I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 107 Is Your Purpose Her?

On the other side, Riveria, who was headed to the Ishtar family, had also arrived.

"Nine magic princesses come to me?"

With brown skin and a figure so perfect that people blush and heartbeat just at a glance, this is the beauty god Ishtar.

Ishtar, who was woken up from his sleep, looked unhappy, but he had a question mark in his head when he knew who was coming.

She looked out the window subconsciously, and the sun was rising normally today.

But why is what happened today so bizarre?

Ishtar didn't think he had anything to say with Jiu Moji, which made Ishtar's paranoia suddenly occur.

"Did Jiu Moji have a purpose?

The expression on Amazon's face, who came up to report, began to become a little subtle.

"Lord Ishtar, according to Jiu Moji herself...she is here to propose marriage."

This answer caused Ishtar to be in a trance for a while. For a time, she thought that the seven-person walk last night had affected her too much, and even had hallucinations.

"Am I right? Is this what the Jiu Moji would say?"

"Lord Ishtar, I have also confirmed that it is indeed what Jiu Moji said."

Well, it was confirmed that there was such a thing, and Ishtar's attitude was also correct.

Not that she cared much about Loki's attitude.

Although she didn't know the purpose of that guy, but based on what she knew about Loki, it was difficult for the woman who would call her a "bitch" to find her relatives to propose marriage, so Ishtar also had a good eye.

"Who is Loki looking at?

"It's Elsa.


Ishtar thought about it carefully and it seemed that there was no big problem.

Elsa's strength is good, except for the self-righteous toad, only Elsa's strength is good.

But can Loki clearly refuse?

Even if she has the idea of ​​dealing with Freya now, it would be too stupid to face Freya at the same time as facing a Loki.

The strength of Loki's family is not weak at all, and there is no deep hatred between her and Loki. Now this kind of relationship between well water and river water is just right.

So, there is no need to feel uncomfortable with Loki.

Ishtar immediately stood up from the bed.

"Go and inform Elsa and ask her to go with Jiu Moji."

"Also tell Elsa, don't take this time too seriously, first clarify Loki's purpose."

"Yes, I'll go."

Ishtar folded his arms around his chest, thinking about which play the woman Loki was singing, but she really didn't remember such a thing.

Then he shook his head helplessly, and temporarily put the matter aside.

Anyway, the only thing I was looking for was Aisha, and it would be almost the same for Aisha to go and find out about the situation.

Mostly it's not something on her side, but it may be a problem within the Loki family.

Amazon immediately notified Elsa to meet Jiu Moji together.

"I kept you waiting, Lord Jiu Moji."

The top adventurer of Lv.6 will still be respected unconsciously.

The difference in strength is a sign of respect.

No one would be disrespectful to Lv.6 adventurers for no reason.

Aisha Bellka also saw the nine magic girls up close at this moment, the royal family in the elves, and also the magician standing at the top of the pyramid in the Orari.


Riveria focused her attention on Elsa.

The girl of the Amazon family, the clothes on her body are very suitable for the identity here, but the key is the breath.

"It's definitely not weak at the level of Lv.3."

After confirming this, Riveria did not delay any further.

"Miss Aisha, the main god of our family needs your help.

Elsa is also full of question marks. Like Ishtar, she is also a little confused about the situation in front of her.

"I see, if Lord Loki has something I can help. 35

Although Elsa is still full of doubts now, this does not prevent her from going to the Loki Familia with Jiu Mo Ji.

This is taking her away with integrity, and no matter what aspect is considered, there will be no serious problems.

Such a naive thought was Elsa's thought before she came to the Loki Familia.

After entering the Loki family, Elsa found that there were family members watching everywhere, which was not like a normal patrol.

At one corner, Elsa saw Orari's famous Sword Princess appear, and at the other corner, she saw the Lv.5 adventurer "Ferocious Wolf" from the Loki Family.

"It's not like a normal patrol at all."

Elsa couldn't help but start to worry at this moment.

With such a large patrol force within the Loki Familia, once a fight really broke out, she really couldn't run away.

There is an essential difference between a Lv.5 adventurer and a Lv.4 adventurer, and she is only at the level of Lv.3 now, and it is wishful thinking to leave.

Aisha, who understood this, also calmed down a bit.

Followed Jiu Mo Ji into the interior of the Loki family base.

Knowing that she couldn't escape, even if she really fell into the pit, Elsa would like to know why she was targeting a Lv.3 little person like her.

"Don't be too nervous, what we need is your help, not your trouble.

Riveria briefly reminded.

"Right now, it's just to avoid letting outsiders know more information 623.""

"Outsiders... know more information?"

Aisha suddenly understood something vaguely, and then her complexion began to look unsightly in an instant.

"Your purpose...is it for her?

Riveria did not give a clear answer, but Elsa already understood in her heart.

No wonder there is such a big battle within the Loki Familia.

No wonder Lord Loki named her to help.

It's all for Chun Ji!

If it was because of Haruhime's magic, then Elsa knew the reason.

I didn't expect the reason to be so strong.

However, when Elsa's mind changed, all the anxiety just now subsided.

"Although it's definitely not a good thing for that child to be targeted by other families, but if he is targeted by Loki's family, at least there is no need to worry about safety."

"However, the key now is how to get Haruhime to withdraw from the Ishtar family."

If you want to enter a place like the family, you need to look at fate, but if you think about it, there is no fate to talk about.

Most of the adventurers in the family want to transfer to other family is not a simple matter.

The key is that the conversion requires the approval of the current Lord God.

However, is there really a way to easily get the Lord God to agree?

At least Elsa knew that Ishtar would never agree to Chunji's conversion.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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