Chapter 58 – Frontier Rumors and a Grumpy Baron’s son (Robin’s Point of View)

In a well-kept room of a large mansion in a quiet residential area of the royal capital, Robin smiles wryly as he eats a "violaberry pie," a trendy sweet.

In front of him, his subordinate kneels on the floor.

"..... so? Nazelbert is doing well on the frontier... you say?"

Yes, Master Robin. They have solved the food problem and the magical beast problem one after another, and it seems that the people of the territory are beginning to love them.

Robin crumpled the sweets in his hand.

"I hate able-bodied bastards because of this! Super obnoxious! Well, I do feel sorry for them. But I guess it's not easy when you're married to a Potato Lady."

"There is a rumor that the Potato Lady was a beautiful woman. The story is spreading among the nobility."

"Ha-ha-ha, you're right. What is it? That potato~? Everyone is just spreading rumors for fun. You can go home now."

Robin cut off the gossip about the Potato Lady and sent his subordinates out of the room.

"It's not funny, Nazelbert being so familiar with the frontier. And to think that he has a good reputation as a lord? After all the trouble we went through to exile him! How come he hasn't been crushed!"

He was a man who had everything.

Status, good looks, talent, and a position as the next queen's royal consort. He was so different from Robin, who had nothing. That's why he hates and loathes him.

Robin was born poor.

His mother was a prostitute and his father was one of her customers. Robin grew up in the red-light district and used his good looks as a weapon to survive in the women's society. He believed that he would never end up in this place.

When his mother died, he discovered that his father was a baron.

Robin heard that the baron had been a regular customer of his mother's and that he had a face just like his own.

He got into the baron's house, threatened him with his weakness in the red-light district, and sold him on the idea that he could be of use, and was adopted. He was confident that he could be useful.

Robin's kind of magic was rare, and he had two.

Usually, each person has only one kind of magic.

However, there are very rare people like Robin who possess two types of magic.

Robin, who had not been tested because of his birth, was overlooked, but all such people were given special treatment by the government.

After going around among the young ladies, he ended up with the princess of this country. She had the highest status among those who could get on the throne.

However, she already had a fiancée.

Nazelbert Florescence is a nobleman who is perfect in every way.

Robin didn't like Nazelbert from the beginning. He could do anything, he was inhuman, beautiful, and merciful.

He found that he was from a fundamentally different race from his own, whose only merit was his looks.

Nazelbert was a man who did not tolerate injustice, who warned those who behaved badly, and who worked like a cog in a wheel, performing the roles assigned to him by the state in a nonchalant manner.

Nazelbert was a genius who made others feel inferior and resented aristocrats who were desperate to protect their interests even at the cost of injustice. That is probably his only flaw.

Not all people in the world are beautiful.

So it was easy for Robin to move.

He courted Princess Mia, who questioned her worth in the face of her perfect fiancé and was tormented by a sense of inferiority.

The princess, whose pride was unusually high, did not like Nazelbert, who was ahead of her in everything, and Nazelbert also avoided dealing with the troublesome princess.

The two had never been on good terms.

Robin easily approached the princess and comforted her with sweet words.

Having grown up in the red-light district, Robin was accustomed to treating women well. Combined with magic, more than 80% of the women fell for Robin.

He could seduce the naive princess in an instant. No matter her personality problems, she is also a human being who has lived in a beautiful world.

Robin got the princess pregnant, made up Nazelbert's crimes, and caused a fuss during the chaos of the engagement party.

The royal family, to contain the scandal, made Robin the princess's husband with a title of respectability and banished Nazelbert to the frontier.

"They really are vain and stupid! Phew!"

Thanks to this, things are going Robin's way. His father, the baron, was in a good mood.

"Now, I can't have rumors spreading about Nazelbert's excellence, can I? I'm sure people will compare me with him. I don't want to be sacked as the princess's husband."

Robin, who dislikes work and study, chooses to push his work to others down the road rather than work hard himself. That was always the case.

From the baron's mansion, Robin went to the royal library to look for the person he wanted to see.

"Oh, there she is! Hey, Lilianne!"

Ignoring the librarian's warning to be quiet in the library, Robin calls out to Lilianne, who is reading. Lilianne, seeing the man she was interested in, blushed.

Simple and cute.

Many ladies in the royal court can fulfill Robin's wishes, and she is one of them.

It was fortunate that her fiancé was a simple man, and she easily fell into Robin's hands. After kindly listening to her problems, she immediately opened up to him.

It seems that noble ladies have a habit of keeping their worries to themselves.

That's why he was able to take advantage of them.

"Lillianne, I love you! Have you had any problems lately?"

Robin dismissed the noisy librarian who kept nagging at him and took the daughter's hand, who had a somewhat sorrowful expression on her face.

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