I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 151 New XP for Loki's Awakening


Muteng, who jumped up from the ground, tied up Loki, who was about to rush over, tightly, and even sealed her mouth.

During the whole process, Bell just sat on the side without saying a word, which made Loki lose his temper when his anger rose.

The elf tree withered little by little, and the life force in the tree reversed little by little and entered Riveria's body, repairing the organs in her body that were damaged by the magic bomb at an abnormal speed.

Soon the elf tree was completely withered, except for the stake where Riveria was sitting, the rest of the parts had slowly become dry, and soon turned into a pile of black ashes.

Bell checked the physical condition of the "Nine Magic Princess" and confirmed that there were no follow-up problems. After that, he placed his index finger in front of the "Nine Magic Princess"'s forehead. Awareness awakens "Six Six Zero"


The magic of awakening is still very effective, and Riviria, whose consciousness is chaotic, is immediately awakened. However, because his consciousness was still in a state of chaos, it might take a certain amount of time to sort things out, so Bell released the god Loki who was bound by the wooden vine.

And Loki, who felt that he was released, immediately looked at the weak Rivilia, she hadn't seen such a weak Rivilia for a long time.

Immediately three steps and two steps, and then a jump, the target is Riviria, whose consciousness is chaotic.

""Nine Magic Princess", God Loki rushed towards you.

Bell's voice fluttered into Riveria's ears, making Riveria, who was chaotic, awake.

The body subconsciously listened to the sound, and the slight wind made Riveria turn her head subconsciously. Then she saw a pervert with a wretched face and a slap in the corner of his mouth rushing towards her.


At this moment, Riveria's chaotic consciousness was instantly awake.

Especially after the conscious Riveria immediately realized who the pervert was rushing towards her, Riveria immediately made the most correct judgment.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the salty pig's hand that was trying to grab something, and the other hand grabbed Loki's collar directly, twisting his body sharply, directly throwing Loki who had just rushed over. It hit the ground hard.


The sturdy body made a close contact with the ground, causing Loki to faint with a wretched expression.

Bell was stunned for a few seconds at this skillful movement.

"This throwing technique can be used to such a degree. Even when throwing, you know how to control your strength, so as to avoid hitting too hard and killing Loki God, it's amazing."

If this skill is not exercised to the extreme, it will never reach this height.

"It must be possible to achieve this level by regularly practicing this type of throwing technique."

Glancing at God Loki on the ground, Bell noticed that God Loki had regained consciousness, and his eyes were still swept towards the bottom of the skirt of "Nine Demon Princess".

Taking another look at the "Nine Magic Princess", the throw just now seemed to only make Chaos's consciousness sober, but it did not restore the alertness of the ordinary time.

""Nine Magic Princess", pay attention to the bottom of your skirt.


Rivilia, who was reminded, immediately lowered her skirt, and then she looked down and saw Loki's wretched face kept peeping at the bottom of her skirt.

Blue veins burst out on her forehead, and at this moment she really wanted to lift her foot and step on this lustful face.

However, considering that if she really stepped on it, this look would definitely look happier, Riveria couldn't help the urge to step on it, and hurriedly took two steps back.


Loki, who was lying on the ground, could really feel the disgusted look in Riviria's eyes, which was like looking at dirty things. That look made Loki experience an unprecedented feeling, as if he had awakened the brand-new XP system. The whole body is numb.

Hearing Loki's disgusting moaning, Riveria felt a chill and stepped back even more.

Although Riveria usually felt that Loki was very lewd when he was fine, but he had never been as uncomfortable as today.

Finn and Grace, who were standing farther away, looked a little embarrassed.

Elsa's face twitched as she looked at God Loki who was crazy over there. She was now very doubtful whether her original choice was correct.

"Cough, Elsa, don't look at Loki like this, she's serious when she should be..."

Noticing Elsa's fluctuating emotions, Finn quickly helped to explain, otherwise it would be troublesome for the two newcomers who just started to think that the main god of their family is a pervert.

Grace watched Finn explain the embarrassed look beside him and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Elsa's twitching face still didn't ease, but the regret did fade away. After all, she knew that the atmosphere inside the Loki Familia was very good, and there was nothing to regret just about this.

"Captain, Lord Loki... Does she usually have this kind of interest?"


There was some cold sweat on Finn's head, and he didn't know what to say to the question.

"She... just likes to play tricks more often.

"Loki is usually a bit lecherous, but her lewdness is more for fun...especially the more excited she gets when she sees the person being molested blushing.

But seeing Loki now, Finn always felt that Loki seemed to have awakened a very strange attribute, even more perverted than in the past.

Riveria, who took a few steps back, slowly returned to her normal state. She subconsciously looked at Finn and Grace who were standing in the distance with inquiring eyes.

But Finn was trying to explain something to Elsa, and Grace had already turned his head away, completely unable to receive the signal from his comrade-in-arms.

She didn't know what happened just now, and only had a vague memory of 0.5.

When she released the magic power to the surrounding enchantment, a strange feeling swept through her whole body, and the magic power that used to control like hands and feet went berserk, and even exploded directly in the body.

"Is the barrier's counterattack mechanism?"

"Then why am I still alive?"

After clarifying her situation at the time, Riveria was sure that her injury was serious enough, and perhaps even a panacea would definitely be able to treat her injury at that time.

But she is really alive and kicking now, and she doesn't even feel that her body is seriously injured.

Before Riveria could understand, a voice came.

"Please wait a moment, I will go and call the Lord God and Hephaestus to God.""

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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