"Mr. Mio."

"Hey, Matsumoto."

I was at the table with Mio when I finished cooking. The table is lined with freshly made dishes, which give me plush on the night of the end of October when the cold is mixed.

"What were we trying to do?

"I made a jack-o-lantern, and I made dinner in it."

"Yes, you did."

"Yeah, thanks to you, you got something that looks so good"

"White rice, chicken thigh with grapefruit and pepper flavors, chopped cabbage, dashi rolled eggs, and tofu and cabbage miso soup."

"Hey Shiso."

It smells very Japanese-style and healthy. Suppose there is only one question.

"I wonder where the pumpkin went."

"... far away, I guess"

"You can't help it if it's far away."



"You don't have a choice."


- Thirty minutes ago...

"This is what you crept out to make a lantern, isn't it? It's more fibrous than the pumpkin you always eat, and it's a pumpkin with a refreshing taste."

"It tastes different."

We moved to the kitchen after making lanterns, before us, a pile of orange pulp tucked away in a bowl. The sweet, slightly blue-smelling aroma characteristic of pumpkins is apparently common throughout the world.

On the veranda, a dry lantern stares at me with a round eye.

"It seems so different. In Europe and the United States, only pumpkins with orange skins are called 'pumpkins'."

"Normal pumpkins are 'squash', right?"

"It seems the type of pumpkin that eats a lot over there is called a pepper pumpkin."


Where pumpkins tend to be considered 'pumpkins' in English, that's actually just what they call some of the 'squashes'. The familiar part is that Zucchini is included in the 'squash' because he's one of the pumpkins.

"The kind of green skin we used to eat in Japan that snuggled around with is called a western pumpkin. Asian-born Japanese pumpkins are used for about authentic Japanese food."


"It's a western pumpkin because it's from the West, but it doesn't seem to be made much anymore in the West. Now the Japanese are in the best condition to make and eat. That's why they call Western pumpkins' japanese squash 'or' pumpkin squash 'straight in the West. Japanese pumpkins."

"Huh? The West in Japan to the West, huh?

"Simply put, Japanese pumpkins are western pumpkins from the West, but western pumpkins from Japan are called Japanese pumpkins in the West."

".............................. heh"

Mr. Mio is tilting his neck and solidifying. Maybe if you're at work, you can handle this much spare time, but now in night mode, your brain may have refused to think.

"I mean, Matsumoto"

"What is it?"

"Is this delicious?

"They say it's delicious."

Mio stares seriously at the orange fruit contained in the bowl.

"If it's good, it's good."

"If it's good, it's good."

It is the truth.

"How do you eat?

"You spoon it out and it's falling apart. Let's be European and American and paste pumpkins first."

Wrap in a bowl and go to the microwave. It should be soft enough for the vegetable chopsticks to go through if it heats up for about five minutes. I used to boil it with steam or less water, and this is all I need, so the latest appliances are great.


"It seems like it's a classic over there to eat crushed, backed and pasted in pies and pasta. And then you make it smooth or something."

"It's fashionable, isn't it, Smoothie"

"You see it a lot, don't you? Blue juice. Go out of your way to say green smoothie."

"There's more people drinking while they're muscled."

A smoothie is a drink that mixes milk with vegetables and fruits and is even in a mixer. There are many variations depending on how they are made, and they are usually rich and able to enjoy the flavours of the ingredients.

Drink such a smoothie muscularly. Sweaty and intense pumpkin tasty.

"Isn't it hard?

"I think so too"

"I know after exercise. Like protein."

"Drink, muscle, drink, muscle, drink, muscle."

"The latest workouts are strange......"


The range tinkles while we're talking about that. The bowl was removed and subjected to coarse heat, and when the wrap was removed, the sweet aroma fluttered up.


"Autumn to winter scent."


"If you crush and back this up until you snuggle it up, it's pumpkin paste completion. I put the seasoning in when I use it, so I'm going to use it now."


"Just a little salt can taste so good."

"Sounds amazing. Can we eat out of it?

"It shrinks considerably if you crush it, doesn't it? Even so, it's for a pumpkin. 70% of the time I use it tomorrow when Toya and Murasaki come too, about 30% of the time I eat it today?

Through the fire, the crushed vegetables have fewer scabs than you thought. If we don't calculate properly, we'll be running out of money at tomorrow's party.

When I was thinking about the allocation with my head, I leaned that my body was difficult. Mr. Mio is pulling my sleeve.

