I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 109 Transform the Hestia Family Base

When Aisha Bellka completely surrendered to Loki, the investigation of the Ishtar family began immediately.

The Happy Street investigation was conducted by Elsa, and the external investigation was conducted by Finn and Riveria.

At the same time, Bell quietly arranged the enchantment next to the ruins.

As a corner of Orali, the ruins of the church are undoubtedly a very good place. If it were not abandoned here, this church would definitely become a place where many Orali residents often walk.

It's because the location is so good.

Out of the way, away from the lively area of ​​the center, quiet enough.

Settling down here is definitely a good choice.

Of course, the key point is that the ruins are really cheap.

Because the surrounding area is surrounded by ruins, and considering many problems such as the remote location and the difficulty of reconstruction, the land price in this area is only cheap.

This place is about 1,000 square meters, maybe more than that, but the price you want to buy is only 50 million fales.

This made Bell, who had just made a fortune with runestones, seem to be nothing more than a small 627.

So Bell also asked the god Hephaestus to help him and the god-sama take down this ruined territory.

But it's not enough to just sort out the ruins, it's also a hassle to sort out the ruins.

Fortunately, this is a process of practicing runes for Bell.

Moreover, the stones of this ruin are not useless, they can be re-decomposed with runes and reconstituted to form stone pillars, which can encircle the periphery.

In half a day, Bell completed the outermost enclosure.


Bell wiped the hot sweat from his forehead, looking at the results of his half-day efforts, he still felt a sense of accomplishment.

"The periphery is a good circle."

The ruined stones in the family land have been decomposed into floor tiles, or the outermost walls and stone pillars.

There was only one ruined church in the clan that was temporarily preserved by Bell.

Obviously the only place where people can live can't be disposed of so quickly, otherwise he and Lord God will not even have a place to sleep tonight.

"Next is the construction of the interior."

However, the internal structure Bell is not going to hand over to the Gubernia family to deal with, after all, it is the family land of the family, and it is most inappropriate for outsiders to deal with it, even if the Gubernia family is a famous production family of Orari.

"At my level, I can only create a forest-style clan.

"After all, it is the interior of the clan made of runes, and the level of sophistication is definitely not comparable to that of the clan built by the Gubonyu family.

Bell also knows where his artistic level is.

"But it should be no problem to just create a place for me and Lord God to live."

"If you need other equipment at that time, you can add them in little by little."9

Immediately, Bell looked at the rune words he had just subconsciously drawn in a speechless manner.

"Sure enough, practice makes perfect, and doing these tasks is the best way to increase my proficiency in rune writing.

Continue to focus on the creation of the enchantment.

As the base of the family, the surrounding barrier is naturally arranged to the highest standard.

External confusion and aggression are indispensable.

It can better protect the people inside the tribe, and even reduce the possibility of being invaded from the outside.

But Bell was more worried about whether the invaders could confirm the location of their Hestia Familia's base.

You must know that the effect of "breath shielding" has also been added to the enchantment.

After all, what Bell wants to build is a base that is suitable for life and has enough security. This alone allows Bell to make arrangements in the safest way.

The outermost layer is naturally the barrier of "breath shielding" (bgaf), and the barrier of "cognitive impairment" works together, and it is destined that it is difficult for anyone to find it simply by hanging these two barriers.

Of course, if the other party can really find it, or if he accidentally entered the enchantment, then the third enchantment "confusion" can directly make the stray intruder and the intruder unclear about the way forward.

If the intruder can continue to approach, the prepared "silence" and magic power disrupt the space killing formation can further stop the intruder's footsteps.

So what Bell arranged was a barrier designed to prevent people from entering.

The biggest role of the periphery is to block.

But once the blocking doesn't work, the next thing Bell does is annihilate.

If you don't go out, don't go out.

However, the envisaged scale of this enchantment is very amazing, and the thickness also needs to be woven, which is not a job that can be completed in a while.

But for Bell, who has seized the time, the impact is not so great.

The "personal training" dress gave him a really great help. Even "preparation" can also gain experience. The next step is the accumulation of daily life and the accumulation of experience in great achievements.

After arranging the most basic enchantment on the periphery, Bell relaxed his mind.

"Well~ the basic work is completed, and the next work can't be completed in a day or two."

Because the scale of the internal project is really large, Bell also separates different project schedules.

Today's work is to deal with all the ruins, lay out basic enchantments around them, and provide the most basic security arrangements for the base area of ​​Hestia's family.


Bell couldn't help yawning. Recently, his strength has increased, and his physical strength has also increased a lot. The time he can move without sleeping has been significantly longer.

But even so, he was very tired now.

It's really because he's had so much time to cheer up lately.

The making of runestones does not require huge magic power, but Bell's energy.

Making runestones for a long time is also very labor-intensive.

Even as more and more runestones are made, Bell's impression of those few words becomes more and more profound, and the energy consumption begins to decrease.

But less does not mean that there is no energy consumption.

The energy that should be expended is only less, not completely.

In addition, the cleaning and transformation of the base area in the previous half-day was obviously much more tiring than making runestones. Some rune characters and even Bell have not been in contact with them for a long time. Repeating the work in this unfamiliar situation is very difficult. energy consuming.

This also makes the current Bell feel a little shaken in his consciousness.

Bell rubbed his forehead.

"Next time, don't force yourself too hard."

PS; Seeking collection... Seeking flowers... Seeking evaluation.

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