I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 156 Some words I won't say, you understand


It is said that bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes. This sentence is the most appropriate to describe the current situation.

The Rocky Familiar belongs to the fact that everyone's great cause can't stand the toss, not to mention that this belongs to the whole Loki Familiar being roasted on the fire, and no one logical family thinks that it can be so tossed.

Everyone has their own purpose to become an adventurer, but once they are really engaged, their reputation will be gone in the future, and their career as an adventurer has come to an end.

In contrast, the Hestia family is not afraid of this situation.

Because there is only one person in the Hestia family, and this person is also the maker of Orari's best-selling product "Runestone". It is understandable for him to study such magic alone. After all, he is the only one in the family, so can't he study magic to prevent it?

In the end, the public "663" will definitely not be too heavy on Hestia's family with only one person. As long as the parties sign some responsibility agreements, it is estimated that the matter will be over.

After all, there is only one person in the Hestia family, so one person can threaten the adventurers of the entire Orari?

Even if Uranus said this, not many people would believe it.

On the contrary, as one of the best families of Orari, if the Loki family really wants to grow bigger, then there are too many people who believe in them.

The difference in status and status also caused the difference in the way Orari adventurers treat.

"no way."

Riveria also had a deep headache, and the boy in front of her was at least a hundred times more troublesome than Ace.

As soon as the topic came up, the threat to her and Finn was released directly.

If the other party dares to say such words, it means that the other party has the ability to do it.

Moreover, now that they are deep in each other's territory, she will not forget what was targeted just now. So if the trap is already prepared, do they really have room to fight back?

This made Riveria look at Bell with a lot of fear in her eyes.


The sound of Loki's foot lightly stepping on the ground broke the deadlock, and she herself regained her usual smile and took a step forward.

"Just kidding, don't take it so seriously?""

Of course Bell knew it was a joke.

"Of course, I know that the topic just now is just an attitude that God Loki hopes to get. But I hope God Loki understands, I am very clear about the topic just now, if I am the weaker party, then the Lord God and I will never be saved.

"So, I can only use the strongest attitude to face the topic just now. I hope God Loki will forgive me."

After the deadlock was broken, Loki naturally lost the aggressiveness just now, and she didn't care much about the rudeness just now.

When playing games, sometimes it is necessary to admit the advantages that the other party has, and the benefits cannot be hers alone.

Moreover, Loki also recognized what this kid said.

Once this kid was refuted just now, then she would never show mercy to this kid. Although it won't really put this kid to death, there will definitely be many unequal treaties signed.

However, the "death together" attitude that this kid put on just now made Loki give up that idea.

Because Loki knew very well that once he did this, this kid would definitely have the guts to smash her family into blood.

"Yes, I already know that you are good enough.

Loki waved his hands depressed, then sighed and looked at his head.

"Finn, it seems that this kid is much smarter than you."

Bell objected to this statement, and before Finn could say anything, Bell directly denied it.

"Lord Loki, it's not that I am more shrewd than Captain Finn. If I just think from a shrewd perspective, I'm just a little bit cautious, and I'm far less savvy than Finn. long."

"It's just that Captain Finn has no way to retreat, which makes Captain Finn hesitate half a point in the confrontation.

"This half-point of hesitation determines that Captain Finn cannot be as careless as me.

Although these words were a bit of taking care of his face, Finn listened very comfortably, but he also admitted his failure after being comfortable.

"As you said, I really don't dare to put everything on me on the issue just now. The revival of the villain has always been on my shoulders, maybe no one asked me to do it, but this is indeed me Lifetime Goal...

"Faced with a problem, I can't bet on myself that everything is my failure, and there is no excuse for it.

After admitting his failure, Finn looked at the boy in front of him even more differently.

"Although you've only become an adventurer not long ago, you don't seem like a newcomer at all.

"Perhaps Loki's previous choice was not wrong, and that transaction may have been taken advantage of by our family."

At this moment, Finn felt that the alliance that Loki had decided before was too correct.

The stronger the young man in front of him is, the more valuable the transaction is.

Perhaps it is not just the value of the runestones, it should be said that the value of this young man is worth doing.

"So, here's my last question."

"Are you really a Lv.1 adventurer?" 5

This issue is really sensitive.

Neither Hestia nor Hephaestus spoke, just watching what Bell was going to say.

Bell has only one answer to this.

"Regarding my rank, all I can say is that I've only been an adventurer for less than a month.""

"I'm not someone who believes in adventurers at will, so I won't team up with any adventurer.

"And I am also a coward, and I will not choose to make a risky choice without a certain degree of certainty, so my choice is generally 0.5 in line with my current conditions.

"I will take the risk first to ensure my own safety."

"I remember that I was still accumulating on the fifth floor a few days ago, and now I have advanced to the tenth floor.

Go directly to the tenth floor to accumulate "ability points" without any team formation?

A rookie adventurer who has only been an adventurer for less than a month can actually enter the tenth floor alone, and the tenth floor is still within the definition of "adventure" as considered by the parties concerned.

This time it wasn't just Finn. Except for Chun Ji who was a little confused, everyone else in the room understood the meaning of these words.

Those words just now were very roundabout, and they didn't mention their own level, but they were explaining their personal level inside and out.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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