I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 195 Bell's Doubt


After sweeping through the tenth and eleventh floors, Bell also stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

After two layers of half-orc testing, Bell determined that the nine-character and the determination had really been perverted to the extreme, and the half-orc mace was like cream at all, and it was not even a threat.

"I should almost think about the next layer."

The tenth and eleventh layers were no longer a threat to Bell [neither half-orcs, orcs, nor the occasional young dragon put any pressure on him.

In fact, pressure Bell has not been able to feel it on the monsters of the tenth and eleventh layers since a long time ago.

In this case, what Bell needs to consider is not to stay on the tenth and eleventh layers, but to continue to advance deeper.

Standing at the junction of the eleventh and twelfth floors, Bell was still hesitating.

After all, he has a steady personality and likes to manage himself better so that he can challenge within the limits he can accept.

If you exceed your own limit too much, then this is not a challenge, but a search for death.

What Bell hates most is the act of looking for death without self-knowledge.

How strong the strength to do how much things, beyond the scope of their own strength do not participate in the way, this is the way to grow stably.

To challenge and take risks within the right range is a breakthrough to the self.

But if you exceed a certain limit, you are not responsible for yourself.

However, after nearly a week of precipitation, he was already qualified to move on, so at this moment, Bell decided to move on.

He was not going to go to the transfer station on the eighteenth floor at once, but was ready to wander around the twelfth floor for half a day, and then prepare to go to the thirteenth floor, that is, the middle floor.

Of course, Bell is not going to China today.

After all, in the stage of Lv.2, a person needs to be prepared to go to the middle level.

This is an important stage for adventurers, and the monster spawning speed in the middle layer is not as gentle as the upper level.

In this regard, the thirteenth layer is actually the second test for adventurers to continue to advance.

Only after passing the second test will the adventurer be qualified to go further.

Therefore, Bell will be more cautious.

With a sigh of relief, Bell walked to the twelfth floor.

After passing a long descending staircase, we officially reached the twelfth floor.

The eleventh floor looks like a small world, but the twelfth floor has returned to the appearance of a cave.

In fact, since the tenth floor, there have been no magic stone lamps in the cave for lighting.

Although the tenth and eleventh floors were shrouded in dense fog, the sky seemed very bright, and you could find a way forward without magic stone lamps, but the twelfth floor was pitch black.

Without the illumination of the magic stone lamp, it is much more difficult to find the way on the twelfth floor in the pitch black.

Using a torch at this time is the best way, but using a torch in such a place is really lighting a coordinate for yourself.

So Bell did not use torches, but let himself blend into the darkness, let his eyes adapt to the darkness, and slowly see the situation around him.


After seeing the surrounding situation clearly, Bell's face changed slightly, except for the entrance, this layer was really densely distributed with a large number of bones.

Of course, this is not a human bone, but a monster possessed by the twelfth layer, "earthborn man", which can also be called a skeleton monster.

The number of people is born of earth."

What Bell is more concerned about is that these earthly people are completely dry bones scattered on the ground, and the harmless appearance of people and animals is really easy to deceive people.

In addition, there are no magic stone lamps on the twelfth floor, and the light is not very good, and it is easy to make people unable to see what is distributed under their feet.

"Yes, this is really Hidetomi Yingzaki."

This arrangement reminds Bell of the dark souls of the past, and an old thief seems to like to play such an operation, inadvertently scaring you, making people jump at a crazy speed in the center of the game, and at the same time some changes in mentality.

"I can't see that these earthly people also have the potential to be the old 6."

Bell sighed wordlessly, holding the knife in his backhand, directly through the skull on the ground.


Just a knife penetrated the magic stone hidden in the skull of the earthly being.

And this sound of the magic stone breaking directly made the entire floor make a "click" sound.

0 Ask for flowers.....

Bell, whose eyes are accustomed to darkness, can see that the skeletons that were still in the same way as the old 6 before are combined one by one, and the reaction speed of this one is really fast.

Sensing the problem, Bell took a few steps back, and seeing those earthborn people looking in the direction of the shattering of the magic stone, he understood how alert these earthborn people were.

Just the slightest sound can attract the attention of the earth.

"These guys are also very sensitive to sound."

In this dark place, it is completely unaffected by darkness and has keen hearing and localization skills.

It's a hassle to play against such a group of guys in such an environment.

In addition to the characteristics of earthly people, there is another thing that Bell notices.

........ 0

"Just now, when the word was fixed, it was blocked by a skull."

Yes, the nine-character combination with the characteristics of "cutting through everything" has just lost the sharpness of cutting off the mace, and it is only because of its own sharpness that it can penetrate the skull.

"Obviously dealing with half-orcs has reached that point, how can such a skull stop the momentum of the blade?"

Bell didn't quite understand, but he had found the next earthborn.

Silently came to the back of the earthly man, still a sharp stab, aimed at the skull of the earthborn.

It was still a sword that ended the magic stone, and the earthborn people instantly turned into a pile of skeletons scattered on the ground.

After a successful stab, Bell quickly backed away.

After retreating to a safe place, he became even more puzzled.

"Strange, the knife just now didn't feel right."

Yes, Bell paid special attention to the knife just now, but he did not deliberately aim at the magic stone of the earthborn person, but this time he still hit the magic stone accurately.

Moreover, the knife just now has regained the sharpness it has been as sharp as dealing with half-orcs, as easy as cutting through cream.

It's like he knows where to easily hit a critical hit.

This strange feeling makes Bell feel more and more weird.

"What's going on?"

"I should be dealing with earth creatures for the first time, how can I feel so familiar?"

PS: Ask for collections.............ask for flowers.. ......... Ask for a price.

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