a dead brain...... You know that, too.

"She now thinks that what the people of Inazuma need is eternity that will remain unchanged for thousands of generations, and that wishes are not important. If you want to persuade her, I'm afraid it will take a little effort. "

Although what Yae Miko said is reasonable, Su Bai also has his own methods.

"So, you can't enter the Pure Land of One Heart?" Ignoring Yae Miko's advice, Su Bai continued to ask Yae Miko.

It seems that Su Bai's eyes are firm.

Yae Miko sighed and was silent for a long time before saying, "It's not that it's completely impossible.

Su Bai hurriedly asked, "What can you do?"

Yae Miko shook his head, revealing a sinister smile of the fox and said, "Originally, there was no way, but if you come, you will have a way." Speaking of which, you've been hungry for a long time~ It should have been five hundred years.

"You didn't let her eat it back then, do you guess if Ying will look for the three-color dumplings you still owe for five hundred years?!"

"You, you're really a man with a black belly than a fox." "

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