I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 176 The Three Talismans

The right face of Hephaestus is no secret to many gods.

In order to avoid unnecessary attention, Hephaestus still wore a mask even though the right side of her face had returned to normal, and she would definitely be stared at by a group of gods.

"I'm not Loki, Freya, they like to be in the spotlight.

"Even if the right side of the face recovers, the only people who know about it are you and Hestia.

Not even the Hephaestus family has discovered this.

"God Hephaestus, I didn't expect you to like hiding as much as I do."5

Bell really didn't realize that God Hephaestus had such a hobby.

Hephaestus, who heard this, rolled her eyes slightly helplessly.

"Don't put the thoughts I don't want to expose on the same plane as the hiding like yours."

"I just don't like the status quo that the "683" people know so much about."

It is difficult for the gods to have more changes, so any change in the gods will attract the attention of all gods.

Hephaestus was very sure that once her situation was known to the gods, there would definitely be gods who would fix their eyes on her, and then investigate the reasons for her changes.

In fact, this is no longer an investigation.

Just look at who she is in constant contact with.

If the past has not changed, then completely deny the people who have contacted in the past, and then investigate whether there is a special person among the new contacts to get the answer.

Therefore, whether it was for herself or for others, Hephaestus didn't want to be known about the recovery of her right face.

Seeing that Bell still looked incomprehensible, Hephaestus sighed slightly, reaching out and pinching the cheek of the slut.

"Tell me, why did you suddenly find me here?"

Speaking of this matter, Bell was still a little embarrassed, and he still took the words of God Hephaestus seriously.

It's the "blessing" thing.

It was also because of the blessing that Hephaestus had left on his face, and the sudden change of Hephaestus' attitude that made Bell feel like it wasn't a joke.

After all, is it necessary for the gods to joke about this kind of thing?

You must know that the god Hephaestus is the god of craftsmanship, not the god of beauty.

There's no need to do this on purpose to tease him.

So, that "Blessing of the Goddess" may not be a joke.

"Huh? What's the matter? Slipped over to me quietly and couldn't speak?

Hephaestus probably knew what Bell was thinking, and it was obvious that she had given too much stimulation before.

But the reaction is rather interesting.

"Cough, God Hephaestus, today I mainly made some things, which are life-saving things. 99


As a god of craftsmanship, Hephaestus knows too well what life-saving things are.

Solid equipment is the best life-saving thing, but such things are generally only words that their craftsmen can say.

And Bell is good at magic, and what he can create is runestone.

So obviously, there was some expectation on Hephaestus' face.

Bell's facial muscles twitched slightly, and he reminded Hephaestus a little.

"God Hephaestus, this is just a small fabrication.

"So, what is it?"

Hephaestus knew that the magic words mastered by this kid could definitely come up with a lot of tricks, and what he could come up with this time would definitely not be simple.

Bell took out three talismans under Hephaestus' expectant eyes.

It's just that Hephaestus' over-expected look in God's eyes really made Bell feel that what he brought out was a little shabby.

"It's just three specially made talismans, please God Hephaestus don't expect too much.

However, this statement did not affect Hephaestus' expectations at all.

In the past, all the runes made by Bell were all runestones, but it is really rare to become a talisman today.

"How did you make a talisman?"

"It's because of the trouble of carrying runestones. I haven't done anything like amulets in the past, and no one will suspect that it's something I made."

It turned out to be waiting here, Hephaestus nodded knowingly, she said how Bell made the appearance of a talisman, and there was no magic text on the talisman.

Look at the words written on these three talismans. They are very ordinary, not sacred words, but ordinary words that everyone can understand.

"Turn", "Hidden", "Replace", the three characters are written on the three talismans respectively.

Bell picked up the talisman with the word "Turn".

"This is a talisman that can be teleported in a direction. It takes a certain amount of time after using it before it can be used again. I also wrote the text on the amulet that can absorb the gathered magic power. After using it, don't worry about it, it can be used again after an hour. Use .99

Then he picked up the amulet with the word "hidden".

"This is a talisman that hides my aura and existence. Just like I usually do, after using it, I can hide my aura and sense of existence. Even if I meet someone, it will not be cracked. There is also time to wait after time. There are also letters that can gather magic power on their own.

"The above two talismans can be used actively. It only requires Hephaestus to drip his own blood. When you want to use it, you only need to use a little divine power to react."

"Reaction to my powers? That's interesting insurance."

The reason for this is obviously to avoid being used by anyone other than her.

Without hesitation, Hephaestus took out the regular needle from the drawer and pierced her finger, and then smeared her own blood on the three talismans.

It was obvious to the naked eye that the three talismans stained with blood were quickly absorbed, and the white brocade on the outside soon could not see any blood.

Suddenly, the "replacement" amulet that had never been introduced had a slight connection with Hephaestus after absorbing the blood of Hephaestus.

The slightest connection was very weak, but Hephaestus still felt it.

She 0.5 picked up the amulet with the character "for", looked at it carefully, and immediately felt something strange.

Normally, the gods in the lower world will start the forced repatriation technique after being fatally injured, and the gods who are in danger will be forcibly returned to the heavenly world.

She looked up at Bell in slight disbelief.

If this amulet is put out, no matter what the price is, those gods will go crazy.

"Amulet for death? Even this kind of weird thing can be made? No, what you made can actually have an effect on the gods.

This little pervert doesn't know the value of this talisman, but she does.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

Hephaestus' breathing could not help but quicken.

But this "death for death" amulet is very strange, it can take the mortal blow on behalf of the gods.

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