"Hey, can I try, too?

"............... Oh yes, of course"



"Now, why did you have a free time?

"I was wondering if Japan was going to have the best day in the world again in baseball in the distant skies."

"I can take it, I'm sure."

Although I was worried when I remembered the day before when Mio had a sip of raw egg-filled sake in an attempt to make egg liquor and struggled to save the crisis at the company in Nato. Just crushing pumpkins won't crush the company either.

Mio seems to be conscious and confident.

"Now crush it with this hella first"

"Like this?"

"Yes, yes."

Pumpkins that have been set on fire in the range can be handled adequately by even feeble women. Mr. Mio turns the pumpkin into a paste, even in clay.

"What would I have done if Hela hadn't stabbed me?"

"You're just about to get muscle-treated while drinking smoothies because you have muscle shortages that interfere with your life"

"Glad I stabbed you..."

"If it crumbles somewhat, I'll use this one"

"The monkey?"

"It's a backer."

I think it looks more like a powder sieve than a monkey one way or the other, but they didn't come out with a puff that way.

"I have a special tool..."

"I also used it for the pudding I made before. Because without it, the palate is very different."


"Place this backer on the plate and push the pumpkin down on the net"

"Oh, wow. Munch."

"If we do all this, we'll finish the paste."

"I'll do it!

"Well, can I leave it to you? I'll clean the living room."

I haven't even finished cleaning up the living room that turned into a lantern-making workshop (atelier). I want to dispose of about the newspaper I laid on the floor before meals, and it helps that Mr. Mio leaves it to me.

"Okay -"

"Well, thank you"

"What do you say, Mio?

Snuggle the newspaper into the garbage bag and make sure there is no juice stain on the floor or wall and head back to the kitchen. Weak enough has passed, and is it by the time it's ready?


Looks like we're just finishing up. The contents of the bowl are beautifully empty.

But it's crazy. Something's wrong.

"Mr. Mio."


"Paste, not much?

The paste on the plate does indeed look well backed and delicious. There's nothing particularly strange about it.

Except perhaps less for the contents of a large lantern watching us on the veranda.

"I shrunk when I crushed it."


"The mystery of life."

I'm already dead of fever, but I'll leave it there for now.

"By the way, Mio, were you a reader of cartoons and novels?

"Sometimes I read...?

"Well, maybe you've seen it before."


"If you stumble on it, expand your promise to eat it next to your mouth but then find out. That's real, isn't it?"

"What, lie!?

I rush to do my hand on your mouth, Mr. Mio. Check your fingertips at the side of your mouth, but nothing is attached there.

"Yeah, it's a lie"


"But I see you found your handkerchief.

"If it's that strange adventure, I've read it too..."

"Mr. Mio."


"Was it delicious?

"Uh, Matsumoto."

"What is it?"

"Salt would be nice, but butter was the best."

"Good for you"


That sounds like Mr. Mio there, or the party probably would be enough because I had exactly 70% left. As a result, pumpkins were properly carried to eat on Halloween Day. Just me.

"This is the first pumpkin I've ever used, even for me, so I was thinking about the possibility that it wouldn't taste good or have a small amount. We have all the ingredients for dinner."


"So tonight's dinner is chicken thigh teak pepper with chopped cabbage, dashi rolled eggs, tofu and cabbage miso soup"

Two dishes that you can make right away if you use a dashi of powder for the main dish that you just need to cook. Perfect for preparing for a time like this.


"What is it, Mr. Mio?"

"Are you mad?

"I'm so sorry. I'm not mad at you."

"Oh well."


"So, what's this?

"I care about Mr. Mio's health, it's my sincerity"

Leaf vegetables, or cabbages, also known as sweet and blue, are great vegetables in the perennial grass of the genus Abranaceae. Rich in nourishment, sweet taste and sufficient fiber quality, it is gentle on the intestines for a low calorie but satisfying feeling. The ancestors who produced this at the end of the varietal improvement would be just as fit to call it a great man.

I offered Mr. Mio a little, a little more of such human wisdom.

"All I see is cabbage... no meat..."

"Well, shall we make it dinner"

"Mount Fuji with chopped cabbage and 90% cabbage miso soup......"

"Here you go"

"Ugh... I'll have it..."

Mr. Mio crumbles a pile of morsels and cabbage with tears. Exactly. I'm having trouble getting a little reflection on all this time.

So I'm going to give you Mr. Mio's bun of meat a little later.

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