I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 121 Freya's Interest Has Increased

"It's started.

Hermes, who left the union, found a suitable viewing point.

The vision of the gods is even better than imagined, and even if he is standing on the highest point, he can see everything that is happening below.

"Ishtar... it's a pity.

He said so, but there was no pity on Hermes' face.

As a target, Ishtar is undoubtedly the most suitable, but the play that was supposed to be staged was pushed by the lead actor, which made Hermes a little helpless.

"Zeus, the grandson you have raised is too stubborn."

"I feel like I'm not as good as your grandson."

Hermes felt that his behavior was cautious enough, and he had always been in a neutral position in the group of gods, not biased towards any side.

At least, "Six Three Three" has always been so on the surface.

But compared with the grandson of Zeus may be a lot worse.

It has been more than half a month since I came to Orari, and I have not been able to investigate any extra information.

Moreover, he has not taken the initiative to contact any adventurer. If there is no runestone incident, I am afraid that Hermes would not be able to collect even such a little information.

"Lord Hermes, you can't see any pity on your face."

Standing behind Hermes was a blue-haired girl with glasses and a white cloak, which made people feel a little out of place.

"I really feel sorry for Ishtar, but only because the protagonist of this scene was not set from the beginning."

"Asfi, have the information about those days been stolen from the guild?"

Hearing that "steal" popped out from the mouth of the master god, the glasses girl couldn't help but push her glasses.

"Lord Hermes, please don't use such impolite words."

"First of all, I didn't directly take the information of the guild, I just copied a part of the materials that belonged to that part."

Hermes didn't care much about the explanation added by the head of his family, he was concerned about the results of that part of the information.

"The results of it?"

The girl with glasses sighed, and because she knew what Hermes was thinking, she just sighed and continued.

"More than half a month ago, there was a sudden increase in the guild's internal support, and this expenditure was to buy more than two hundred short knives that can only be dropped by a layer of goblins."

"At the same time, it was also the day of the first dungeon riots in this period of time.

"At the same time, that day was also the boy, the day after Bell Cranel came to Oralee. 99

Hermes dragged his chin with one hand, and now some clues were finally connected.

"That's it, it seems that the child has something to do with the recent riots in the dungeon."

Before Hermes, there was only a little guess in his heart, after all, those things happened after the child came to Orari.

In addition, Hermes was also very aware of the special nature of that child, which led to such a guess.

Unexpectedly, there are still clues left in the guild.

"What happened after that?"

"Since then, the guild's daily income and expenditure have been relatively stable, and there has not been such a big income and expenditure problem.

"It seems that it was the first time that I went to the guild with inexperience, and this left a clue."

It is normal for you to be a little inexperienced at the beginning as the first time you come to Orari.

This is a common mistake made by rookie adventurers.

Hermes was more concerned about whether this clue left a specific identification mark.

"What about specific identification?"

"I didn't leave it behind. The information on it was only about the quantity and value of the repurchase, as well as the benefits that the guild could reap, and there was no information on the seller."5

This really surprised Hermes.

"Hey~ I didn't expect that the child would get the help of the guild receptionist the day after he came to Orari.

Although it is still an obvious clue, if there is only such a person, it will not be so easily suspected.

Of course, except for a certain god, Hermes couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

Above the Tower of Babel, the God of Beauty Freya's gaze was also locked on this battlefield.

"Can't Loki wait so much?"

Freya also thought it was a little early for this result.

Originally, Freya thought that Loki would make more preparations, at least to the point where Ishtar was directly immobilized by a single blow.

But I didn't expect it to be so rushed.

Freya shook the wine glass in her hand, watching the red wine slowly begin to sink, and her hand continued to shake.

She is not very interested in today's scene.

Ishtar and Loki had only one result, even if Freya didn't pay attention.

So now she is more interested in the information on the table.

If Hermes could see it here, the document placed on Freya's table was also the document he asked his captain to steal.

"It's a very cautious child, but it's the lack of experience that's the fault.

Freya opened the document in her hand with great interest, and the photo attached to it was of a boy with half of his face shrouded in the shadow of a hood, but "Bell Cranel" was clearly written in the name column.

Freya hadn't seen the child since that time at the "Beautiful Mistress" shop.

"If I could see that child again, I might be able to find out why my eyes couldn't see. 35

Freya was certain that the child would not be a dishonest soul.

Soulless souls will not bloom in this Orari, those soulless souls are destined to have only ordinary lives.

So will lightless souls master special magic words?

The answer to this question, Freya already had the answer in her heart.

"0.5 Really, that kid is too good at hiding."

Freya also had a little complaint in her heart.

Now she has a child who is enough to interest her, but this child is too cautious, so that she can't get a second look, and there is no way for her to confirm what kind of secrets the child is hiding. .

This curiosity and this expectation are like a cat's claws scratching her heart, making her heart itch, and she can't stop but she doesn't want to get the answer so quickly.

Only when she fully realized this feeling, did Freya hope to get this answer through her own eyes.

This mood made Freya, who was a little boring just now, have a smile on her face that would make anyone of the opposite sex completely disarm.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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