I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 190 Freya, who restrains her thirst for knowledge

The news of the Loki Familia's announcement of a "war game" against the Apollo Families spread throughout Orari the next day.

And this news naturally reached the ears of the beauty god Freya.

"It's Loki taking the initiative to come to the door again.

"War Games" is a rare pleasure for the gods of Orari, but this kind of pleasure is not of great interest to Freya.

She was more interested in the reason why Loki attacked the Apollo family.

"Otah, have Loki found out why he attacked Ishtar?"

Not long ago, Loki organized a crusade against Ishtar's family, and even Ishtar was sent back to the heaven.

But Freya didn't think it was because of the dark faction.

To be honest, Freya didn't think Loki would do thankless things.

There must be a reason behind this that made Loki have to act.

Of course, this question also silenced Ota who stood behind the beauty god for a long time.

Freya smiled slightly, as if she didn't find the real reason behind it.

"It seems that there is a certain purpose behind Loki's actions, and she is still trying her best to hide this purpose.

This result was like the Loki she knew.

"The inside of the Loki Familia has also blocked the news these days?"


Ota bowed his head slightly, if it wasn't for the news that the Loki family had blocked the news, he wouldn't have been able to completely investigate the reason why Loki God acted like this.

Freya looked at Ota with her head down with interest.

"It's interesting to see you doing bad things occasionally."

"My God, please forgive me."

"Heh~ Don't worry so much about success or failure, it's interesting to see your calm state of mind fluctuate when you have such an experience occasionally."5

Freya was naturally not very concerned that her child did not investigate the secret behind this matter, and she was not without guessing the answer.

"It was Hestia's child who gave Loki the idea of ​​attacking Ishtar."

"And Loki's attack on Apollo came after Loki and Hestia recently met.35

"Didn't you also investigate that Loki took her three children to Hephaestus, and although Hephaestus was not found, he entered a special area and disappeared? 99

Ota's eyes slightly fluctuated.


"After that, Loki God and Finn also suddenly appeared from that area."

"According to Hedin's observations, the area around that area has been carefully arranged, and you need to walk in to confirm the situation inside. 39

The corners of Freya's eyes raised a slight arc, didn't this capture some information?

"And then, what about that area?

"Yes, it is the most marginal wasteland of Orari. It is a ruin left over from the past, with low value and no extra value that can be developed.

"Where did you buy that land?

"The purchase was commissioned by the god Hephaestus, and the attribution is the god Hestia. 39

"It sure is.

Freya knew that behind all of this was the child she had overlooked.

"That kid really likes to hide.""

But that kind of hide-and-seek Freya doesn't hate it either.

Although it was a little naive in terms of games, such games made Freya full of interest.

This special child has only met once, but now Freya has an uncontrollable curiosity.

"Lord Freya, do you need to go in and explore?"

Freya held her chin and thought for a while before shaking her head slightly.

"forget it.

"That child is much more interesting than I thought, but now that child has assembled a considerable circle of influence, casual friendship is not what I want to see.

Freya is still more curious about Hestia's children than anything else.

Freya was very concerned about the first time she was wrong, but she was only a little concerned.

Not sure that Hestia's child is the other half she's waiting for, she won't have much action, and some things can wait until it's confirmed before it's too late.

And the current situation is not a situation where she can easily start.

"At the same time, he attracted Hephaestus and Loki, and Hestia's relationship with the gods, which attracted many gods together."

"If all the gods are provoked, Uranus will send me back to the heaven next, right?"

Unlike other gods, Freya is very aware of the bottom line in Uranus' heart. Once this bottom line is exceeded, Uranos, who will not interfere in the gods' game, will immediately end the game.

.....for flowers 0....

And that's what Freya didn't want to see.

In addition, her charm may be able to confuse other gods, but whether it is useful to Uranus is unknown.

That great god, Zeus and Odin are generally the earliest and oldest gods, and many situations cannot be measured by ordinary gods.

So the last thing Freya didn’t want to touch was the bottom line of Uranus.

"That child must not be so easy to break in when he is prepared, and that magical text contains some special things."

"People who don't understand the situation break in, maybe they go there and never return. 35

The runestones Freya brought back last time had also done a more detailed study, but the result of the study surprised her even more.


The "reason" contained in those magic words is really unusual.

That runestone is not so much a product of magic, but rather a product of "reason".

The magic power contained in the runestones is very rare, but the power displayed by such magic power is stronger than that of ordinary magic swords.

Is this reasonable?

From Freya's point of view, if it weren't for the "reason" in it, the runestone would not have any power.

If you can understand the "li" of the characters in the runestones, you can reproduce the power of the runestones.

But even so, Freya couldn't understand the "reason".

It's like "Ri" is limited to special groups of people.

And this situation naturally reminded Freya of "power".

"No, that's not like power."

"That's power at all."

But it was because of this discovery that Freya became more curious about Hestia's children, but still guarded the bottom line.

The "unknown" fascinates the gods like an addictive drug.

But how many gods can still maintain the bottom line in the face of temptation and still restrain their desires?

I am afraid that only Freya, who has the strongest desire, can do it.

"Doesn't that make me more curious?"

Freya couldn't help but smile.

She restrained this desire, but she still had a great interest in this "unknown".

PS: For collection...for flowers...for evaluation 5.

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