I'm bound to the witch of death

Chapter 456 456 Mu amp Dragon's Hell Level Difficulty

Chapter 456 456. Mu \u0026 Dragon Hell Level Difficulty

He Jianzhu has a mature and gentle temperament, and a soft voice. When he looked down at him, his beautiful golden eyes flickered with doubt and tilted his head, which made Xia Feng feel a little cute.

Xia Feng remained calm and shook his head, "Jianzhu, whether we kissed or not is not the point."

"What I want to say is that we are husband and wife, and we were both believers of the Supreme God."

"Now you have left the belief in God for some special reasons. Now that we have reunited, why don't you follow me to return to the belief." Xia Feng also felt that this statement was not only nonsense, but also very risky.

But this was all what Miss Xielong asked him to say, saying that she wanted to test He Jianzhu.

He Jianzhu: "."

"Is that so?" She gently stroked Xia Feng's face with her soft and delicate hands, and her beautiful eyes smiled gently, "Then husband, how can I return to the belief in God?"

Seeing that she still did not question herself, Xia Feng understood that his lies were completely untenable, and this woman did not believe it at all.

However, even after the performance came to this point, Xia Feng still took out the disguised Dragon God Order. A small golden sword as long as an index finger floated out from his forehead and floated between the two of them.

"Just accept the contract of this order."

The golden sword emitting a sacred glow was reflected in He Jianzhu's beautiful and unusual light golden pupils. She pondered for a moment and sighed:

"This is the legendary Dragon God Order. I didn't expect to see it here."

Indeed, from beginning to end, He Jianzhu didn't believe Xia Feng's nonsense full of loopholes, but she didn't mind playing with this brat.

For He Jianzhu's group, each diversion has his own mission, and one of her missions is to make Xia Feng feel good about He Jianzhu or even love him!

But at present, it seems that this mission is a bit difficult to accomplish.

Because she has long speculated the true relationship between herself and this brat.

Earlier, when she said she was He Jianzhu, Xia Feng quickly regained his composure and remained calm, but for a moment he looked embarrassed and flustered, and it was the kind of social embarrassment that comes from being caught by an elder when doing something bad.

This means that she is an elder-like opposite sex who is embarrassed or even forbidden to mess with this little brat.

In addition, judging from Xia Feng's caring attitude towards Mu Qingtong, Mu Qingtong should not be his slave girl, but a close identity similar to a girlfriend.

If the above speculations are all correct, then the result is obvious. There are indeed some truths in Xia Feng's lie just now, such as Mu Qingtong is her daughter?

If so, it can explain why the little brat mistook her identity when he saw her, because Mu Qingtong looks exactly like her. It also explains why when she said her real name, the little brat was embarrassed and confused, and let go obediently under her scolding.

What a bold little brat.

But what really surprised her was that she actually had a daughter?

This matter should not appear in He Jianzhu's mission.

However, from the fact that Mu Qingtong looks exactly like herself when she was young, it can be inferred that the birth of this daughter is probably not a conventional method, and it is even possible that it was formed suddenly in a way beyond her expectations.

Not necessarily a real daughter.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point now is that this so-called daughter named Mu Qingtong should be the girlfriend of the little brat.

This undoubtedly seriously hinders her mission of "making Xia Feng have a good impression or even love for He Jianzhu".

Fortunately, the definition of good impression and love is very broad.

It can be love or family affection.

Is there any problem with her gaining the favor of the little brat as a mother-in-law?

No problem!

Or, it is actually okay to kill Mu Qingtong, an unexpected existence that appears outside the mission.

Although He Jianzhu has been looking at Xia Feng and communicating, it seems that he has not seen the woman in the star skirt floating beside him.

But Emperor Si already knows.

"She can see me."

"Huh?" Xia Feng was stunned, tilted his head to look at Miss Xielong, and then looked back at the calm expression of the silver-haired woman.

"You can not only see, but also hear me speak." Emperor Si's pupils were indifferent.

"." He Jianzhu pursed his lips, his beautiful eyes were somewhat helpless, and he turned his head to meet the eyes of the woman in the star skirt, "Pale Emperor Si, I can't hide it from you."

Emperor Si's pupils narrowed slightly: "Oh? It seems that you recognize me?"

"Lord Dragon God is joking, who among the gods of the starry sky would not know you."

She didn't want to see this woman in the star skirt, but she had special abilities, and this Dragon God was floating beside her.

He Jianzhu pressed Xia Feng's shoulder and said softly, "I just don't know what the relationship between Lord Dragon God and this kid is?"

Emperor Si didn't answer her question.

"Basically, all the gods of the starry sky have a grudge against me. Since you don't want to be my servant."

Majestic pupils looked at Xia Feng, "Kill He Jianzhu."

Xia Feng did not hesitate. The hand holding He Jianzhu's slender waist appeared a blood beast turned into a knife, and pressed against He Jianzhu's back. The black pupils surged with cold murderous intent, and smiled:

"Miss Jianzhu, you have three seconds to think about it."

The ambiguous atmosphere between the two disappeared at this moment. He Jianzhu raised her eyes to the Dragon God Order in front of her. She knew that the effect of the Dragon God Order was very powerful. Even if it was just a contract with a diversion body like her, it would directly affect the main body.

Once the contract was signed, she would not be able to escape at all.

It was also because of this that He Jianzhu realized that it seemed that it was not only Mu Qingtong who was hindering her from completing her mission, but also the Dragon God Di Si!

It’s simply hellish difficulty!

But it doesn't matter, after all, she is outstanding, not only in wisdom, but also in quantity.

If one He Jianzhu doesn't work, then use two. If two doesn't work, then use three.

That's why.

"Two of you, if one He Jianzhu falls, there will be thousands of He Jianzhu. Death is not a big deal for a shunt."

She gently patted the right side of Xia Feng's face with her thin hand, and casually raised his chin with her fingertips, her eyebrows slightly curved, "So, good son-in-law, your threat is actually very unconvincing~"

Xia Feng: "."

In fact, Miss Jianzhu had guided him to get a lot of sacred interpretation materials. It didn't look like she wanted to harm him, but she still didn't know the enemy and ourselves. Moreover, Miss Mu once wanted to kill He Jianzhu, so Xia Feng didn't mind ruthlessly killing him if necessary. Make up your mind to give this strange woman a knife.

But I have to say that this woman is even more difficult to deal with than Jiang Qiu'e.

Xia Feng frowned and his chin was forced to lift. The silver-haired woman's golden eyes were gentle and her smile was peaceful. "What, little brat, five seconds have passed. Why don't you do something?"

Seeing her being so arrogant, Xia Feng couldn't bear it anymore and raised his eyebrows: "Do it? Okay!"

As he said that, he repeated his old trick with his big hands and threw off his white coat with force, making a crisp sound.

"!!!" He Jianzhu's gentle smile froze. His index finger that raised Xia Feng's chin trembled, and the pale gold pupils that reflected Xia Feng's face froze.

Seeing that she was a little confused, Xia Feng raised his hand again

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