I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 139 Loki almost drooling

Although there were some small episodes in the process, Loki still got his wish to turn Aisha Bellka and Sanjo No Haruhime into his family.

"Sure enough, these two children are really good."

Looking at the data printed in his hand, Loki secretly rejoiced that he had made the most correct decision.

"Isa's strength and dexterity are at B, durability and agility are at D, and magic power is at E. The strength is close to the peak of Lv.3, and it only takes a little accumulation to continue to move forward."

"And Haruhime."

Loki is most concerned about this child's data.

【Name: Sanjo No Haruhime



・Strength: 19

Durability: 130

Dexterity: 110

Agility: 130

·Magic: E401


"Million Hammer":

・The level-up magic can only be activated on one person and cannot be used on oneself. There is a certain interval after the magic is activated.


"Fox Magic":

・Magic effect increase

・Increase the consumption efficiency of mental power]

It can be said that the ability value is simply 650 without any qualities, or even bleak.

However, the degree of perversion in magic can completely eliminate the bleakness of personal ability.

This magic is so perverted.

The gold content of the words "level-up magic" is a bit too high, so high that Loki couldn't help his heart beat faster.

Although this magic has great limitations, for example, it can only be used by one person, and it cannot be used continuously. But the value of this magic is too high to hold back, even if there are restrictions, it cannot hide its excellence.

But Loki also understood the huge problem with Haruhime.

There is only one level-up magic.

After the excitement, Loki also thought about arranging a magic book for Chun Ji.

"If this child can awaken other special magics, then this child will play a greater role in the front line."

"When the time comes, you can ask my mother if she has a magic book, and I will also get one for Haruhi."

Because Chun Ji only has a certain qualification in magic, and she also has the strongest auxiliary magic, it is absolutely right to continue to strengthen magic.

"Aisha, Chunji, how do you guys feel?"

Now the "Power Point" tattoo on the back of the two has become the appearance of Loki's family, but Loki also locked the "Power Point" of both of them. Otherwise, if someone who understands the sacred script sees it, there will definitely be a big incident.

"It's the freshness of freedom.""

Elsa felt free and relaxed for the first time.

She is not completely free and relaxed within the Ishtar family. Especially when she helped Chun Ji to be taught by the charm of Ishtar, she could feel that she was a bug that would be pinched to death anytime, anywhere.

But now it feels completely different.

Of course, Elsa is not someone who can accept a family casually, but the atmosphere inside the Loki family is really good. There are not so many intrigues inside, and there will be no unpleasantness between them like the Ishtar family.

"The atmosphere within the family is much better than that of the Ishtar family, so you don't have to worry about someone stabbing you in the back at any time.

"Well~ This is a rare advantage of my family. But don't look at the fact that they have a good relationship now, Finn, Riveria and Grace didn't look down on each other in the beginning.

"Did the three of them have times like this too?"

"It can be regarded as a way of disliking each other between races and races. You and Haruhi have just joined the family, and all you need to pay attention to is Bert's bad breath.

Loki directly diss a wave of his own arrogant wolves right here.

"That guy's mouth often offends people in the family. But you don't have to pay too much attention to that guy, as long as you get in touch with it more, you will know the hidden meaning behind that guy's stinky mouth." (bgaf)

Although the rants returned to rants, Loki still gave the two newcomers a vaccination in advance.

At least Loki knew that Bert's stinky mouth was unbearable for ordinary people, even if the arrogant wolf only expressed his concern.

As for the hidden meaning, Loki will not talk about it. As long as he has more contact with Bert, he will naturally understand after getting used to that guy's bad breath.

Aisha and Chunji nodded slightly, indicating that they had remembered.

"But you actually met that kid yesterday."

Yesterday, Loki already knew that it was the people of the Ishtar family who were eyeing Chun Ji, which led Aisha to take Chun Ji to a safe place, and then escaped to the base of a dwarf family.

But this was quite a surprise.

Unexpectedly, the little dwarf's child would even help at a critical time.

"By the way, Elsa, you said that kid used a magic yesterday to make you and the other families of Ishtar incapacitated?"

"Yes. 99

When it comes to this, Elsa's expression is obviously dignified.

"I and everyone else were incapacitated at the time."

"The guy of the same level as me has no resistance, and we don't even know when the other party used magic. 99

Loki is not surprised at all.

When they first met, she didn't even notice that the kid was sitting on the sofa, and she herself sat on the kid's lap without intuition. If the kid hadn't taken the initiative to remind her, she wouldn't even have noticed that there was such a person.

That kid's hidden techniques are amazing, and it's amazing to use magic without anyone noticing.

The key is the magic that the kid uses.

"Elsa, didn't your "abnormal resistance" react?"

Elsa shook her head slightly.

"The resistance didn't produce any response.

"I was seriously injured at the time, maybe it was because of the injury that I couldn't stand up. But the guy at the same level as me also had "abnormal resistance", and even she was easily attacked at that time.

"However, Lord Loki, I found that he did not use magic that caused anomalies.

"Well, I don't think so either."

Loki never thought that it was magic that could make adventurers incapacitated, and any abnormal state could be resisted by the development ability "abnormal resistance". But if the two Lv.3s can't resist, it means that the other party is obviously not using magic with an abnormality.

"Anomaly resistance can block most anomalies, as does the feeling of incapacitation you experience. ""

"But your 'abnormal resistance' doesn't work, which means that the kid isn't using abnormal magic. "

"So, here's the problem."

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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