I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 193 This is Sister Shi's knife!?

In any case, the Loki family and the Apollo family are officially at war.

Although all the gods knew that Apollo had little chance of winning this time, after all, he was fighting against the Loki Familia, who possessed the second force of Orari. Where is Apollo's opponent?

Apollo mentioned a lot of conditions at the meeting of gods, and Loki also said that only two family members would be arranged to participate in the war.

But this kind of unrestricted assignment of characters is the most excessive.

God knows which vassal will be sent by Loki, but it is certain that there will be one at Lv.5 and Lv.6.

So everyone has never questioned who the ultimate winner is.

Of course, this does not hinder everyone's enthusiasm for this game.

Even if the result is known in advance, the candidates sent by Loki can change the direction of this war game.

Different styles of adventurers naturally have different fighting styles.

So what the gods want to see is actually which two children Loki sent to kill this game.

Since there are people who regard this game as a carnival, naturally there are also people who don't take this game seriously.

That's what Bell said.

Bell entered the dungeon early this morning, and even the meeting of the gods didn't even care that much.

Compared with the meeting of the gods, he now cares more about the help "Jianshuo" gave him in actual combat.

So after getting up, he talked to Lord God and went to the dungeon.


A bolt of lightning quickly shuttled through the dungeon and entered the next level at an unparalleled speed.

That is, this lightning is covered up, otherwise adventurers who enter the dungeon will notice this lightning.

It wasn't until the tenth floor of the dungeon that the thunder and lightning suddenly stopped, revealing Bell's figure.

"Sure enough, the improvement is obvious."

Lei Hua is a usage method of "Royal Thunder" originally developed by Bell, which is a method that borrows from some anime methods.

This body incarnates as a thunder, so as to achieve the speed of thunder and lightning, and let its speed reach the real "divine speed" field.

The consumption of the magic "Royal Thunder" actually has a lot to do with how far the magic is used.

As long as the distance of using magic is closer to oneself, the less magic power is consumed.

But once you want to use some long-range attacks, the magic power consumed will increase exponentially.

So lightning is actually Bell's most commonly used combat method.

However, Leihua is so easy to use, and Bell is so commonly used, but it does not mean that there are no side effects at all.

If you use it for too long, it will cause some muscle soreness.

This is actually the same situation as exercise will produce lactic acid, and prolonged lightning will cause fatigue in the body.

Bell has had this problem before, so Bell has always controlled the boundaries of this fatigue, making the use of Thunderbolt more efficient.

Coupled with this, this is a problem caused by poor physical fitness, which can also be said to be some of the problems in Bell's earliest days. As Bell's physical fitness became stronger, the effect of fatigue caused by the use of Thunderbolt gradually became smaller, thus prolonging the time that Thunderbolt could be active.

Just before Bell's body was infused with the concept of "strong", his use of lightning to reach the tenth floor would cause his body to become a little tired.

But today Bell used Lightning to reach the tenth floor, and he didn't even feel tired, his body seemed to have just finished warming up.

"The great hero's physique is indeed a skill beyond standard."

Now Bell once again understands how exaggerated the concept of Heroic Spirit is, and the concept of Heroic Spirit really helps him a lot.

"The endurance that Jianshuo gives to the body has been greatly enhanced, and... I feel that the body is still growing."

With the exercise just now, Bell could feel a little heat in his body, but he also clearly felt that his body was growing rapidly.

It's as if the concept of "personal training" and "fitness" complement each other, almost accelerating his physical growth.

"Sturdy really makes up for my biggest flaw right now."

Bell has always attached great importance to the training of "ability value". After all, only after raising the "ability value" to the limit can he go further in the future.

Rune writing is the key to Bell's exercise of magic.

Lightning is the key to developing agility and flexibility.

On the other hand, sturdy is the growth of strength and durability.

Now all Bell's "ability points" have methods that can be specially trained and quickly improved.

In fact, basic combat can improve strength and durability.

It is a pity that after the battle, the improvement span of agility, flexibility and agility is greater than that of strength and durability.

After a long time, this situation has become the same as before it was upgraded to Lv.2, which requires special training in strength and durability.

Undoubtedly, this is slowing down Bell's growth rate, so even Bell's fighting style has changed slightly after the upgrade.

Reduced high-speed combat, and began to use skills as the main speed, supplemented by combat methods.

Sometimes you also need to deliberately rub damage to speed up the improvement of your physical strength.

"It's a good improvement, but the trend of my progress has changed, and I can't just pursue high speed like in the past."

Although the improvement in physical fitness has raised the field that can be achieved in the future, it will not change the way Bell plans to move forward.

High-speed combat is still Bell's deepest trump card, but normally Bell's main fighting style is runes and skill.


Bell exhaled slowly, and his slightly excited emotions were quickly calmed down.

Destined to embark on the road of comprehensive development of the pentagon, he also needs to maintain this delicate sense of balance at all times.

The "ability value" needs to be improved comprehensively, not unilaterally.

So, don't get emotional when you see your weakness being made up at this time.

Just as he was about to take out the "Nine Characters Kansada" in the four-dimensional space, Bell paused.

"Speaking of which, the nine characters Kansada seem to have already been assembled, right?"

When he was drawing the card yesterday, Bell actually just glanced at it, and then he was attracted by the last Heroic Spirit card, and now it seems that there is such a thing.

"Strengthen the Nine Characters Kensada."

[It will cost 1 million phalis. (Zhao's good)]

Bell, who had just harvested wool from the Loki Familiar, was not short of money, so he chose the confirmation form directly.

The four "Nine Characters Kensada" that had not been drawn out flew up and merged into the "Nine Characters Kensada".

The light shrouded the "Nine Characters Kansada", and soon the four cards were integrated into the blade, making the original 70 cm blade further grow to 100 cm, and even the "Nine Character Mantra" appeared on the blade.

"Nine Characters Kansada: The sword that the daughter of the root of another world loves to use, it has special characteristics because it is infiltrated by the root."

"Remarks: Grants special properties "cuts all things" and "not bad". "

Bell was silent for a moment after seeing the note.

"This...this is still the sword in the hands of the two rituals???"

Originally Bell thought that this was a concept weapon of "Nine Characters Kansada", but now it seems that it is not the same.

This "Nine Characters Kenting" is the one in the hands of the two ceremonies.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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