I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 187 Hestia's Regression

The love between the goddess and the children of the lower world can really be said to be a tragic wish.

This is the sadness of longevity and non-longevity.

At this time, only non-longevity species can evolve to the level of longevity species, otherwise this sad wish will always be a sad wish.

Because this is a situation where there will eventually be a lack of one, it will be very painful for both the goddess and the children of the lower world, so many goddesses will not be easily tempted.

Coupled with the "unchangeable" nature of the gods themselves, there is a saying that "the temptation of the goddess is forever".

Maybe for Hephaestus, her heartbeat is really fast, but isn't the encounter that the gods seek the product of such a hurry?

Such an encounter that makes the gods heart-broken, how can there be any length of time?

In fact, Hestia herself did this.

In fact, her heartbeat was not much longer than Hephaestus.

So, after hearing Hephaestus say "that's why I put my future on Bell", Hestia's angry brain has calmed down.

"Aren't you just kidding?

Even though Hestia was still very angry about Hephaestus' poaching against her, she could hear that Hephaestus didn't mean to play with her on purpose. 16

"Do I have to joke with you about this kind of thing?"

This sentence made Hestia nodded unconsciously.

She can be considered to have been in contact with Hephaestus for a long time, and she naturally knew that Hephaestus would not be able to do such a thing if she was not serious.

And Hestia also knew that the reason why Hephaestus had such an idea was that she had a high probability of promoting it herself.

"Betting on the future..."

Hestia pursed her lips unhappily, but what could she do in this situation?

It can only be said that her luck was so bad that she ran into a best friend who was eyeing her own child at the same time.

And she also gave a silly push beside her.

"Okay...I can forget about your affairs with Mr. Bell. 99

No matter what, there is no way, after all, the heart of the goddess will be endless, so Hestia will be so protective of Freya.

Now Hephaestus is completely unstoppable.

"But other goddesses must not join in!"

If it was the child of the lower world, Hestia would not be very worried.

Bell is the child destined to be attached to her, and it is destined that Bell's future will never stop halfway through.

So the children of the nether world and Bell will eventually become unrelated.

However, the children of the lower world are not a threat, but the existence of the same goddess is a great threat.

"Of course.

Hephaestus naturally held the same attitude towards this point.

She's fine and doesn't want to block herself, so keeping Bell from being targeted by other goddesses is definitely something you need to pay attention to.

Hestia temporarily put down that unpleasant mood, and admitted that Hephaestus, a smug cat, was helpless.

After all, she is really familiar with Hephaestus, and she knows what Hephaestus is like.

If it wasn't serious, Hephaestus wouldn't have done such a poaching thing.

And if Hephaestus is serious, then it will not change because of any of her words and attitudes.

So, from the very beginning, Hestia knew that once it was confirmed that Hephaestus wasn't joking, all she could do was admit it.

But the other goddesses must be on guard.

Hestia had no intention of letting other gods intervene in her relationship with Bell.

It's just that the words of the two goddesses made the contested Bell a little helpless. He really wanted to say to the two goddesses—

"I'm really not that attractive."

Bell knew that he had the qualifications to keep moving forward, because the "Moon Type System" helped him supplement his own deficiencies, and even gave him the support to keep going.

But this support is not his attraction to the opposite sex, other gods may only be curious about his attitude.

But Bell knew it was better not to say these words.

As for the idea of ​​forming a relationship with other gods, Bell has never really thought about it, so when he usually goes out, he will be very cautious, just to avoid contact with the beauty god Freya.

Even though she knew that Freya had been eyeing him now, as long as she avoided the chance to meet, the beauty god would only stay at the stage of "curiousness" towards him.

As long as the time at this stage can be maintained for a longer period of time, if he grows up long enough, the problem of the God of Beauty is not something to be afraid of.

After all, there is still too little time to grow.

There is too much self to hide.

Just when Bell was slightly emotional, Hestia suddenly remembered a question, and she looked at Hephaestus strangely.

"Hephaestus, what are you doing here this morning? Don't tell me, you're here to seduce Mr. Bell?"

Hephaestus glanced at Bell, blushing a little at the thought of her near miss, but soon her face returned to normal.

"It's just that the emotions are in place.

"It's not like Bell just said something happened to him, and I wouldn't be in such a hurry to check."

"If I hadn't rushed to check... if I didn't have the right line of sight... I wouldn't suddenly have that kind of thought..."

After speaking, Hephaestus' voice became smaller and smaller, even to the extent that Hestia couldn't hear it.

But that didn't stop Hestia from being sure that Hephaestus didn't come to piss her off, at least.

And part of the reason was because Hestia knew 700 things about Bell's physical condition, and if Hestia thought about it in this direction, you could think that Hephaestus might have done the same thing as her.

This made Hestia gasp.

"Then why did you come? 35

"Not because of that 1.6 billion order?

Only then did Hephaestus reveal the purpose of this visit.

"Finn came to my side yesterday and paid the full amount of the order.

Hephaestus knew the reason and explained it.

"Hey? I paid the full amount?"

"After all, when the Loki Familia will continue their expedition in the future, they will definitely place a big order on Bell's side."

Hestia's eyes widened, the large order of 1.6 billion is not a small amount, but Loki has paid all of them, and it is still under the condition that the goods are not ready.

"It's just to build initial trading trust.

"However, because they took out such a large sum of money at one time, it also made the funds on Loki's side tight, and now they need to go to the dungeon to earn some of the funds back."5

"So, Finn came to ask me yesterday if I could take out some space pockets first, so that they can go to the dungeon to collect materials and drops.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

"Knowing that this is the case, Loki naturally wants to establish some trusting relationship."

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