I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 170 Atmospheric Loki

The time came to the next morning.

Finn came to the Hephaestus family with 1.58 billion phalis.

"Well, it is indeed 1.58 billion phalis. 35

An inspection by Hephaestus herself.

"Finn, didn't Bell say yesterday that it's just a - deposit?"

After all, it is a large order of nearly 1.6 billion. It is enough to pay 100 million fales as a deposit, and the rest can be paid after delivery.

Who knew that Loki directly asked Finn to send it with the full amount of money.

"'It's better to just pay than to delay,'' Loki said this morning. So I didn't just prepare a deposit, and took the full payment of the order directly.

The smiling Finn wasn't very against Loki's idea either.

The deposit is a guarantee given to the seller and also a guarantee to the buyer.

But Finn didn't think there was anything wrong with the teenager from the beginning, and it was okay to pay the order in advance.

"I'm in favor of that.

"Trust is mutual, considering the long-term deal in the future, the current deal is just the beginning. Building trust and goodwill is necessary for this relationship, but Loki should not think so.

"Well, Loki's words really don't look like she thinks that way."

Hephaestus also knew that Loki would not have so many thoughts, especially when the transaction object was Hestia.

"Although Loki will have some conservative ideas about others, it is only when he is facing Hestia that he will not have such ideas."

"Just like Loki's attitude towards Hestia is complicated, Hestia's attitude towards Loki is also very complicated. The two used to fight each other, but they were just fighting. Just messing around.

Loki didn't think about the consequences when he faced Hestia.

However, Hestia is not the kind of person who would take advantage of Loki, and she really did such a shameful thing. It is estimated that Hestia also knows that she will not be able to look up in front of Loki in the future.

So Loki was very relieved and gave the full amount directly.

Just because Loki knew that Hestia was definitely not someone who didn't do anything with money.

In a sense, these two people can be regarded as people who know enough.

"Finn, you've worked hard enough."

Hearing this, Finn also had a helpless smile on his face. Most of the members of the family were very personal, and he was the only one who could deal with these things when he went out.

"God Hephaestus, is Tsubaki there?

'Well, it's the old place in the backyard, go by yourself. ""

"thank you very much."

After the Hestia family purchased a lot of supplies, the next issue that Finn needed to consider was how to solve the payment of the "not bad" weapons.

He made a special visit today not only to send all the money, but also to discuss the payment time with Tsubaki.

Before the official start of the expedition, he had already made plans to take people to the dungeon to clean up.

Thinking of this, Finn's turning movement stopped, and he turned to look at Hephaestus again with a request.

"God Hephaestus, could you please help me ask if the space pocket can be obtained soon?

"Recently, our family's actions have been a bit big, and we need to spend a lot more money. Now our family has to plan to settle the account on Tsubaki's side first, and we need to collect some materials in the dungeon.

The amount of material collected is very large.

The magic stones that were not collected before may have to be dug out from the corpses of the monsters this time, which is also a big project.

But now is not the time to pick and choose, after all, the financial chain of the Loki Familiar is really tight.

No matter what the method is, it is definitely the best to make money, even if the workload will be quite large.

Therefore, Finn wanted to get the space pocket in advance at this time.

With that space item, the number of trips to and from the dungeon as a group can be much less, and the efficiency of making money can also be improved a lot.

"no problem.

"I'll tell you later when I send the money over. Those runestones don't need to be packed in so many pockets, at least half of them can be taken out.

For a more accurate matter, Hephaestus couldn't help agreeing directly, mainly depends on the progress on Bell's side.

・・・ Flowers 0・・・

Of course, Hephaestus fully believed that part of the space pocket could be used first.

"Then trouble you.

After Wei Wei bowed, Finn went to the backyard to talk to Tsubaki about the delayed payment.

After confirming that Finn had left, Hephaestus looked at the entire amount of 1.58 billion Pharis placed on the ground, raised his right hand and tapped the table lightly, and all the gold coins disappeared.

"This thing is really useful.

Raising her right hand and looking at the simple silver ring on her middle finger, Hephaestus couldn't help but sigh.

It's not that she doesn't know how to build space props, but it requires special materials to build, and there are limitations in scale if it is to be used to stabilize the space.


Due to material and technical problems, Hephaestus had never made such space props in the heaven.

"Those magic words are really versatile, and they can even play a role in making this kind of thing."

There are not many gods who master similar space powers, but even if the gods personally create it, it is almost the same as the space props made by Bell.

"Then let's go there later in the evening."

Hephaestus had such a guess before. After all, the function of the magic word she knew was too omnipotent and too broad, just like her cognition of "Royal Thunder" was the same.

"Isn't the magic word change mastered by that child also a product of power?"

"Bell should be in the dungeon by now.""

However, the reason why Hephaestus didn't talk about this issue was because she noticed that magic words need to be compiled before they can be used, and it is very difficult to use, which is quite different from power.

In fact, it is too much to consider that one person is in power.

PS: For collection...for flowers...for evaluation 5.

Even Hephaestus, who had already put his mind on the child Bell, did not think that one person could have two powers with magic as the skin at the same time.

Hephaestus shook his head slightly, how could there be such a good thing in the world.

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