Chapter 32 – The uncouth lady interviews (Third Part)

But it was Rebecca in front of me who was the most distraught.

More so, because she had tried to slap me, the wife, in front of Lord Nazel.

"Ugh, it's a lie...... why is the head maid the wife of the lord,......? I didn't know anything about that. It's not my fault!"

Rebecca retreated with a pale face.

Lord Nazel talked to her in a cold voice.

"You are not hired. I know Baron Quiggionne's name, I was going to visit him soon to greet him. I have some concerns about his finances......"

Lord Nazel has the most grim expression I have ever seen on his face. It was even more powerful because of his well-defined face.

In the midst of all this, the expressionless Kelly steps forward and gingerly opens the door to her room.

"Welcome back, please, this way."

Rebecca, who had a face paler than Henry's, staggered out the door and left without energy.

The maid's job interview was full of ups and downs from the very beginning. Besides ――

"Um, Lord Nazel?"

"Yes, Agnes?"

Lord Nazel, who was still holding me protectively in his arms, still would not let go.

"We have a second round of interviews, so I think it's time for you to let go of me......."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just couldn't bear to see my lovely Agnes go through that......."

Lord Nazel is sweet with every single thing he says.

Earlier, I was completely aware that I "like him" and I am almost distracted by the unexpected closeness of the distance.

"Agnes, I won't interrupt you, let me watch over the rest of the interview with you? I'm worried about you."

I can only nod my head.

Lord Nazel, you have a beautiful voice.

I got myself back on track and ...... the second round of interviews, and we're off!

If there are no problems, I will now decide on the members.

I call the prospective maids in turn to another room.

At the interviewer's table, Lord Nazel and ...... somehow, Henry have been added.

It seems that since Lord Nazel came, he had some time free in his hands.

"First of all, Mr. Mocca, correct? I am Agnes, wife of the lord of Sutrena. I am sorry for deceiving you earlier that I was the head maid. I just wanted to see what you look like in your everyday life."

I never expected it to turn out to be such a train wreck.

"What kind of housework did you do? How well do you know how to prepare medicines?"

"I did the cooking, laundry, and cleaning. I also did medicines for wounds, stomach and intestines, pimples, lotions, and so on. My family is in the business of collecting medicinal herbs. But recently the number of magical beasts has increased and I can't go into the forest...."

It seems that Mocca has decided to work in a different type of business in order to earn a little money.

Next, Lord Nazel asks a question.

"What kind of magic do you have and where is your family home?"

"My magic can dry things. However, since I have little magic power, I can only dry a small number of herbs and food per day. My parents' house is near the forest in the east of Sutrena territory. I would prefer to live in if possible."

I see, the job posting says that they can commute or live in.

Mocca happened to be in town selling medicinal herbs and happened to see the job posting.

"I understand. We will announce the result at the end, so please move to another room."

Incidentally, in the event of a rejection, the applicant is told that the results will be announced at a later date and asked to leave through the back door, not through the waiting room.

Rebecca was too intense, but the rest of the members had common sense.

The next one, Patty, also completed her interview without incident.

Meyza, who worked in the cafeteria, comes in next.

When I saw her background, I asked her a straight question.

"I heard you are good at cooking. Would you like to work as a cook instead of a maid?"


Meyza blinked in amazement.

"But I was a hired hand, and what I could make were the dishes served in a commoner's dining room, you know? I'm not sure it would be suitable for the palate of a nobleman....."

"Speaking of which, which diner did you work for?"

This time, Mr. Henry interrupted.

You look like a very good interviewer, but you are not from our mansion, are you ......?

"It's the Blue Wild Strawberry Pavilion near the fort."

"It's a popular restaurant, and there's always a line at lunchtime. I often go there myself, and the food is not bad"

"..... thank you very much."

Meyza answered with a puzzled look on her face.

"I understand. I will announce the results at the end of the interview."

After the rest of the members had been interviewed, we moved to another room where the successful candidates were waiting.

"Thank you for your patience. We will be hiring Mocca, Laurie, and Marilyn as maids. Meyza will be hired if she is willing to work as a cook."

Laurie has a child and wishes to work as a commuter. Marilyn is a single mother and wants to live in.

Mocca is also far from home so we give her permission to live in.

Meyza, who was on the fence, agreed to be hired as a cook.

I wondered what was going to happen, but with the help of Lord Nazel and others, the interview was over without a hitch.

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