I'm bound to the witch of death

Chapter 454 454 Identity

Chapter 454 454. Identity

Something is wrong.

Something is wrong, Xia Feng frowned as he looked at the place where the two disappeared.

Miss Mu confessed her love to him in the laboratory six hours ago, and this woman came to the nightmare world?

Is it a clone?

Or is it an illusion?

Xia Feng quickly scanned the surrounding environment, which was filled with gray fog and quiet.

Through the deconstruction eye, he did not find any living creatures hiding in the dark to prepare for a sneak attack.

Shaking his head, Xia Feng did not think about it anymore, and rushed to the place where Mu Qingtong disappeared.

Whether it was a trap or not, he had to go and see what was going on when it involved Miss Mu.

And it seemed that Miss Mu was being chased by the mysterious man wearing a fisherman's straw hat, and her situation was not good.

The white wings on his shoulders danced, and Xia Feng flew at full speed, passing a white shadow in the air and flashing into the depths of the gray fog.

At the same time, he used the A-level Spirit Clothes Blood Spirit Throne to create two blood-made blood spirit clones to explore the way ahead.


Xia Feng had just broken through the fog when a gray-white airflow suddenly blew away from the battlefield in the distance. He looked up.

Three white-robed figures with white straw hats on their heads were suspended in the clouds. They stood in a triangle formation with their palms raised in a strange gesture.

The light flowed at the fingertips, and in the chain, a triangular cubic mirror was formed, blocking Mu Qingtong inside.

Mu Qingtong was wearing a white coat, and her silver hair was casually tied up by an ink-colored pencil, revealing her fair swan neck. She put her hands in her pockets and looked around with her pale golden eyes.

The transparent mirror of the triangle continued to release gray-white light, but as the red line in the pocket of the white coat flew out, it quickly passed through the light like a knitted sweater, and the entire triangle disappeared out of thin air. The next moment, it appeared out of thin air around a straw hat man, blocking him inside.

After the straw hat man was illuminated by the gray-white light of the triangle, the whole person was like petrified and stopped moving.

After getting rid of this straw hat man, Mu Qingtong's face turned pale, his thin eyebrows slightly frowned, and he was about to fall.

The remaining two straw hat men exploded with explosive airflow under their feet, leaving only afterimages on the spot - they went straight to Mu Qingtong!

But at the same time, two bloody figures quietly flashed beside Mu Qingtong. They moved in unison, stepped forward and raised their fists, and punched the straw hat man in the face!

"Bang——" The blood-red airflow lifted the straw hat layer by layer, and the heads of the two straw hat men were directly smashed by Xia Feng's blood spirit clone.

The blood spirit clone inherited his strength and agility attributes, and even the Venerable would suffer minor injuries from a punch.

But what surprised Xia Feng was that the white fragments that were smashed by him were reorganized in an instant, and condensed again on the headless corpse, forming a white round head and straw hat.

Xia Feng only then discovered that under the straw hats of these white-robed figures, their faces had no facial features, only a white patch, which was very strange.

After the two straw hat men recovered their heads, they did not continue to attack, but turned around and ran.

A white vortex expanded out of thin air in the gray fog, and they rushed into it and disappeared.

"Miss Mu, why did you come to the nightmare world?"

Hearing the question, Mu Qingtong put her hands in her pockets and slowly turned around. When she saw Xia Feng standing in the distance, her beautiful eyes were slightly startled.

But soon she concealed her eyes, her eyelids drooped as if she was about to faint, her body softened, and she fell directly from the air.

Xia Feng frowned, took a step and flew down, and soon caught the woman and held her in his arms.

Mu Qingtong pressed his shoulder with her delicate hands, raised her beautiful eyes with some fatigue, and whispered: "Xia Feng, you are here."


You really know my name? Xia Feng was suspicious and silent for a moment. Seeing that the woman had no intention of continuing to talk, he pursed his lips and asked again:

"How did you come to the nightmare world?"

The woman in the white coat blinked her beautiful eyes twice and shook her head: "I don't know, I lost my memory."

Xia Feng: "?"

What a good excuse!

If this is the real Mu Qingtong in front of her, amnesia means that she can use the excuse that she doesn't remember the confession, perfectly defending against Xia Feng's social death attack.

If it is a fake Mu Qingtong, amnesia can perfectly explain all the questions she can't answer.

"Then what do you remember?"

Mu Qingtong frowned slightly, thought about it, and whispered softly: "I only remember that your name is Xia Feng, and you are someone I can trust."

"That's all?"


I don't believe you! You have such a strong mental power, and you still have amnesia?

And not only amnesia, but also so much amnesia?

Xia Feng's suspicion became even more intense. His black pupils narrowed slightly, and he stared into the woman's pale golden eyes quietly. The blood beast in his palm behind his back was ready to turn into a sharp blade at any time to cut the woman.

"That's right."

The woman in the white coat thought for a moment, and her beautiful eyes lit up as if she had thought of something. She said, "I still remember that when you were eight years old, you were adopted by Liuzhuang, and you had two childhood sweethearts, one named Gong Changyi and the other named Cha Naxue."

"!" Xia Feng's blood beast knife that was about to take shape collapsed, and his brows furrowed slightly. Could this guy really be Miss Mu?

At the same time, he activated the Qinggu Chasing Technique to let his vision descend on the laboratory. In the laboratory, the two Mu Qingtongs in white coats were still doing experiments, and the original body that had confessed to his skull before was nowhere to be found.

The original body managed to go from the present world to the evil world, and then to the evil demon sea in less than six hours, and happened to meet him and lost his memory at the same time?

I don't believe you!

"Besides these things, what else do you remember? For example, the relationship between us?"

Mu Qingtong pondered for a moment, shook his head, and said weakly, "That's all."


Seeing this, Xia Feng sighed, "Well, let me help you recall."

"Miss Mu, your name is Mu Qingtong, my name is Xia Feng, and you used to be my slave girl."

Xia Feng looked serious and explained in a deep voice, "Three months ago, you were attacked by several thieves and you died for me.

I know you can be resurrected, so I ran to many places to find you, and finally met you here. Alas, I didn't expect you to lose your memory."

".Slave girl?" Mu Qingtong blinked her beautiful eyes, puzzled.


Xia Feng looked indifferent, and the big hand that was holding Mu Qingtong's slender waist went down, patted the curled and rounded part of her white coat twice, and whispered to her ears that suddenly became hot,

"Miss Mu, you haven't served me for three months. Now let's find a place where no one is around to relive that wonderful feeling."

"!!!!" The silver-haired woman didn't expect Xia Feng to suddenly take action. Her pupils shrank slightly, and her ears were directly burned red.

pia~~Xia Feng threw another palm, and then directly grabbed and rubbed it. She couldn't help but come back to her senses, her thighs were tightly pressed together without any gaps, her legs were bent inward, her face flushed and she couldn't hold it at all!

"Enough, enough!"

"You little bastard!" The silver-haired woman pressed Xia Feng's shoulders and raised her head suddenly, her pale golden eyes slightly angry,

"I am He Jianzhu!"

Tsk~ He Jianzhu, this name sounds familiar~ Xia Feng was about to sneer at the corner of his lips, but suddenly froze.

Eh, He Jianzhu? !

His pupils suddenly dilated, and his black pupils stared wide, and his right hand that was under the silver-haired woman's waist and rubbed it suddenly froze.

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