I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 182 The Second Heroic Spirit Card

After three hours of sword meditation, the turbulent waves in Bell's heart gradually subsided.

"Finally calm down."

The kiss of Lord God and the kiss of God Hephaestus still had a great influence on him.

Bell can now calm down and look at the update of the "model month system".

Yes, since he crossed to Lv.2, the "Moon System" has been further unsealed and updated.

Bell has long known about this.

[The model month system has been unblocked and a complete update has been carried out. 】

Bell had heard the prompt when he was promoted.

It's just that he absorbed a lot of gifts at the beginning, and continuing to draw cards would cause the problem of imbalance on his body, so he temporarily put aside the issue of unsealing and updating the "Moon Moon System".

Now that everything outside has been dealt with almost, and even the strength after the promotion has been stabilized for a certain period of time, it is almost the same to continue to consider the card draw.

No matter what kind of dress is drawn, Bell will be improved. The higher the star's dress, the greater the effect.

Of course, the role mentioned here refers to those practical and useful dresses.

"Let's take a look at the unblocking and update of the model month system."

The heart 16 gods threw themselves into the Xingyue system, and soon the unblocking and update prompts that had been idle for many days resounded in Bell's consciousness.

[The first-stage unblocking of the system is completed. 】

[Confirm to collect all one-star and two-star gifts and start the system update. 】

[Has entered system 2.0. 】

[The rules are updated:

1. Gifts other than consumables will not appear in the card pool after being drawn five times.

2. Unlock the four-star and five-star costumes in the concept costume pool.

3. Open the Heroic Spirit Pool to unlock the one-star, two-star, and three-star Heroic Spirit Pool.

4. The heroic spirits drawn from the heroic spirit pool can choose the concept of spirit base.

5. The cost of the gift pool is increased (10,000 phalis/draw).

6. The cost of the Heroic Spirit Pool has been increased (100,000 Pharis/draw). 】

The updated instructions are very simple, almost all of them can be read by people, but from these words, Bell has tasted that the "Heroic Spirit Card Pool" is a pit.

Each draw of the concept dress has changed from the previous 1000 fales to 10,000 fales. Although the price is ten times more expensive, it is still within the acceptable range of Bell, but the 100,000 fales of the Heroic Spirit Card Pool is drawn. Can be too expensive.

The reason why the heroic spirit pool is so expensive is also obvious. It is estimated that the heroic spirits in the card pool will appear "UP↑", and the probability of heroic spirits appearing is relatively high.

Of course, it's just a little higher than the concept gift pool.

The greatest existence value of the "Heroic Spirit Pond" lies in the fact that "the concept of the spiritual base can be selected".

You must know that the heroic spirits drawn from the ritual pool before are randomly removed when the concept is removed, and the heroic spirits drawn from the heroic spirit pool can be selected and removed.

From an uncontrollable direction to a controllable direction.

It's just such a simple change, adding a new function, but the price has soared tenfold.

There is no doubt that the "Heroic Spirit Pond" is a huge pit.

But Bell also knew that he would definitely step into the pit of "Heroic Spirit Pond", after all, it was really fragrant to choose the concept to remove.

If you are lucky enough to draw a heroic spirit, you can basically choose which concept to strip off the heroic spirit.

"Then, let's start with the ten companies of the Heroic Spirit Pond."

Ten in a row was just one attempt by Bell.

Although he was very greedy for the "Heroic Spirit Pond", Bell's mind was also very clear, the tenth company was 1 million phalis, and he couldn't stand it for more than a few times.

[Nine Characters Kending*3, Elixir of Rejuvenation*1, Unarmed Shinji-kun*1, Extra Spicy Mapo Tofu*4]

"My Nima!?"

The first nine characters Kansada Bell can understand, but the follow-up 6 draws are simply killing him.

"Extra Spicy Mapo Tofu" is definitely a consumable item. Even if you smoke more than 5 pieces, it will continue to appear repeatedly, and the elixir of rejuvenation is also a dress that will appear repeatedly.

This counts, 5 out of 9 draws are waste draws.

Bell forced a deep breath and continued to let himself watch.

I have seen the 9 draws, but I still missed the last draw, and I don't know if it is shipped.

Looking at it almost without any hope, Bell saw a golden card that hadn't been opened yet.


"Really shipped!"

What that gold card means Bell knows better than anyone else, and this is the signal that the Heroic Spirit has been drawn.

Bell quickly stabilized his mind and controlled the hand to open the last golden card.

A star appears on the golden card, which means that this is a one-star card heroic spirit.

But Bell is not very disappointed, the one-star heroic spirit in FGO is relatively weak, but what he needs to consider is not the strength of the heroic spirit, but the strength of the skills that the heroic spirit possesses.

Bell then looked at the characters on the cards.

As the golden light faded little by little, the characters on the card also entered Bell's eyes, which made his pupils shrink sharply.


I saw the character printed on the card, holding a red longbow, black hair, and looking like he was going into battle lightly.

The name of this heroic spirit is Arash, and it is also called the heroic spirit of the great hero.

[Please select the concept of removal. 】

Bell, who had a system prompt echoing in his ears, responded.

When his eyes swept over, Bell found that even the Noble Phantasm was within the scope of the concept of removal.

"Even the Noble Phantasm can be removed by removing 697?"

But this is not a very surprising thing, maybe the Noble Phantasm of the heroic spirits are very good, but now Bell's first choice is the choice to make himself stronger, not the choice to let himself commit suicide.

Arash's Noble Phantasm "Meteor One", Bell would not choose even if he could choose.

People with few lives would definitely not choose this Noble Phantasm. Even if it was powerful enough to scare people to death, the price would be too high to scare people to death.

So the Noble Phantasm was skipped by Bell directly.

Soon Bell locked on one of Arash's skills, "Strongness".

Although "Clairvoyance" is also a very good choice, compared to "Jianshuo", it does not help Bell much at this stage.

A ball of white light slowly appeared on Arash's Heroic Spirit Card, and the Heroic Spirit Card quickly turned into ashes.

As an adventurer, Bell needs to reduce the damage to his body.

[Confirmation of concept removal. 】

[Begin to fuse. 】

"Choose Jianshuo."

With the prompt comes the pain of tearing the body.

In addition to increasing the armor, only Arash's "strong" can give him a great increase in defense and resistance to damage.

After the Heroic Spirit Card completely disappeared, the ball of light flew directly into Bell's body.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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