I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 126 Help is just to avoid getting in trouble

The Amazon girl was kicked and flew several meters away with Bell's shoe print on her face.

It may not be very powerful, but the insult is very strong.

But this time Bell was going to insult the woman.

He walked over step by step, watching the woman who couldn't even get up, crouched down slightly.

"That's what I said just now, "Why do you want to invade our family's territory?"

"I don't have any interest in why you fight, but you picked the wrong place. Also, what did your attitude mean just now? Are you trying to kill me?"

"Is this how Lv.3 does it?"

The Amazon girl raised her head in humiliation, and Bell also understood that this Lv.3 was unwilling to admit her failure, and even attributed her failure to poisoning.

But she didn't understand why she was poisoned.

But Bell didn't want to explain, but "640" had no interest in exposing his intelligence.

"The weak eat the strong... huh~"

Bell stood up and turned to leave. After walking a certain distance to ensure that the blood would not splash on himself, he snapped his fingers.

A huge rock arm rose from the ground, and this scene changed the face of the Amazon girl.

He wanted to escape, but his body seemed powerless to even support it.

The raised rock arm clenched his fist and smashed it directly at the Amazon girl.

"Pia! 35

Like the sound of watermelon smashing around, blood splashed around, like a hellish scene.

However, there was a ripple in the surrounding ground. The rock fist just hit the ground without making any sound. Instead, the Amazon, Meatloaf, girl sank into the ground, and even the picture of hell was destroyed. The ground devoured clean.

"Then, now I am stronger.

Bell's eyes swept across the other Amazon girls, and all of them had chills down their spines, but they didn't look away.

After looking back, Bell just ignored them.

Since these people didn't kill them just now, and they didn't even bother to hunt them down, then targeting them would be a blasphemy to their attitude.

He went straight to Elsa, who also fell softly to the ground.

All Amazon girls have bronzed skin, perhaps the same color as their sturdy lives.

Bell glanced at Elsa's bluish ankle, squatted down and touched the ankle with the tips of her fingers, and the bluish-purple trace soon disappeared.

"Recovered? Healing magic?"

Aisha looked at her ankle in astonishment. It was in great pain just now, but now she can't feel the pain at all.

Facing Elsa's gaze, Bell stood up calmly.

"Be careful in the future, don't break into the territory of other people's relatives.

"Also, the cry for help inside is not audible outside.

After he finished speaking, Bell turned sideways and was about to leave. He didn't want to get involved in a fight with women. If it wasn't Aisha Bellka and Sanjono Haruhime who happened outside, then Bell wouldn't care about anyone outside. life and death.

But if it's these two people, there's no way.

After all, the Hestia Familiar only traded the intelligence of these two people to God Loki. If these two people died outside the Hestia Familiar, Bell had no doubt that God Loki would definitely settle accounts with him.

"Why save us?"

Elsa looked at the man who was about to leave, she didn't understand why the other party would lend a hand to them.

Bell didn't look back.

"I don't know you at all, but our family has a great connection with God Loki. If I see you killed, God Loki may come to trouble me."


Elsa was slightly startled, how did he know such a thing?

But just when she wanted to ask, Elsa found that the other party had left.

The weakness of the body just now began to become much normal again, and the pain in the severely injured back was relieved, just like the weakness just now was like an illusion.

"Isn't that poisoned magic?"

"Yes, if it's really poisoning, my abnormal resistance won't have any reaction at all."

"And from the current situation, it seems that the wounds on the body have been healed... The state just now was not poisoning, but healing."

After clarifying this conclusion, Elsa was also speechless, how could there be such a strange healing magic?

But the ankle and back injuries have healed, at least that's the only thing to be happy about.

Glancing at the place where her fellow clan died just now, Elsa withdrew her gaze and turned to the others who did not act.

"As I said before, the Ishtar family is completely over.

"Because of this child, God Loki will not spare God Ishtar.

The others looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

"We know this very well.

"But Elsa, you don't have to send out information about that child, do you?

Elsa needs to explain the situation further...

"...Why do you think I sold this child's information?"

"When I was called over by God Loki, God Loki already knew about this child from other sources. 39

"Hey? You didn't sell this thing Elsa?"

Originally, everyone thought it was the news of Elsa's betrayal, but looking at Elsa's reaction now, it doesn't seem to be the same.

"I'm still wondering if you spread the news."

In fact, Aisha really thinks so. After all, Chunji is the biggest secret within the Ishtar family, and only the family can know these things. She is not a person who sold information, so there must be someone who sold information about Chun Ji among the others.

Everyone looked at each other, but everyone was blank. Obviously, they were not the inner ghosts who betrayed the Ishtar family.

Aisha, who paid attention to everyone's emotions, confirmed that no one had sent the news, so it was someone else.

"I won't say anything else, just remind you one thing. Now, absolutely don't go back to the Ishtar family.""

"This time the Ishtar family is involved in a transaction with the dark faction."


The amazed eyes of all the Amazon girls present were about to burst out. They never thought that the Ishtar family was actually related to the dark faction.

"I... the Ishtar family is still related to the dark faction? Lord Ishtar is crazy!

"Otherwise, where do you think the little people and elves that have appeared in large numbers in Happy Street recently came from?"

This situation made everyone lose their voices.

Recently, there have been a lot of little people and elves in Happy Street. They naturally know about it, but they didn't expect that there are shadows of dark factions.

"Go quickly.

Elsa urged her former colleagues to leave quickly, now is not the time for jokes.

"After God Ishtar is sent back to the heaven, we will find other relatives to join, but during this time, please pay attention to yourself.""

"...well, see you later, Elsa. 35

After knowing the relationship between the dark faction and the Ishtar family, everyone understood that a choice had to be made.

Should I go back and take on this responsibility with God Ishtar? Or should I leave now and wait until the turmoil has subsided in a few days before finding a new family to join?

All made the exact same choice at about the same time.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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