I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 231 Loki Watching The Play Was Shocked

Loki, who was still ravaging Hestia, heard the voice and shifted his gaze from the little man to the back.

Faith Toss was slightly different from usual, and the smile on her face was almost unstoppable. This surprised Loki to watch.

"These two guys. Is there something unclear?"

Faith Toss usually has a lot of contact with Loki, but it is rare to see such a happy look.

And is it normal for Faith Toth to look like today when she is happy?

This discovery made Loki temporarily lose interest in the little man, and let go of his hand and listened quietly to the conversation over there.

"There's a lot to do in the future."

"yes. The business of making a living is also a very important thing, and Loki God has paid all the money, and I can't fish at work. "One-two-zero"

In fact, Bell itself can push the order of the Loki family back, but now there is no way.

There are also a lot of things he needs to do in the future, and if he doesn't deal with it now, Bell doesn't know if he has the mind to turn back to deal with Rune's order.

"In addition to the order, the test also needs to be arranged as soon as possible. Otherwise, it may not be able to keep up with the progress of the Loki family expedition. ”

The experiment of the monster test is also a big problem, and Bell also needs to prepare in advance.

Bell felt a sore shoulder at the thought of so many things about herself, and he should not be able to rest for a while.

"Who made you squeeze a bunch of things together?"

Faith tapped Bell's forehead coquettishly.

"I can't help it, this time it's really bumped."

Bell helplessly touched his nodded forehead, he actually didn't want to squeeze things together, but the plan couldn't catch up with the change.

Fortunately, he usually has the habit of hoarding materials, such as the things in the order of the Loki God have actually been completed by him, but only the largest amount of attribute runes does not have so much inventory.

Although that thing is simple to make, there are really many orders that can't hold it.

"This time I also prepared less, and underestimated the demand for "attribute stones"."

"You have to go to the dungeon again, you have to exercise your ability points, and you have to complete Loki's orders, you have really had too many things recently."

Faith Toss doesn't hide her concern.

"I think it's better for you to control the time, finish Loki's order first, and then think about other things." If you go to the dungeon in this state, I doubt that you can come out of it?"

Bell smiled bitterly, he also knew that his life routine was completely disrupted, who let so much happen recently?

In fact, Bell didn't want to participate in the "monster sacrifice", which would save him a lot of time for the manufacture of runes. However, he did not avoid the "monster sacrifice", and also involved the affairs of Freya's family, and even had to think about how to deal with the calendar of Freya's family.

This made his already tense time even more tense, which is where Bell is more of a headache.

"HeFaith, I'll find time to rest after I'm done."

"I don't like to joke about my safety, and I don't plan to stay in the dungeon for the rest of my life.

The rest time must be taken out, and the time for investigating middle-level monster intelligence also needs to be saved.

For the sake of security, Bell has always been very concerned about the intelligence of monsters.

Of course, the physical problem Bell has also paid great attention to recently, even if he can not sleep for several days and nights now, he will still save time to sleep, otherwise his mental state will be absolutely unstable.

Therefore, in order to save a little time these days, I still need Lune to sleep assistance.

Headache, obviously used to not sleeping with Lune, but now I have to go back to work overtime for a while.

Thinking of this, Bell felt that his trigeminal nerves were uncomfortable.

Faith Toth shook her head slightly, laid her upturned feet flat, and patted her legs gently.

"Just sleep now."

"Loki and Hestia won't be like this............."


Hestia suddenly burst out of the side with her face puffed out and thrust straight between Bell and Faithtoth.

She looked at Faith Toss with a jealous look.

"Hey Faith, what are you doing?"

Faithtoth, who was caught, was slightly embarrassed, she originally thought that Loki and Hestia's personalities would be troubled for a while, but she didn't expect these two to end so quickly.0

"Ahem, it's not that I know that Bell is very tight after that, I just want Bell to sleep more."

This sentence made Hestia itch her teeth with sourness.

"So, you're going to let Bell-kun sleep on your lap?"

Faith Toss blushed a little, but refused to relax.

"It's okay, just let Bell sleep for a while."


It's like two people are fighting over who can get more.

"I thought that only Freya could do this kind of thing... No, that lustful girl Song has a strong desire for exclusivity."

This answer made the corners of Loki's mouth twitch, this good play is more interesting, but she really didn't expect this play to be so exciting.

Because such a scene is definitely interesting.

The statement that it was none of his business made Hestia and Faith Toss glare at Loki in unison.

"Loki, you shut me up."

As a person who doesn't think it's a big deal to see the excitement, Luji would like to see these two people competing for one person.

When facing Loki, the two were directly in unison.

"You two........ You can't play for real, do you?"

The smile on Loki's face, who was watching from the side, began to pervert little by little.

"She doesn't even play as much as you two."

"Tsk ~ little man, it seems that your child is not only staring at Freya, but even Herris Faithtos."

PS: Please collect... Ask for flowers: ......... Ask for reviews.

This made Loki look surprised, but looking at the demeanor of Hestia and Hector Faith1.4, and their delicate attitude towards Bell, an inexplicable thought surged in his heart.

At this time, she was 100% sure that Faith Toth and Bell had an unusual relationship, and this relationship Faith Toss did not even hide it, it was simply surprisingly bold.

But the two guys, Hestia and Faithtoth, looked completely jealous, and it didn't look like an exclusive desire but had a strong appetite.

"Yes! Loki, this is my business with Hestia, you shut me up. ”

Freya is notoriously exclusive, and what she fancy must be wanted.

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