I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 185 Hephaestus who came to the door early in the morning

Early in the morning, Hephaestus sat on his bed in a daze, and even gave out a "hehehe" smirk from time to time, looking completely unlike the usual shrewd and capable main god.

Fortunately, no one saw this scene, otherwise someone would definitely be frightened by the current situation of Hephaestus.

"Knock knock knock!

The sudden knock on the door stopped Hephaestus' smirk, and she quickly patted her face so that she could maintain her normal state.



Knowing that the person outside was Tsubaki, Hephaestus did not immediately get up to clean up her state.

"Come in if you're alone.

Soon the door was opened, and only Chun was the only person who walked in.

Chun, who opened the door and came in, was stunned when she saw Hephaestus still resting on the bed. She remembered that Hephaestus had already woken up at this time.

"Maybe it's just that God Hephaestus was tired yesterday."

Tsubaki had already made an explanation for the actions of the god Hephaestus in his heart.

In fact, Hephaestus was also a little confused about Tsubaki's arrival.

"Tsun, why did you come here so early today?"

"That's right, didn't Finn come over yesterday to discuss with you if you can get the space pockets back first? Today, the Loki Familia sent someone to ask if they can get the goods?"

"Ah...I forgot."

It was only now that Hephaestus remembered what she had forgotten.

Finn told her about this request in detail yesterday, and she herself said that she would ask about Bell's pockets.

But yesterday she had forgotten Finn's request when she saw Bell.

Thinking about it now, Hephaestus also felt a little embarrassed, all of which were promised to others, but they didn't even ask. This approach is indeed a bit inappropriate.

"Chun, you ask them to go back first, and come and get them at noon."

Although Bell has not been asked this question yet, based on what she knows about Bell, the space pocket is definitely ready.

The last time Bell had taken out a bunch of fanny packs, Hephaestus didn't think it was unfinished.

"I see."

Tsubaki nodded and walked out of the room without doubt.

After Chun left the room, Hephaestus put on her clothes, and now she needs to go to the Hestia family quickly.

It was just eight o'clock in the morning, and Hestia and Bell were already up at this time, but they were still asleep today.

Yesterday, because of the concept of "strong", the body was remodeled once, which further improved the potential ability of the body, and even made up for the previous body's shortcomings in durability and strength, but the body was also seriously injured.

Bell did not use Rune to speed up the recovery of the body's injury, but let the body recover from the injury by sleeping.

As for Hestia, it was entirely because she was worried about Bell's injury that she chose to sleep with Bell.

"As the Lord God, I can't share the pain with the child, but I can comfort the child's hurt body."

That's what Hestia thought.

But she doesn't have the special ability to heal Bell's body, she just comforts her soul, and then supervises Bell to sleep peacefully.

So how do you wake them up?

it's actually really easy.

The moment the barrier was passed, Bell who set the barrier woke up immediately.

Carefully feel the awakened Bell and immediately relax.

The visitor is an acquaintance.

It's just that Bell is also wondering about a problem.

"Why did God Hephaestus come over so early in the morning?"

Although not very understanding, Bell still intends to get up.

Glancing at Lord God, who was still holding his head and fell asleep, and the unusually warm sphere on his face, Bell only felt that his heart rate had inexplicably accelerated a lot.

When a special rune appeared, he turned Bell's space and made Bell stand beside the bed.


After getting out of it, it becomes much easier to control the mood.

In fact, Bell is not against sleeping with Lord God, but every time I wake up, I can't stand the face-to-face treatment.

Looking at the sleeping goddess, Bell tidied up his clothes a little and went to the ground.

But not long after Bell left, Hestia, who was still sleeping, opened her eyes.

Sitting up from the bed, she blushed slightly as she watched where Bell left.

"Bell-kun is an idiot.

When he came to the ground, Bell saw Hephaestus walking in for the first time.

Hephaestus also saw Bell at the same time, and just a glance showed a slight smile on her face.

Looking carefully at Bell's clothes, there are still many folds, and there are some messes on the head, looking like he just got up.

"Bell, so late... just woke up?"

Bell was a little embarrassed. He seldom overslept. After all, he was always aware of the dangers in this world.

"Well...something happened a little bit yesterday, and the workout took a little longer. 35

"Hey~ something happened a little~"

Hephaestus couldn't help but become interested. She was very interested in what happened to Bell yesterday.

After all, when it comes to what happened yesterday, isn't it about Bell coming home after being kissed by her?

Noticing the look on Hephaestus' face waiting to see the show, Bell couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

"It's really a training thing."

Although it's okay to be misunderstood at this time, Bell still doesn't want to misunderstand him in that direction.

"At night, a little effort hurts my whole body, so I slept a little more today."

Hephaestus' complexion changed slightly, and he quickly stepped forward and put his hand on Bell's shoulder, and simply checked it with divine power.

The results of the examination made her slightly relieved, Bell's body was healthier than she had imagined, at least there was no worry in that aspect now.

After relaxing, Hephaestus reached out and pinched Bell's face hard.

"You have ample opportunity to move forward, so you need to pay special attention to your own safety as you move forward, understand?"

PS: I slept for nearly a whole day after hanging up the water, and now my head is still dizzy... I hope it will be better tomorrow.

PS: You really have to pay attention to keep warm, or you will really stay in the hospital for a long time like me.

"You don't need to be in such a hurry for things like getting stronger, right?

Bell, who was pinched on the face, was slightly startled, and he subconsciously looked into the eyes of the god Hephaestus.

"You have the conditions to move forward, so why rush it for a while?"

"It's okay, why are you working so hard?"

Even as a blacksmith, she understands that strength is not achieved overnight, this fool even wanted to achieve it overnight, and said that she worked hard at night.

"I understand."

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