I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 117 Loki wants to kill Ishtar?

Ganesha, who took over the security work of Orari, knew very well that many of Orali's gods were on the side of the dark faction.

The gods of longevity always have some gods who will develop neurosis when they are idle. In fact, Ganesha already understands this enough when he is in the heaven.

However, when everyone is in the heavenly world, the war between gods and gods doesn't really affect much, at most it just makes you feel sick when you listen to it too much.

But after coming to the lower realm, you can no longer face it with the attitude of the past.

Maybe everyone has been limited in power, and their ability is not enough to do some neurotic things, but those neurosis may affect some simple-minded children, thus leading those simple children to do some neurotic things.

Children of the Nether are prone to spoilage.

Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad.

But the path that the children who are led by neurosis will definitely be the path of neurosis will not change.

For this reason, Ganesha has begun to get serious in his heart, and his intuition judges that those 16 dark factions may have made a big deal again.

Immediately, Ganisa remembered that Loki had not started the preparations for the expedition recently. He thought that something had happened. Who knew that the children of Loki's family would come and tell him about it now.

"Loki hasn't prepared for an expedition recently, is he just looking for those guys?"


Good guy, Ganesha's eyes changed instantly.

That guy, Loki, is unprofitable, and he will definitely not start taking action just by noticing the dark faction.

If there's no profit in this thing, all that guy will do is pretend he doesn't see it.

"It's still being used as a knife."

Ganesha sighed helplessly in his heart, but he had to act.

That guy Loki has acted, there must be clear evidence.

No matter what Loki was plotting in the end, he also agreed with the idea of ​​hitting the dark faction.

"Loki's child, what did she investigate?"

Grace did not hide it, and directly said what the dark faction did.

"God Ganesha, the dark faction is trading people.""


Ganesha didn't expect that those lunatics are still doing these things?

"So, how many gods in Oralienne are related to those lunatics?"

Ganesha's face darkened as she thought so.

You must know that now his family is almost managing the order of Orari, but those lunatics are still doing this kind of business under his nose.

What's even worse is the human trafficking.

Treating the children of the lower realms as objects, this attitude is indeed something that only lunatics would do.

Grace has no doubts about the anger on the face of God Ganesha at the moment. In the city of Orari, God Ganesha has always been the god who cares about the children of the lower world the most. God Nisha is angry.

But Grace also had other things to say.

"God Ganesha, the place for buying and selling is in the underground space of Happy Street.

"Ishtar! Damn it! No wonder my kids have been reporting to me recently that something has changed inside Pleasure Street.

The answer pointed to Happy Street, so the person who colluded with the dark faction was that Ishtar did not run away.

This also reminded Ganesha that his children had reported a lot of new faces in Happy Street recently. At that time, he wondered where those new faces came from, and let his children continue to investigate.

Unexpectedly, the investigation from his own children did not come up, but the children of the Rocky family investigated some situations.

If it is human trafficking, then the reason for the emergence of many new faces in Happy Street is obvious.

This made the anger in Ganesha's heart even more burning.


Hearing the roar of the Lord God in the room, Shatik Falma, the leader of the Ganesha family who was waiting outside, quickly walked into the room.

"Shatik! You immediately take the children of your relatives to evacuate the crowd around Happy Street to minimize unnecessary harm.

"...Do it covertly, and try not to let the Ishtar family discover your actions."

"In addition, let the children who go to the Happy Street investigation increase their attention, and whatever happens next, they must be careful."

After receiving the order of the Lord God, Shatik's beautiful face immediately turned solemn.

This time, the incident obviously revolved around the Ishtar family.

Shatik could clearly feel the anger that was hard to conceal in the voice of the Lord God when he gave the order. Although she didn't know the specific reason yet, but to make the Lord God angry to such an extent, she was sure that God Ishtar had done some taboo things.

Grace reminded by the side.

"God Ganesha, there are some underground passages and Happy Street outside Orari.""

"Lord Loki has gone to the guild with Riveria to ask for the guild's assistance. 99

"Finn has also taken people around Happy Street."

Ganesha's face twitched, he really didn't expect Loki to go to Ouranos.

This time, I'm afraid it's not just about expelling Ishtar from Orari.

Loki is trying to kill Ishtar completely!

"Happy Street underground connects to the 633 passage outside... God Loki is going to ask the guild's assistance..."

Shatik listened to each game in the seat and was startled.

The "Nine Demon Princess", "Hero" and "Chongjie" of the Loki family acted together, and this formation was enough for Shatik to understand the seriousness of the matter.

I am afraid that God Ishtar has done a lot of things.

even say...

Shatik faintly noticed some answers in his heart, and his face changed suddenly.

"Shatik, arrange for another part of the children to act together with Chongjie, be sure to find the underground passage as soon as possible!

"Prepare all the children to face the dark faction. 35

Taking a deep breath, Ganisa temporarily ignored Loki's idea of ​​killing Ishtar. The mad woman who came into contact with the dark faction was bound to be expelled.

The difference between killing and eviction is not very big.

Ishtar did not want to stand up this time.

He also needs to focus on what comes next.

It is necessary to find the entrance of the underground passage outside Orali, and that intersection also needs to be completely blocked, otherwise it may continue to be used by the dark faction in the future.

Of course, after finding it, you must be prepared to face the dark faction.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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