"Do you have something to say?" Yae

Miko muttered.

His eyes were narrow, and his body was full of danger.

Obviously, Yae Miko was angry at this time.

Say it

well! How can you say this well!!

she is the editor-in-chief of Yaedo!Inazum's Yae Miyaji-sama

!!The noble !!

Su Bai inexplicably changed her into a maid outfit, how can she see people!!,

I don't blame Yae Mikomi for being angry.

are ready to take thunder and slash Su Bai.

Seeing this, Su Bai hurriedly said, "No, Divine Son." I just wanted to try this reload camera to see if it can really be reloaded. "

Then you tried it out?" Yae Miko continued in a dangerous tone.

"I tried it out...... It works pretty well...... And you look good in a maid outfit. Su Bai smiled awkwardly and said.

Yae Miko: "......"

is good-looking?!Nonsense!!She's a beautiful and intelligent Yae Miyaji-sama, what doesn't she look good in wear?!But no matter how good-looking she is, she can't

be allowed to wear a maid outfit.

This is going to be bumped into by others, is she still alive?!"

Yae Miko thought to herself.

Although she is really angry now, she gritted her teeth angrily.

But Yae Miko can still figure out the current situation.

She knew that Su Bai's speed was fast.

Later, if she really made a move, Su Bai would run even if she didn't know how to do it.

As soon as Su Bai ran away, then she really couldn't change this dress.

I had to go and change my clothes first.

If you are bumped into by the witches of Naruto Shrine.

Then I'm afraid that her image won't be able to be saved.

Thinking of this question, Yae Miko took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and then said softly to Su Bai: "You help me change this maid outfit first."

Hearing Yae Miko's tone suddenly change for the better, Su Bai was stunned.

Then he asked Yae Miko, "Then I'll help you change your clothes, you won't be angry with me anymore, right?" Yae Miko didn't

say anything, just nodded faintly.

"Okay, I'll give you a change of clothes. Anyway, even if you're really angry, you can't beat me. Su Bai said as he fiddled with the camera.

Yae Miko: "......"

was speechless at this point.

After all, Su Bai was right.

Even if Yae Miko was really angry, she wouldn't be able to beat Su Bai.

That's really...... It's so annoying.

"What clothes do you want to wear?'s old outfit?or do you want to wear new clothes?" Just thinking about it, Su Bai suddenly asked.

Although Yae Miko is angry, she is also a woman after all.

What woman is not interested in "new clothes"?

Especially since Yae Miko suddenly remembered that Su Bai had said that the camera in his hand seemed to be able to change clothes, which was quite interesting.

Thinking of this, Yae Miko hurriedly asked, "You just said that the camera in your hand can be changed, is

it true?" "Of course it's true!" Su Bai nodded and said.

"How do you use it?" asked Yae Miko with interest.

Seeing that she was interested, Su Bai said to her: "As long as you draw the style of clothes you want on the drawing, and then put it in the camera and shoot it at the person, you can quickly change clothes." "

It's kind of interesting~" Yae Miko muttered.

The anger on his face slowly faded, replaced by curiosity about the "change camera".

It seems that he wants to try whether what Su Bai said is true.

Yae Miko said, "Then I'll draw a dress for you."

Su Bai nodded and handed over the white paper.

Yae Miko thought about it, and then drew it.

After a while, Yae Miko finished drawing the clothes, and then handed the drawing paper to Su Bai and said, "Try it~" Su Bai


He first put the clothes drawn by Yae Miko into the dressing camera, and then "clicked" at Yae Miko.

Yae Miko then changed into the clothes she had just drawn herself.

"This ......" Yae Miko was stunned for a moment, with some surprise in her expression.

When Su Bai used it before, Yae Miko didn't see it too clearly.

Patronizing and getting angry, he didn't think about the camera in Su Bai's hand being so interesting at all.

This will be witnessed with his own eyes, and Yae Miko can't like the camera in Su Bai's hand.

A pair of "fox" eyes immediately couldn't hide their thoughts.

"Your camera is quite interesting, did you invent it?" Yae Miko asked at Su Bai.

Su Bai shook his head and said, "It's Doraemon." "


Miko had never heard of this name, so she was a little curious.

But curiosity is curiosity, and Yae Miko didn't ask much.

After all, it doesn't matter who invented Yae Miko, what matters is ......

"You give me the camera~ I won't care about the previous things~" Yae Miko said her careful thoughts.

She really wanted the camera in Su Bai's hand.

After all, with this camera, it's so convenient to take pictures of what clothes Yae Miko likes.

It's no wonder that Yae Miko is excited.

But her request gave Su Bai a little headache.

Give the camera to Yae Miko?

Who doesn't know that this fox has a grudge.

In case he changed Su Bai into a maid outfit with a "click", would he still have to be a man in Teyvat Continent.

Thinking of this, Su Bai hurriedly shook his head and said, "It's okay to help you change your clothes, but I can't give you this camera, what if you change my clothes one day."

Su Bai refused.

Yae Miko didn't say anything, thinking that he guessed that Su Bai would not give it.

So her emotions didn't fluctuate too much, and she didn't force it.

After all, the coming day is long, and there is no hurry at this time.

"Since you don't want to give me a camera, you can help me change my clothes, I happen to have several outfits that I want to try...... I don't know how long I'll have to wait if someone helps me do it. Yae Miko said with a smile.

Su Bai thought that without the consent of Yae Miko before, he changed the maid outfit for others without permission.

I'm a little sorry for Yae Miko.

He agreed to change Yae Miko's costume as reparation.

In this way, Yae Miko turned on the change mode.

Every time he changed the set, Yae Miko had to ask Su Bai if it looked good.

Yae Miko is already good-looking, and she won't be bad in any clothes.

So Su Bai's answer was "okay".

Yae Miko sensed Su Bai's thoughts.

After changing into the third set of clothes, Yae Miko asked, "It seems that you are not very satisfied with the clothes I drew before, so, what kind of clothes do you think are good-looking

?" "Me?" Su Bai was stunned, obviously he didn't expect Yae Miko to suddenly ask like this.

Losing her mind, Yae Miko continued, "Then you can draw me a dress, I would like to see how your clothes are." But let's say it first, it can't be a maid outfit, it has to be formal. After all, I'm Lord Yae Miyaji~"

Su Bai nodded.

After thinking about it for a while, a sketch of the clothes appeared.

"Well, what do you think?" asked Su Bai as he handed over the sketch.

Yae Miko looked at it and seemed to think that the clothes were not bad, and then said, "Try it on your body." "

Just do it.

Su Bai immediately used the dressing camera to change Yae Miko's clothes.

but it looks really good in this outfit.

The character of Yae Miko, a black-bellied and royal sister, is fully reflected.

The most important thing is that this outfit also shows off Yae Miko's good figure.

"Good looking. Su Bai nodded and said with great satisfaction.

Obviously, Yae Miko also feels good about this outfit.

"If you like it, just set it up, and it's good to change your style once in a while~" Yae Miko said while looking at the clothes on his body.

Before Su Bai could speak, Yae Miko suddenly opened his mouth again and continued: "Your camera is really convenient, it makes me a little curious...... What would Shadow look like if she wore a maid outfit, I'm really curious~

" Su Bai: "......???"

is worthy of you, Yae Miko!

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