I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 174 Welf's Perseverance

"Then, Miss Aegina, I'll go first.

After saying this, Bell's figure gradually disappeared in front of Aegina.


This sudden scene made Aina startled.

"Mr. Bell?"

He tentatively shouted, but no sound was heard in the room.

Eina subconsciously glanced at the location of the door, and suddenly her pupils shrank suddenly.

The "in use" sign that was hanging outside just now is still hanging inside.

"Have you left?"

This made Aegina stunned on the sofa for half a minute before slowly recovering, then lowered her head and looked at the red runestone in her hand.

"Is this what Bell-kun said just now to hide the aura that people around you don't notice?"

This effect really surprised Aina.

She had been staring the whole time, and Bell just disappeared in front of her.

I didn't hear any sound, I didn't even feel it, but the person who was in the room just now disappeared.

"That's really...a really amazing thing."

"No wonder Mr. Bell said it was the last device for safety."

In the beginning, she didn't help Bell in return for anything, but she didn't expect Bell to grow so fast, and it has only been a month since she made her debut in Orari.

"It's obviously a boy younger than me, but I didn't expect this boy to do this."

Aegina had been a little uneasy about the dark faction before, but the runestone in her hand gave her a great sense of security.

Although I don't know what Orari will become in the future, at least Aegina knows that she is safe.

And this sense of security is felt from a younger boy.

Bell, who left the guild, was not noticed by anyone, the crowd is really a very good place, and it is rare to be found in the crowd.

Bell went directly to the Hephaestus family according to the cautious temperament in the past.

Not the storefront, but the family land of the Hephaestus family that went directly.

The Hephaestus family is much more low-key than the Loki family, but after entering it, you can hear a lot of beating sounds.

Bell didn't even glance at the guard at the door, and went inside.

The fingers slid gently, and a subtle wave swept through the entire He (bgaf) Festus family.

"found it."

Bell directly locked the position of Hephaestus' god, and walked directly to the specific position.

"Welf, are you still holding on?"

The voice of Tsubaki, the head of the Hephaestus family, caught Bell's attention.

The bold half-dwarf was now teaching an adventurer who knew that he was a newcomer at a glance.

The red hair shows his rebellious character, and in fact this person is indeed very rebellious.

Welf Crozzo, his ancestor was blessed to obtain the power of the fairy because he saved the fairy, and has the power to create a magic sword. And Welf himself is a person who can create a magic sword, and can also exert this power to the extreme, but he hides this power because of his philosophy.

"Your ability to create a magic sword is more exquisite than mine, why do you insist on it?

Pile doesn't quite understand Welf's philosophy.

The magic sword is a product that can replace magic, as long as it is swung, magic can be released. It is a weapon that many adventurers seek. Even though the magic sword has a limit on the number of times it can be used, there are still a large number of adventurers rushing to it.

"It doesn't matter if you don't make a magic sword. 35

"Isn't the popular runestones in Orali recently claiming to be able to replace the magic sword? Compared with the magic sword, more people should choose to buy runestones, right?

Tsubaki also had a headache when he said that.

"Although it's the same thing, the power of that runestone can only be compared to that of an ordinary magic sword, and it's still a lot worse than the most advanced magic sword."

Welf didn't really care about that.

The power of that runestone is indeed very strong, not only is the price very cheap, but its power is not inferior at all.

Moreover, the price of materials required to forge a most basic magic sword is at least one million fales, and the forged magic sword can be sold for at least 2 million fales as long as it has a certain power.

But those runestones can easily reach that level of magic sword.

Even the price is even cheaper.

"The most advanced magic sword has a certain gap with runestones, but the basic magic sword has been completely replaced by runestones.

"And the commander, even the power of a high-level magic sword may be similar to the power of dozens of runestones bursting at the same time."

There was a gleam of excitement in Welf's eyes.

The appearance of the runestone really surprised him, and at the same time, he was very happy to see such a situation.

But in this way, the magic sword will be replaced by runestones?

Then replace it, Welf is more happy to see such a situation.

If runestones continue to be popular in Orari, the days when runestones can replace the magic sword will not be far away.

The positioning of runestones is a consumable item. Welf still agrees with the positioning of runestones, and even thinks that it is definitely not a bad thing to replace the magic sword with runestones.

The magic sword is actually used as a consumable item. Since the appearance of runestones can replace the magic sword, doesn't this just fit his philosophy?

More importantly, the explosive power of dozens of runestones is indeed no less than that of a high-level magic sword.


Tsubaki looked at Welf with a headache, the destructive power of dozens of runestones combined is indeed not inferior to some high-level magic swords, but the magic sword also has advantages that runestones do not have.

"How many runestones do you think you can carry? Do you think it's easier to carry runestones or to carry a magic sword?"

"Perhaps dozens of runestones can match the power of a high-level magic sword, but you should also consider the space that adventurers can carry.

"Besides, the high-level magic sword is not shattered with a single swing of a knife, which is also incomparable with runestones. 99

Of course, Chun tried very hard to persuade him, but the parties did not agree.

"Captain, then do you think the person who made the runestones would not know this?

"He must know, and he must not have taken out a more powerful runestone, otherwise, the runestone can absolutely replace the magic sword. 99

Welf's stubborn remarks gave Tsubaki a headache.

She didn't know what Welf said just now, but wasn't it out yet?

"Your thinking is really twisted."

"Runestones can be regarded as consumables, can't you also treat magic swords as consumables?"9

And Tsubaki's words also made Welf's eyes instantly become extremely sharp.

"Captain, I definitely don't think the magic sword is a consumable item, and I can't accept that the magic sword exists just to be smashed."

Chun has heard this statement many times, and she has persuaded it many times, but this newcomer is still so stubborn.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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