I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 119 Do You Think I Believe What You Say?

Loki, who agreed, got the help of Ouranos directly, but he also assumed a responsibility.

But compared to this responsibility, Loki cared more about what Uranos said to her before.

"A hero's springboard..."

"That Uranus guy actually sees the dwarf's child as a new generation of heroes."

"It seems that there is something unknown about that child."

Loki naturally knew that the child was unusual.

Being able to get that kind of abnormal magic and making those unusual runestones has proved this. But Loki didn't expect the child to be so unusual.

"Xiao Fei may know some information."

"But with the relationship between Xiao Fei and the little dwarf, even if you really know some information, I'm afraid they won't tell me."

Loki sighed inwardly.

Obviously, her relationship with Xiao Fei is not bad, but why does Little Shorty have a better relationship with Xiao Fei than she does?

"A hero..."

"How many children in my family want to get this name?"

The first thing that came to Loki's mind was his head, Finn. If it is his character, he definitely hopes to get this title, just like what the child wants to do, the title of 633 can bring him more substantial help.

The same is true for other children, and the title represents fame, as well as the motivation to keep going.

"However, the kid from the dwarf's family doesn't care about such things at all."

From the first meeting, Loki could see the child's eyes hiding all thoughts, but even if it was hidden, Loki could see something.

Deep in those eyes is the thirst for power.

However, Loki could clearly see that the degree of desire was not very large, but compared to nothing, it was the only desire that existed.

"Such a child turned out to be a hero recognized by Uranus, and even let Uranus give him a trial."

Although Ishtar is a prostitute, her family is not weak.

A Lv.5 sits in it, among which there are countless Lv.2s and a lot of Lv.3s, such a family can be regarded as the strength of the middle and upper level in Orari.

But such a family was directly used as a springboard for trials.

"So, Uranus thinks that child's potential is above Lv.5?"

"No, Uranos is not going to deal with Ishtar immediately, but if he gave this opportunity to that child... Does Uranos think that child can solve Ishtar's problems now?"

It's just that Loki was still a little worried about whether Uranos had dug a hole and waited for her to jump.

After all, such a thing seems impossible from any angle.

How could a child who has just become an adventurer overthrow a family as big as Ishtar?

But Loki can't be completely sure of this, and he also needs to consider the situation that Ouranos is not joking.

"I still need to find a chance to find out the specific situation of that child."

"Yo~ Why do you look so bitter and hated? 39

The swish sound made Loki's brows slightly raise, and when he looked up, he saw a handsome guy wearing a hat with a feather stuck in it standing not far from her.

Seeing this bitchy guy, Loki felt his anger soaring.

"Hermes, why are you here?"

"I just saw your child's actions around Happy Street, and thought it might have something to do with you, so I came to you and asked."5

"This is really interesting, I didn't expect you to ask me one day.

Loki did not expect that Hermes, who has always been selling information, would have one day to ask others for information.

Hermes laughed indifferently.

"After all, I don't have all the information in the whole world, and of course there are times when I ask. 35

Loki snorted coldly.

"Hermes, don't you know about Ishtar?"

"Well~ I should be aware of it. 99

Hermes dragged his chin and thought about it carefully, but still smiled.

Loki glared at Hermes angrily, this slutty bastard really knew it.

Now Loki can be sure that Hermes and Uranus definitely have a very deep connection, and the two even did a lot of things behind the backs of the gods.

"Now that you know, come and find me?""

"Oops~ Because I also have things I don't know but really want to know. 55

Loki looked at this cheap guy with an unhappy expression, but then he became even more curious about the child's affairs in his heart.

"Did the dwarf's child attract the attention of you and Uranus so much?"

Hermes was not surprised when he heard it. After knowing that Loki came to kill Ishtar, he knew that Loki would definitely make a choice.

What Ishtar has done is naturally very serious, but it is much smaller than the behavior of the lunatics of the dark faction.

And the simple woman of Ishtar just likes to go against Freya.

Even if she is left alone, when she really gets water in her head, Freya will also clean up Ishtar.

Ishtar is just a small problem.

Therefore, Ishtar is a very good living target.

Originally, Hermes planned this way, but unfortunately, there were some problems with this plan.

Loki jumped out of an unknown corner and completely disrupted all plans.

"I was just curious about the truth about that kid.

"Uranus will pay attention to that child, I think he must have seen something farther than me."

"Do you think I'll believe all this bullshit you say?"

It is best not to take what Hermes says is true.

Loki didn't think that this bitch was really just a little curious.

Uranus saw something different in that child. Loki was sure, but the same was true for Hermes.

"If you want to make a cliché from me, you'd better tell me the identity and background of that child first.

"Of course, if you can get information from Little Shorty and Fei, you can do whatever you want.

This gave Hermes a headache.

To be honest, he really didn't think it was so difficult to find information about a child.

But now Hermes realized that kind of hard work.

Hermes even saw a trace of his back on the child. He was obviously a child without talent by Zeus. How could he hide himself so well all the time?

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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