I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 112 Building the Forest Wind Stronghold

It does not use sleep aid magic that increases sleep efficiency, but simply sleeps according to its own desires.

Maybe not the most productive, but Bell's most restful sleep in days.

Since crossing into this world, Bell has been immersed in anxiety every day, even if he has been restraining this emotion, this anxiety still exists.

This anxiety made Bell unable to sleep very deeply at night, and a little bit of trouble would awaken his consciousness.

After getting "meditation", Bell sleeps in a light sleep of meditation almost every day, and his consciousness can always be half awake to pay attention to the surrounding environment.

After getting the rune script, Bell uses the rune script to enhance his sleep time every day, which can not only make his mental recovery faster, but also make his sleep more quality.

It can be said that the rune script was used by Bell as a sleep aid at that time.

But yesterday, Bell didn't use magic to help him sleep, so he let 16 release his desire for sleep as much as possible without considering the efficiency.

It is also because the problem of efficiency is not considered, the sleep time becomes much longer than usual.

The moment he opened his eyes, Bell's eyes were enveloped by a mountain.

"Ah, God-sama has been sitting all night."

Subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

Bell carefully sat up on Lord God's lap.

He turned his head to look at the god-sama who fell asleep while sitting on the bed.

"So you just sit and fall asleep so that I can sleep soundly?"

Bell shook his head slightly, leaned over gently, hugged Lord Shangshen's waist with one hand, and let her sleep on the bed in a normal position little by little.

After doing all this, Bell noticed an irregular spasm in Lord Kasumi's leg.

This should be a side effect of keeping him on for a night.

Bell drew and wrote a few rune words at will, and quickly healed the spasm on Lord God's leg.

But after that, Bell added a buff that is usually used for sleep aids to Lord God.

Hestia, who was already asleep, fell into a deeper sleep with the help of this magic.

After doing these things, Bell tidied up his clothes and walked upstairs.

After a night of recuperation, Bell's mental state is even better than usual.

"Okay! Today's working hours begin."

Take a break from time to time, Bell had remembered.

But that is the time when you need to rest and then take a good rest. You can't always think about taking a good rest during working hours.

First of all, the base still needs to be initially built, otherwise he and Lord God will sleep in the basement all day.

Although the environment of the basement is not very bad, after cleaning and maintenance, it is relatively comfortable to live in.

But if you can live on earth, you must choose to live on earth.

In fact, the internal infrastructure is almost finished, and the surrounding ruins have been cleaned up, and the next step is the construction of the internal structure.

Bell doesn't think he's overly talented in this regard.

Playing MC can only stack matchboxes, he really does not have this ability.

Therefore, Bell can be regarded as having a new concept of the future clan land for him and Lord God.

Building future clan buildings is not Bell's area of ​​expertise, but he can create a suitable treehouse as a unique future clan stronghold.

"In that case, start from the side first."

It is not an easy task to create a huge tree house. It is too big in terms of movement. It is necessary to complete the surrounding layout before starting the construction of the tree house.

"Since it is going to be built in that style, the style of the core also needs to be changed."

The wall that isolates the periphery is not bad, but the style is worse.

However, this aspect can be rebuilt.

And the method is relatively simple.

Rune text is very good in this kind of place. It only needs a little control, and it is easy to get the basic style out.

Taking some seeds out of the four-dimensional space, Bell went directly to the entrance of the family, and shot a seed into the stone pillar at the entrance.


The amazing force made the seed completely embedded in the center of the stone pillar.

Subsequently, a large number of vines grew out from the place where the stone pillar was broken.

In just a while, the vines wrapped around the stone pillar, like a seed that slowly began to grow out of the stone pillar as the center, and eventually turned into a towering tree.

It is not particularly tall when it is said to be "towering the sky", at most it is only five or six meters high.

Bell walked over and tapped the tree lightly with his hand.

"When! When! When!"

The tree made a sound like hitting an iron block.

"As expected of the seed of the elf tree, this tree can be used as material for weapons. 39

The elf tree belongs to the special magic tree bred in the center of the elf tribe.

The elf tree itself is a very cherished material, but unfortunately the growth cycle is very long, so it is a cherished material.

In addition, some elves were once burned by Crozzo's magic sword, and the number of elves has also decreased sharply, and there is also a shortage of external sales.

Of course, the species of the elf tree is an exception.

The elves are very precious elf trees, because the growth cycle of the elves is too long, and it is difficult to have short-term benefits. Each tree is a precious resource for the elves.

That is to say, because the growth cycle of the elf tree is very long, and the 627 seeds of the elf tree are extremely difficult to grow, the seeds of the elf tree are not as precious as the elf tree.

The elf tree belongs to the priceless market, and the species of the elf tree belongs to 100,000 phalis, which can be wholesaled in a bunch.

For the seed elves, there is no idea of ​​restricting the sale at all, and they even say that they can throw as many elves as they want.

It is because the growth cycle of the elf tree is too long, and each mature elf tree has to drop a crop of tree species every few years.

Unfortunately, the planting of elf trees cannot be too dense, so the fallen tree species must be collected. Otherwise, once these tree species fall and take root, it is very likely that the adult elf tree will be regarded as the nutrient for growth, which will put the cart before the horse.

Therefore, the elves sell tree species to the outside world every year.

After all, the amount of playthings is large, difficult to maintain, and the growth cycle is long. The elves really don't feel bad at all. It is better to exchange money to buy other resources.

But that didn't matter much for Bell.

Difficult to raise? Long growth cycle?

Rune script can solve these problems.

Before Bell bought a bunch of elf tree species for 100,000 phalis, and stuffed them all in the four-dimensional space.

It can be used anytime, anywhere.

It acts as a building material as it does now.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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