I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 123 The battle of brute force and skill

Whether it's a catch or a stubborn resistance, the result is the same.

Finn doesn't care what kind of choice this toad will make in front of him. This time, apart from bringing back that special child, the rest is all about suppressing the Ishtar family.

Phryni Jamil is Ishtar's immediate combat power and the only Lv.5, so this person must be in the ranks of being severely taught.

For the rise of the little people, Finn will not miss any opportunity to promote the strength of the little people.

"Ah ah ah!"

Phryny tightly held the axe in his hand, and the huge body moved at an extremely fast speed. It was hard to imagine the speed at which a woman with a height of two meters and an amazing weight burst out.

From the front, it looks like an earth dragon rushing straight forward.

However, the charge of this power was nothing in Finn's eyes, and the highly accomplished spearmanship aimed at the key point with just one stab, forcing Finn's impact to stop directly to resist the attack.

Finn, who is good at spearmanship, is not someone who strives for strength, that is not his field of expertise, and agility and flexibility are his fields of expertise.

Insight into opportunities, find the enemy's weaknesses with rich combat experience, and use superb spear skills to limit the enemy, this is Finn's fighting style.

Even if the attack was blocked, Furini was not ready to give up, and the heavy axe in his hand was swung down at Finn.

But this kind of attack seemed too simple to Finn.

Finn did not directly resist, but diddge the attack very lightly, and pointed the gun at Furini's hand holding the axe and stabbed with one hand.


Even a body trained to Lv.5 could not resist the attack of the top weapon, and the sturdy hand that did not look like a prostitute was directly pierced.

Phryni felt an extraordinary pain, and seeing her hand being pierced, she knew even more clearly that she must not stop here, otherwise, the tip of the gun would pierce her throat in the next second.

He also grabbed the handle of the axe with the other hand, and swept away towards Finn who was approaching.

For this kind of straightforward attack, Finn didn't rush to attack, but retreated lightly. After sweeping past, he quickly seized the opportunity to attack, and the spear in his hand stabbed directly into Phryni's throat.

At this moment, the toad-like eyes of Hengtong suddenly shrank, and the cumbersome body quickly squatted down, but the tip of the spear still cut off Phryne's face. The blood slid down directly from the face that made people have nightmares, making the whole face even more hideous.

But it was the scar on his face that made Friney stiff.

The most important thing for a woman is nothing but her own face.

The extremely narcissistic Friney compares herself to a beauty like a goddess, which also makes her take her face very seriously.

"It left a wound on my beautiful face!!!"

Phryne's voice was so loud that Finn was stunned for a moment.

Seeing Phryny's hideous face and a face that has nothing to do with "beauty" at all, Finn couldn't help but be a little speechless.

In fact, it wasn't just Finn alone, Dongpu, the men from the Loki Familia and the Ganisa Familia, heard Phryne's voice. Because she was really screaming so loudly that it was difficult to hear her.

But it was because of hearing these words, combined with the respectful face of Friney, that most of the men present felt the urge to vomit.

Some even couldn't help but blurt out.

"You are still beautiful? You look like a man-eating frog on the second floor.


Although I don't know if it was said, this kind of comment directly attracted the approval of all men.

Obviously, most of the prostitutes in the Ishtar family are beautiful, how can Phryne Jamil as the head of the group be such an unappetizing thing?

This sentence directly exploded the untouchable field in Friney's heart, and directly caused her eyes to emit an astonishing blood light. When he turned his head, he ignored Finn who was still fighting until just now, and focused his attention on the man who spoke.

"Death to me!!!

The speed and power of the explosion due to anger have increased by a large margin compared to just now.

But Finn directly blocked him on the way in front of Phryny.

Facing the chopping axe, Finn just clenched the long spear in his hand, twisted the gun shaft, and provoked it at the moment of contact.


The movements of rotation and flying were just right, almost after reversing the power of the chopping axe, the chopping axe was directly lifted up with the help of the chopping power.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

The force of the rotation directly twisted Friney's hand, and the bones of the hand were detached from the flesh at that moment.

Looking at such a picture, Finn instantly lost interest in continuing to do it.

"It's over, Phryne Jameel. You won't suffer any more if you hold on tight."5

"Of course, if you don't believe in evil and want to continue fighting, then prepare to die."

This was Finn's final warning.

Once this toad is still out of mind, then he will kill it here.

Of course Finn is reluctant to do so directly here.

After all, if this toad dies here, then where should the resentment of the compatriots who were bought and sold go? Besides, this is not just the resentment of the compatriots of the little human race, but also the elves who have been bought and sold, and the anger of Riviria is also Need a vent.

This toad is definitely going to die.

It's just that the best outcome for this toad is to die in the hands of the victims who were bought and sold, not in his hands.

The coolness of his back swept through Phryne Jamil, and the fear in his heart became stronger.

She stepped back again and again, even ignoring the pain in her arm, she immediately chose to follow her heart.

(Wang Haozhao) "I, I know... I surrender..."

Finn shook his head slightly, such a Lv.5 was really just a large sandbag.

He doesn't possess any magic, and his fighting skills are so poor. It is only by relying on his innate physical fitness that he has reached the height of Lv.5.

However, it does not have the character to match it, and the strength it exerts is simply ugly.

"Continue to move closer to the center and control all members of the Ishtar family!"

This time, all the members of the Ishtar family were unable to escape.

Of course, the guild will not punish all the relatives for death, but the corresponding punishment mechanism is indispensable.

However, Finn, who gave the order, did not move forward to supervise the blow.

Now he needs to keep an eye on Phryne Jameel to save the woman some trouble.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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